Sequel: You're Not Alone.
Status: Finished.

Looking for a Lifeline


I sighed as the warm shower water ran over my body. I ran my fingertips over the bruises on my arms, cringing at the pain. I grabbed my dark red wash puff and squirted soap onto it untill it was lathered up. I ran it over my body and set it down.

I tilted my head back and soaked my hair down, running my nails through my hair and massaging my scalp. There was a knock at the door.

"Mmm kinda busy." I hollered.

"It's just me." Ben called through the door.

I sighed "Yah sure, what's up?" I asked as he walked in, holding the telephone in his hands.

"It's for you." He pointed at the phone.

I didn't even look at him "I'm in the shower, who is it? I'll call them back."

"Never mind." He held the phone up to his head and began walking out "She's busy, she'll call you later."

I sighed and soaped up my hair and quickly finished, so much for a relaxing shower... I washed off and stepped out, almost slipping on the floor. I groaned and wrapped a towel around my body and brushed out my hair, it had gotten a few inches longer. I tied it up with a hair elastic and wiped off my smudged eyeliner, applying it again. I wondered to myself what the use was, it'd just be running down my face in a matter of minutes. I knew who was on the phone, and I knew what was coming now.

I sighed and washed my hands from the concealer I applied, and walked out of the bathroom. I glanced over at Ben as he sat angrily on the edge of the bed.

"So you gunna call them back?" He asked.

I took a deep breath and dropped the towel, feeling his eyes staring at my body as I pulled on whatever clothes my hands picked up first.

I shrugged "Yah, they're my friends, Ben. Of course I'm gunna." I turned to him as he stood up. Eat my words. I repeated over and over in my brain.

"You know I don't like you talking to them." He huffed.

"I don't like you talking to Beckah, either. But do I throw a bitch fit?" I asked as he took a step back "Yah, ok? So please, either stop being a jackass, or get out of here."

HIs face was shocked. As was mine. I had never ever in our three months dating, had I stood up for myself. I had always just sat there and took the shit, took the screaming, hitting, slapping, arguments about how I shouldn't talk to the guys.

"Well...." He paused "Fine then. I'll stop being an ass."

My turn to be even more shocked "Ok..." I paused with a smile, he had something up his sleeve, he always did "I'm going to invite them for a week, m'kay?"

He bit his lip, and I could see the anger he was supressing. Ben... Ben was possesive, a highly possesive person. I thought Matt was bad... But it was just Ben and I "Ok. I guess, it is your house."

I smiled "Good. So I'm gunna call 'em back, and schedule a flight down." I walked over and wrapped my arms around his shoulders "That made me so happy." I whispered.

I felt him losen up "I'm workin on it." He laughed a little as I walked out. AS I walked down the hall I could hear him mtutering curses under his breath. He wasn't doing this for any reason but to keep me from kicking him out.

I picked up the house phone and dialed the house number quickly "Hello?" Matt.

Screw it. "HEY! Do you guys wanna come down for a week?" I asked, practically bouncing in my seat. I couldn't deny it, I was more than happy. It'd been over three months since I'd seen them, Ben kinda... trashed my webcam... In one of his fits.

"Really? Serious... Wait, this is Corinne, right?" Matt asked, sounding equally as happy as me "What'd you do? Kill Ben and shove him in a trashbag?"

I laughed "No, he's doing better. We're working on things." I heard a sigh "So schedule a flight, man! I want you all down here ASAP!"

There was a laugh "Next week, monday, ten am, pick us up?"

"Yes! I love you guys, see you... I'm so happy." I smiled, it faultered as Ben walked down, his eyes somewhat happy yet... sad?

"Ok, bye Cori. Love ya." Matt whispered.

"Yah, ditto," I paused, waiting for it to kick in to Matt's brain "See ya'."

I hung up as Ben sat down "So...?"

"Monday at ten, we're gunna pick 'em up ok?" I asked, he nodded. I lunged at him and threw my arms around him "I'm so happy, Ben. Do you know that?"

"Yah, whatever." He muttered with what sounded like half of a laugh "I just..."

"Don't worry." I kissed his cheek, the first time I'd initiated a kiss in a month "They're just friends."

She's got a lot of pretty, pretty, boys. That she calls friends.

Ben rolled his eyes "Yeah, sure."

"Come on." I playfully smacked his arm "We need to go buy food. These guys can eat." I smiled and stood up "Thanks babe."

He smiled wide "Yah... no problem."
♠ ♠ ♠
Awe... is he really rtying though?