Sequel: You're Not Alone.
Status: Finished.

Looking for a Lifeline


*Corinne's POV*

"Why are we going shopping again?" I asked as Hanna buckled herself, blowing Zack a kiss before she pulled out of the driveway.

"Because, the guys need a.... guy day. Alone. Believe me." She gave me a look, my heart faultered. "What? You're... you're giving me that face." She laughed "What's wrong?"

I shook my head "How was the celebration the other night?" I asked "Was uhm... who was there?" I asked.

"The guys, us girls, and a few other people." She shrugged, avoiding the other people topic. I nodded "So where to first? We're gunna have a nice long day." She smiled "Give the guys lots of time to... work on... guy things." She mumbled.

"I don't care. Somewhere.... with alcohol." I smiled over at her as she smiled. I wanted to be wasted, and I didn't want to go home. Ever again. Matt was too deep in thought yesterday morning, he gave it all away. Especially with six missed calls from Val this morning. Everything was clear, and I wasn't going to play games with my mind anymore.

He was screwing her, but little did he know that he was screwing our relationship over too.


*Third Person POV*

Across town, Hanna and Corinne were stumbling out of a bar, wasted to an extent. Not to forget everything, but enough to trip over flat surfaces. They hailed a cab, leaving Hanna's car to be picked up tomorrow by a more sober better-half. It was past midnight, and Cori didn't want to go home. Her alcohol coated mind was telling her to stay out and give Matt a taste of his own medicine, but she was better than that. She knew what'd hurt him more. And she was completely ready for it.

Back at the house, voices were loud, punches were being throw, and people were enraged. Matt had Val by the arm, trying to get her out of the house, against her will apparently. He did what he intended, and broke everything off with her. He didn't want anything to do with her, and he just hoped that Hanna could keep Corinne out of the house for a little longer. But since neither was picking up their phone, he was on edge about their arrival time.

Zack was pissed, Brian was trying to deck Matt to the floor in anger. Lacey nearly had Val in a choke hold as Jackie and Leana watched in horror. Jimmy was screaming at Michelle, who had showed up with Val to support her sister. It was World War Three if it ever could be. Val bitched her way away from Lacey and over to Matt, shoving Brian away with force that tumbled him backwards.

Val grasped Matt's hand, everyone glared at her. Matt shook his arm as if he was on fire. His heart rate was inhuman, he wanted her gone. Out of his house before Corinne came home.

"Guys!" Jackie shouted as she looked out the window "They're home!"

Everyone stopped shouting, heads slow as death turning to face Matt as he screamed at Val to leave. She refused. Lacey stood against the door with Leana, attempting to prolong their entry as long as possible for Matt to get Val the hell out of dodge. Giggles and stumbles could be heard as the two tipsy girls made their way up the stairs.

"OPEN UP! HELLOO!! It's us!" Hanna called as she opened the door "Why hello-..." Her jaw fell as everyone stared at them.

"Cori don't-" Brian stared but it was too late. Her eyes had met Matt's, with her buzz she couldn't tell what was going on, just that his hands were on Val's arms.

She threw her purse to the floor "I KNEW IT!" She shouted and pointed at him "You son on a bitch!"

"Cori-" Zack attempted but she cut him off with a scream, it was so loud everyone blocked their ears for a moment "Corinne, don't freak out. She's psycho, he's throwing her out."

Her hands made their way to her shoes, taking them off quickly "Yah, like you guys covered for him with me right? When he was cheating on her with me? You guys all lied to her, too." She spat at them, taking her coat off.

"Corinne..." Matt breathed as she walked by him "Wait," He reached his hand out, grabbing her shoulder.

"Don't. Touch. Me." She hissed and threw his arm off "All this time, all this time of saying I love you... never meant anything."

"Cori, you're drunk, just... stop." Brian sighed and took her arm "Just sit down."

Corinne glared at everyone and shivered "You're all liars! You're all sticking up for her just because... because you fucked her sister," She pointed at Brian "And you fucked her!" She glared at Matt "I trusted you! Now... Now it's all broken!"

"Cori listen to me," Matt started.

"NO! I'm done listening! I'm done trusting! I'm done with you!" She ran upstairs, the first door on her left. She opened it and ran in, leaving the door open as she heard everyone following her. The room was filled with people in an instant.

She climbed over the bed "Corinne, stop it." Jimmy breathed as she opened the top drawer, pulling out the pistol she said she'd never use. But she was drunk, angry, and ok with leaving. There was no reason to live, Matt broke her heart beyond repair.

"No, just listen to me." She loaded it with shaky hands and pointed it at the first person to walk towards her: Zack.

"Corinne!" Hanna shouted "Corinne put it down!"

"Back off." She hissed at Zack. He retreated.

"Corinne don't do it." He whispered slowly as she raised the barrel, shoving it against her temple.

"Corinne." Matt breathed slowly "I love you, you have to trust me babe. I was... she... nothing was going on."

She laughed "Yah right! I smelled her perfume on you the other night! The lipgloss on your cheek! That look in your eyes.." She curled her finger around the trigger "I want you to feel this. I want you to know how it feels to lose someone so far that you'll never have them all the way back, Matt. Because that's how I feel with you."
♠ ♠ ♠
FUCK! Wait, one or two more...