Sequel: You're Not Alone.
Status: Finished.

Looking for a Lifeline


"You really sould stay." Zack hugged me tight.

"Yah, because that sounds so fun." I rolled my eyes with a laugh as he pouted "If it were just you, me, Brian, Jimmy, and Johnny you know I would." I smiled "Buuut.."

"Matt." Zack sighed. I nodded "He's sorry, we just won't let him come near youto apologize."

"Sure." I laughed.

"Yah, he's lying." Brian placed his hand gently on my still bruised shoulder. "He won't leave his room, he's actually pretty scared of himself now."

"Believe me, I am too." I whispered, leaning into Brian's hug as they called my flight.

"CORINNE!" Jimmy shouted as he ran over

"Jim!" I shouted, hugging him both tight yet gently "I'm gunna miss you.."

"I'm gurna miss yous too!" He smiled "Oh... and Johnny will too. But he stayed home to make sure Matt didn't kill himself."

"What?" I asked, my eyes scanning everyone.

"Don't worry, we got it all under control." Zack winked "Sharp objects are locked up."

"Good." I half heartedly smiled "I'm gunna miss you goons."

"We'll miss you too." Zack pulled me into another hug "Be safe, ok? Call if you need anything, we'll fly out in a minute..."

"And call me when you tour around ok? I'll come watch you." I smiled, lying. I wouldn't, I'd avoid Matt at all costs.

Zack nodded "But really, we'll fly out if you get in trouble, it's only Texas."

I laughed "Texas." I nodded "I will, don't worry. First coyote in my yard and you'll be getting a call." I smiled as Zack nodded.

"YES YES! I will protect you." He hugged me tight.

"Ok ok," I laughed "I gotta go or they'll take off without me. I'm not that important." I laughed "I'm not a rockstar."

Brian rolled his eyes before sneaking one last hug before I walked through the gate. I sighed as the woman showed me to my seat. I sat down with a thud, taking out my Ipod and shoving the earbuds into my ears. I put it on shuffle and waited for a good song as the plane began taking off. I looked down at the parking lot as we began moving, I could see the guys walking outside.

I laughed as Zack faced the runway and waved like a mania. I put my face against the window and waved, hoping he could see me. I giggled and sat back, I really would miss them. Just not the one whose fingerprints I'd carry with me the next week or so...

I sat back just as Coming To Terms by Carplina Liar came through my ears.


*Bran's POV*

"So... she's gone." Zack sighed as we got into the car.

"Fucking shut up, Baker." Matt huffed.

"YOu should have seen how hurt she looked when we said you stayed home." Jimmy growled at him.

"Well... I couldn't watch it." He looked down as I turned the radio on "Fucking shut that off, Haner." Matt groaned.

"No. It's music, and we all need something to take our minds off this." I turned it up.

"Is this what youneed? Am I what you need? I'm coming to terms. Starting to learn, this ain't all it's cracked up to be. 'Cos I'm using yoiu, and you're using me. It's never as easy as we beleive."

I sighed "Ok, so what do we do now?" Zack asked, looking at me.

I shrugged "Live?"

"Uhm...." Johnny mumbled "How?"

"Oh come on, we aren't that dependant on her." I laughed, biting my lip.

"Who knows how to do laundry?" Matt mumbled.

"Corin-... Oh, yah.." Jimmy sighed "We can learn..."

"You suck." Zack glared at Matt "She might have stayed.... we could have talked to her, but no! You have to go and hurt her!" He shouted, turning around.

"HEY!" I shouted as Matt sat up straighter to argue "Sit. The. Fuck. Down. I need to concentrate, here. Corinne always drove around LA.. She liked to, she found the traffic fun.."

"I hate traffic." Zack groaned "She'd always find something fun to do, like a traffic game.."

"Yah." Jimmy sighed "She'd always make such good pancakes... and coffee... OH MY GOD!" He shouted.

I jammed on my breaks as a car stoopped in front of me "WHAT?!" I asked angrily.

"I don't know how to make coffee!" He shouted.

"FUCK!" Zack shouted "SEE?! We need her! CORINNE!!!" He looked up at the ceiling and screamed.

I smacked the back of his head "Pull yourself together, guys! Really... This is pathetic, if anyone knew you didn't know how to make coffee... or do laundry-"

"Or drive in LA traffic." Matt laughed a little.

I sent him a glare "Shut up!" I shouted "I'm with Zack, all. Your. Fault."

"You stagger your sentences... a lot." He pointed out.

"Corinne found it funny." I muttered as JImmy poked Matt.

"Jim! KNOCK IT OFF!" Matt shouted.

"No!" Jimmy shouted back "You made Rin leave!"

"No I didn't! She wouldn't have stayed anyways!" Matt shouted as they argued back and forth.

I groaned and rested my arm on the window, holding my head in my hand as traffic creeped along slowly.

"Did not!" Matt shouted.

"Did too!" Jim retaliated.

"Knock it off you two!" I shouted "You're acting like children!"

They looked at me "Corinne would have said that." Zack muttered.

"Yah well... she isn't here now ok? So just get over, stop blaming people. And just. Grow. Up!" I Shouted.

"Stop staggering sentences, and we will." Matt stuck his tongue out.

"Oh god.. Corinne put up with your bullshit... I might kill you." I groaned and turned my attention away from everyone and onto the road, damn traffic...
♠ ♠ ♠
Bahahahahahaa! I can sooo see this car conversation.... Idiots lol, children in adult bodies ;D
