Sequel: You're Not Alone.
Status: Finished.

Looking for a Lifeline


"So, how long have you all been together?" I asked as the girls and I sat around the living room after dinner, the guys had migrated to the garage to play pool and darts.

"Jim and I've been together.... two months." Leana smiled.

"Yah, same with Johnny and I." Lacey nodded as she took a sip of her beer.

"A week." Jackie shrugged.

"Almost a month." Hanna gave Jackie a look "What's with the shrug, kiddo?"

"I dunno." She sighed, running her hand through her hair.

"Rocky?" Lacey asked "Brian's a tough guy to get along with."

Jackie laughed and shook her head "We get along but... I dunno, I feel like some plaything, y'know? Like he's not serious at all."

"Well... he is Synyster Gates." Hanna shrugged "But I'm sure he likes you, a lot. I mean really, you two were staring at eachother the entire dinner. Zack had to throw a fork at his head to get his attention." She giggled.

"Yah but.." Jackie muttered "I dunno, whatever. So, how was everyone's Valentines Day?"

"Great." Lacey smiled "Johnny took me to the movies."

Everyone continued with their conversations, but Jackie seemed distracted. I stood up and took her hand "C'mon, chica. Let's talk." I smiled and brought her outside.

"About what? Did... did I do something wrong?" She asked.

I shook my head "You're pretty new, new to all this madness." I laughed as she nodded "Brian likes you, he never brings a girl home until they've been together.... well... I wouldn't know, he's never introduced me to them. Oh no, one." I smiled.

"Oh?" She asked, sounding hopefull.

"Yah, Michelle. They'd been going out for two years and I hadn't met her, only her twin, Val. Matt's ex." I shivered a little "What I'm getting at is, he must like you. He brought you here, on Valentines Day of all days, and he wasn't obligated to do it because his girlfriend's sister had already been here."

"OH.." She said again.

I laughed "He brought Michelle after two years, and it was at Christmas, only because she came with Val."

"Why'd they break up?" She asked "Because they aren't together... right?" Her face changed to fear.

I rested my hand on her's "They broke up because she found out Matt was cheating on her sister, that Brian knew, and he didn't spill."

"Wow... he's a good friend for Matt." She laughed.

"And me." I mumbled.

"What?" Jackie asked, titling her head to the side "I thought-"

"Yah well, we'd had a fling and shit and it doesn't matter." I sighed "Regardless, he likes you. One week is a big step, ok giant leap for Brian. And it makes me feel honored," I placed my hand over my heart "Because he actually asked my oppinion of you." Her eyes widened as she nodded "Of course I love you, you know how to score a chicken breast!" I smiled and hugged her "And make rocking garlic bread, because I can't even make it that good."

She laughed "Four years of culinary school pays off."

"Smart ass."

We looked up to the door, Brian was standing there, leaning against the frame "I'm so glad you two are getting along. Because..." He pointed at us "If you don't, sorry Corinne, you're going." He laughed.

I bowed "Don't worry Mr. Gates, I love this one." I poked her arm "I think we'll be awesome friends."

He nodded and blew Jackie a kiss before walking back in, shutting the door behind him. I saw her face blush lightly as she turned back to me.

"He doesn't like you." I shook my head as her face changed "I was wrong... he fuckin' loves you girl!" I laughed "Do you see his eyes? No, you love him, you're blind too." I smiled and jumped in my seat "AWE! I love seeing him so happy! Brian's been my best friend... for... like ever! I've never seen him look at a girl like that, even Michelle, and they got serious."

"But they broke up, that's what scares me." She sighed heavily.

"Again, it was my fault they broke up. Because her sister's boyfriend was cheating, Brian knew, and he didn't tell." I rolled my eyes "Unless you have a sister who's gunna take Matt from me, and he cheats on her, and Brian doesn't tell you, you're set." She stared at me "Don't worry." I patted her leg "He loves you, trust me."

She nodded slowly and a smile krept across her light pink lips "Thank you... I think we'll be really good friends, too."

I nodded "Well yah! We'll be the girls club! Brought together by our men!" I smiled "Speaking of men..." I looked at the glass door "Mine might be on drugs.."

Jackie laughed as she turned to look, covering her mouth as she doubled over. Matt had his face pressed against the glass, making faces against it as he smiled at me. He sprawled his hands above his head and dragged his nose down the glass.

"YOU'RE CLEANING THAT, MATTHEW!" I shouted and ran at the glass, smacking it hard. He backed away and rubbed a spot on his forhead.

I could hear everyone in the house crack up laughing. I took Jackie's hand "Come on, let's get in there before they burn the house down." I rolled my eyes as we walked in.

Matt grabbed my waist, kissing my neck gently as Jackie walked over to Brian and he pulled her into his lap.

"What'd you talk about?" He asked, his breath tickling my neck.

"She thought Brian was using her, I had to tell her otherwise. Cos he's not. The last girl he ever brought around here was-" I paused as Brian looked over at us.

"I heard my name, what'd I do now?" He asked, bouncing Jackie in his lap as she tried to hold a conversation with Jimmy, but we could all see she was lost. Noob! Haha.

"Nothing bad, Brian. But if you hurt this chick, I'll cut off your dick." I smiled and pointed at Jackie "I like her now. She is now family."

"Don't gotta worry, Rin." Brian pulled Jackie into his chest "I won't hurt her."

I smiled as Jackie looked up at me and bit her lip "Matt, stop lifting up my shirt." I laughed.

He stopped and turned me in his arms, pressing his lips to mine "I have more presents for you upstairs." He whispered.

"Let me put dinner away first, and then wait 'till the girls leave." I laughed.

"Not that kind of present." He kissed my lips again "They don't involve sex."

I laughed and nodded into his chest as I let everyone's conversations tune out, as I tuned into Matt's heartbeat under my ear.