Sequel: You're Not Alone.
Status: Finished.

Looking for a Lifeline


*Corinne's POV*

Zack and Hanna were perfect. She forgave him, and he apologized almost everytime they were together. It was beyond cute.

Matt and I had been good for two months, but lately with tour planning and them taking small trips to the studio, I was becoming more and more wary about his late nights with the guys. He was hanging up phone calls as soon as I walked in the room, and usually right after them he was more... aroused than I'd ever seen him. I was chocking it up to paranoia.

Brian and Jackie were back on smooth sailing, they had a tough spot at the end of the first month but they were adorable. No one would let them stay mad at eachother, and they knew they couldn't. She was a real sweetheart. She'd be so upset over something she said wrong, that she'd cry for hours. Even if Brian wasn't even mad. She was such a sweetie. She was good for him, everyone saw it. It brought out a better side in him when she was around.

"Hey, what's on your mind?"

Speaking of...

"Not much." I smiled as Jackie sat down "Brian at the studio too?" I asked.

"Yah. They have osme girls laying tracks today or something." She shrugged "I figured I'd drop by and uh... see what you were up to."

"Nothing much. Just... chilling." I laughed "Why do you sound nervous?" I asked "Is he being a dick again? I swear I'll kick his as-"

"No no." She laughed "It's not Brian..." She looked at the floor, then slowly at me.

"What's the matter?" I asked "What... tell me. You know you can tell me, hun."

"But it's not Brian or Zack... or Jimmy or Johnny." She stared at me. The only name she left out was eating at my skin "Matt..."

"IS he ok? Is he hurt? What's the matter?" I asked, my skin crawling.

"He's fine." She smiled, shaking her head "Never mind, it's nothing."

I gave her a look and brushed it off, sometimes I wondered if she was all there, but none the less I loved her like a sister "So, what did you have in mind for today?" I asked.

"Girls day? Spa, nails, toes, clothes." She smiled.

"Yah lemme go grab my purse." I stood up and ran upstairs, hearing something vibrating from Matt and I's room. I laughed, that sounded so awkward. I walked in and saw his cell phone on his bed. I picked it up and looked at the screen. My heart nearly stopping in my chest.


I waited for it to go to voicemail and clicked on the icon when she left one. The number one thing on the list of You know you're a psycho girlfriend when you... is listen to their voicemails and read texts. But... I needed to.

"Hey babe, you wanna come out for drinks after work? I didn't want to say anything infront of the guys today, you up for a good time honey? Gimme a call back ok? I won't tell Mich, because she'll tell Brian and you KNOW he'll tell that skank. Bye baby." She made a kissy noise and hung up.

I felt tears in the back of my eyes and I put the phone down, marking the message as unread before I grabbed my bag and left the room. I wiped my eyes gently and walked down "Ok, ready." I smiled at Jackie.

She had just put her phone in her pocket "Ok."

I pointed at it "Hey, uhm... who was at the studio today?" I asked.

"Some blonde and brunette chicks." She shrugged "Sisters I think."

I gulped down hard, "Oh, Val and Michelle?" I asked.

"Yah, that's them." She smiled "You know them?"

I took a deep breath, he wouldn't... "Oh, yeah. Michelle's Brian's ex."

She gave me a look "I don't think Matt'd do it again." She sighed as I started my car up "Don't worry."

I looked over at her "Are you sure?" I asked, pulling out of the driveway.

"He loves you." She smiled.

I took off down the highway "She left him a message on his cell this morning. I broke the cardinal sane-girlfriend rule and listened to it." I reached out and turned the radio up before she could respond. I didn't want to think right now. I wanted to forget I listened to it, and go on as if I didn't know that I was the one he was playing now. I wanted to act like he would break his phone and call the cops since she called him and asked that of him. I wanted to make myself believe she was a dilusional bitch, and that Matt would have just deleted her voicemail without even thinking twice about what she wanted.

When you think something for long enough, you're bound to believe it...
♠ ♠ ♠
OK! So I know that thursday night I said I'd finish this, But, guess whose entire state is out of power yet again? HA! MINE!!! Ugh... so I only have internet when our generaot is on, and sometimes not even then. My mom is a totally bitch and like "You need to read this book. Get off the internet and read!" I HAVENT HAD ITNERNET IN A WHOLE ALMOST TWO YDAS SHUT UP BITCH!!!. omg. LOL So I'm trying to finish this within the 30 minutes I have until she bitches at me again :/

Lets all hope our power isn't out for seven days like last year!

xoxoxoxo Jb