Sequel: You're Not Alone.
Status: Finished.

Looking for a Lifeline


*Corinne's POV*

"So, how do you like being back?" Derek, one of my old friends from highschool, and my best friend Lea's boyfriend, asked.

"I love it." I smiled "How's Lea been? I haven't heard from her since I left."

He shrugged and sipped his coffee "She's good. How's Matt?" I smiled wide "Oh? That good huh?" He let out a laugh.

"We hit some rocks a few days back, but... other than that, things are good. I mean we haven't had... y'know... since Valentines Day."

"Cliche." He laughed "Valentines Day sex."

"You and Lee Bean always used to do that." I laughed as he blushed "Awe, is Der embarassed?"

"Of having sex with the most popular girl in school? No way." He laughed "I was so lucky to get her."

I laughed and placed my hand over his "No, she's lucky to have you. I swear you're gay but you're dating my best friend, so you aren't."

He smiled "Yah, I know. I'm pertty sensitive."

I laughed and punched his arm "Extremely."

"Fuck, sorry... excuse me."

Derek's eyes widened as he stared behind me "Speaking of..." He mumbled under his breath. I heard a loud crash and closed my eyes tight.

"Please don't tell me that's-"


"Matt..." I whispered, giving Derek a look as he laughed "Matt? What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I can't..." He looked at Derek with a weird look "Dude, get your hand off my girlfriend."

Derek gave me that look, the look that made my gut know he was going to make Matt's life hell. I inwardly prayed he wouldn't.


Shit. "Derek," I warned.

"Because she's my girlfriend?" Matt eyed him.

"Well she had no problem coming here with me today." Derek looked at me, winkng a little. Matt wouldn't have noticed it, he was too busy staring at me.

I stood up and Matt kept staring "Cori, I was so wrong to say that to you. I was the one pushing you away all those years. You were trying to get us to work, but... I was so blind, I wasn't used to having something so good in my life. Please, please, please give me another chance?"

I stared at him as Derek stared between us both "Matt..." I whispered.

"No, Cori... don't, please. No offense to you dude," Matt looked at Derek "But please, don't waste your time. I love you, I don't think anyone else could ever feel this for you." He placed his hands over his heart, making it look like he was holding something "I have never felt this with any other girl but you, Corinne. I love you, and I think it goes past love, because... you're so wonderfull."

"Ok, well that's enough of this, Corinne." Derek looked at me "We're through."

"Derek." I hissed.

"Cori." Matt whispered, reaching for my hand.

"OH GOD! Don't make him get down on all fours and beg, woman!" Derek shouted.

Matt gave him a weird look "What?"

"Hey, I'm Derek Ellis. Lea's boyfriend. Corinne said she needed someone to talk to that wasn't in your little circle of friends." He laughed as Matt stared "I know my boundaries, Corinne has been unspokenly your's since highschool, Sanders. You're stupid to think I'd try anything, anyone from her highschool days would know the consequences." Derek gave me a hug and pointed from Matt to myself "Work this out. Don't make him work too hard." He blew me a friendly kiss and walked out.

Matt stared at me "Cori?"

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair "It hurt, Matt. Thinking you gave up on me? I tried for over eight years, Matt, EIGHT years."

"I know, and I'm so sorry. I don't deserve you to even conside me, after what I said to you but-"

I rolled my eyes and pressed my lips against his "God shut up, Matt. For once, don't use your voice."

He smiled and kissed back passionately "I love you."

"I love you, too." I whispered with a smile as a woman walked up behind us with an angry look on her face.

I gulped, knowing what was coming as Matt's expression matched what mine must have looked like.