Sequel: You're Not Alone.
Status: Finished.

Looking for a Lifeline


"So, Valentines Day dinner." Matt's hand rested on the small of my back as he walked up behind me "What.... what exactly is it?"

I laughed and turned in his arms, smiling as he pressed his lips to mine "Soup... sucky dinner but-"

There was a loud crash and the kitchen door flung open "CHICKEN NOODLE SOUP!?" Johnny shouted, from the sounds of it, a large group behind him.

I watched as his girlfriend, Lacey, walked in "Is this Corinne?" She smiled.

"Yes." I smiled "Is this Lacey?"

She laughed and walked over, shaking my hand "I've heard so much about you."

"I'm surprised he brought you over on Valentines Day." I laughed.

"You always cook good food on holidays." Johnny shrugged "You better be cooking a lot... everyone brough someone... and friends."

I rolled my eyes with a smile as Lacey picked up a ladle "I'll help."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"DON'T DO IT!" Zack ran in "Lacey, we value your life! Last time someone tried to help her cook-"

"Last time someone helped me, it was you!" I shouted at him.

"That explains nothing." He defended, placing his arms over his chest.

"YOU BUNRT THE FRICKING PASTA! Who burns pasta!" I shouted.

"You threw a clever at me!" He shouted back.

Lacey placed the ladle down carefully "On second thought...:"

"Don't worry, we don't allow her near sharp objects any more." Matt laughed. I sent him a glare.

"What do you think I cut the chicken up with? You have to break the bones." I smiled.

"Helllooooooooo lovey people!" Jimmy shouted as he enetered the kicthen "I have someone to meet you."

I smiled as a short brown haired girl walked beside him "I'm Leana." She stuck her hand out at me.

"She's dangerous." Zack said as a fake introduction.

I shot him a glare "Corinne, but Rin's fine." I smiled and shook her hand.

"Do you need help co-"

"DON'T!" Jimmy shouted "I love you too much..."

She gave him a confused look. Zack pointed at the slice in the wall "Clever, here..." He stood next to it "Me, here."

Leana stared at me "He burnt pasta."

"Oh well... I think I'll help." She smiled as Jimmy tugged on her arm pleadingly.

"Naw, Jim might have a heart attack." I laughed "You guys are more than welcome to stay and watch though."

"From a distance." Johnny held Lacey's arm.

"Behind bullet proof glass." Jimmy added "Oh, Zack, go get your-"

"LALALALAA! What? Who?" Zack shouted "I don't have anyone here that could potentially get hurt from a clever." He snorted and rolled his eyes "Jim, are you on drugs?"

"That's besides the point." Jimmy waved his hands at Zack "Now go get her, Corinne has the right."

"To what? Throw a bitcher knife at her?" Zack mumbled.

"Zee, it's a butcher knife." Lacey giggled.

He glared at me "Not with her."

I laughed and turned back to the boiling chicken stock on the stove "Do you need help though? Because we don't burn pasta." Leana walked over to me.

I shrugged as the guys left, Zack walking in talking to someone "I don't mind."

"Quick intro, then run for cover ok? Corinne, Hanna, Hanna, Corinne. Ok? LETS HIDE!" He smiled, tugging on the blonde girls hand. Her eyes were a sparkling blue underneath her blunt bangs. Her frame was thin, she was almost the same height as Zack. They were cute.

"Wait wait, I want to say hi." She laughed and turned Zack around "I'm Hanna."

"Corinne." I smiled "You cook?"

"Eh, eh." She smiled "From what I've heard, you're a superb cook."

I smiled and twirled a spoon between my fingers "Yes, yes... I am." I laughed.

"Red Queen, how nice." Zack rolled his eyes, tugging on Hanna's arm "Can we leave before she turns on us? Please? Clever, me." He pointed back at the spot in the wall.

"Why haven't you retards gotten that fixed yet?" I asked "By the way."

"Because, Zack likes to brag about how he survived a close encounter." Brian walked in "I'm not afraid of you. This is my date, Jackie."

I smiled as I looked her over. Dark brown hair past her shoulders, green/blue eyes that were glued on Brian's, about... five feet seven inches, significantly shorter than Brian, and smaller by far.

"Hey." I smiled "Corinne."

"I've heard all about you, you're really a topic with these boys." She laughed and shook my hand.

"Really?" I smiled, winking at Brian "I'm so honored."

"No, we're honored to know you Rin." He laughed "You feed us, clean our house, do our laundry..."

"Dude... never admit that again." Lacey laughed "That's not cool... laundry? You poor girl."

I shrugged "You get used to it after a while. But," I pointed at the girls in the room "I don't do sleep over laundry."

They laughed "Ok, I'll remember that." Jackie laughed.

"Ok, so you guys can either go sit with the dudes, or sit and watch. Zack's right I-"

"I KNEW IT!" Zack shouted "She'll throw a clever at you, come on Hanna." He tugged at her arm again.

She rolled her eyes and waved to me. Brian kissed Jackie's temple "You risking your life to cook again?"

She giggled "When don't I? See you later." She gave him a one armed hug as he walked out, leaving the other two girls in here too.

"I feel so betrayed that Zack doesn't trust me." I laughed.

"CLEVER, BITCHER KNIVES!" Zack shouted from the other room.

We all bursted out laughing.
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