Sequel: You're Not Alone.
Status: Finished.

Looking for a Lifeline


"So, here's the study," I held the webcam up and showed around the room.

"Dude fuckin' rad!" Zack shouted.

I was Skyping, for the fifth time this week, with the guys. Finally one of us had the brilliant idea of me walking around the hosue with the laptop and camera.

"Is that... us?" Brian asked as I looked to the computer, seeing a smile on his face as they all sat on the living room couch, yeah all of them. Matt was quiet though.

"Yeah, from Spring Break on Cabo." I smiled and zoomed up to the picture "PBR, yup."

They all laughed "Ok, now where all the action goes down." Zack shouted.

I pointed the webcam at myself and rolled my eyes "Yah, sure."

"Oh come on, we saw your desk." Jimmy winked. I blushed and held the camera to the hall as I walked.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"That dude with you in that picture? Cuddly." Brian said in a girly tone. I laughed out loud and spun the camera around.

"AHH!" Zack shouted "Ok, motion sickness here!"

I rolled my eyes again and walked into my room, it was clean, lavender walls with deeper purple around the top. My sheets were neon yellow, and my carpet was purple.

"Nice colors." Brian laughed as I set the laptop down on my bed and moved the camera around the room.

"I spotted him again!" Jimmy shouted.

"Ok, where?" I asked, setting the camera back up so it faced me now as I sat cross legged on the bed.

"Dresser, third picture from the end." He stuck his tongue out.

"Ok hang on." I pointed my finger at the camera and walked to the dresser, huffing.

"Heard that!" Zack shouted "Come back, don't leave! Oh, and we need a walk through on doing laundry.." He looked away as I sat down.

My jaw dropped "Don't... don't tell me.." I cocked my head "Have you done your laundry these past two weeks?" I asked.

"Uhmmm...." They all hummed.

I smacked my head into a pillow "Wow... I'm so honored to have enabled you guys."

"OK! GUY GUY GUY!" Jimmy chanted.

I sighed "What about him?" I bit my lip.

"Name, what's he doing in a picture with you, and why haven't you mentioned him before." Brian smiled.

I held the picture up to the screen and they all 'oohhh'ed at it "His name's Ben. This pic was taken in.... Dallas, when we went to tour the stadium last week. I didn't mention him because I didn't want to, mkay?" I smiled.

"Why'd you tour the stadium?" Brian asked as I took the picture away from the camera.

"He works there, and I might have mentioned that I like football..." I smiled.

"She's smiling... oh no... How long have you been going out?" Zack asked with a smile.

"A week, I met him in a coffee shop." I shrugged, we didn't have the best relationship ever... I could eat my own words, I'd take a broken heart any day...

"Awe!" Zack smiled, I could see Brian nudge Matt "When's the wedding? We better be invited!" Zack shouted.

I laughed "So, Brian, how's woman of the house?" I snickered.

"Not funny.." He glared at me.

I heard the door downstairs open "Listen, I gotta go-"

"But we've only just stared the tour of the house!" Johnny pouted.

"CORINNE!" Ben shouted angrily up the stairs.

"Rin? "Zack asked, giving me a look that even over hundreds of miles and over the itnernet read loud and clear he was concerned.

"I'm still alive." I smiled "Gotta go boys, bye." I ended the video call and shut my laptop just as Ben stormed in, fury in his eyes that I haven't seen in a while. I sighed.

"Who was that?" He asked "Was that them?"

"Just checking in, babe... they're old friends." I sighed as he sat down, my body shook a little.

"I'm sorry about last night... I was drunk."

I Nodded and pulled him into a hug. Words I've heard before, too many times... I hated karma, and she hated me...


*Brian's POV*

"I don't like the sound of that." Matt mumbled as he shut the computer off.

"Me either." I cringed "We should-"

"She'd kill us, and you know it." Zack looked at me "So..."

"So what? We can't let her get in trouble, what if-"

"She'll live." I sighed, cutting Matt off "She said she was alive, and she clearly is. WHen Larry books the next tour, we'll stop in Dallas. Schedule a few off days, ok?"

He sighed and got up, walking upstairs.
♠ ♠ ♠
bwooooooooooooo ut oh!