
Run Away

Gerard's POV

Frank’s parents and his parents were loading up the car coming in and out of the room. I was sitting on their bed watching them. My mind was screaming for me to just run all I had to do was run while their backs were turn. I could just go into the other room and call 911 I feared if I did one or the other, they would kill me. I no longer wanted to be here it wasn’t right I didn’t belong with any one I was too damn young to get married. I got up from the bed I went towards the front door to see them at the car. The car some ways from the room so I could easily just run I wasn’t tied down or anything.

Before I could even blink I ran, I had no idea where I was going, I just wanted to be far away. I could hear their voices I could hear Frank calling my name I wasn’t going to stop. I ran across the road into the woods I was way deep in the woods trying to find a way out. I could hear their voices barely. Frank kept telling me that I wasn’t in any harm but how could I trust him, his dad killed my parents they could easily kill me too.

As I kept running, I started to realize there was nowhere for me to run to it was as if the woods would not end. I just kept running until I got far away I finally stop, I grab onto a tree trying to catch my breath. Maybe running was a bad idea I had nowhere to go nowhere to stay, I had no idea where I was. Part of me wanted to keep running but the other part kind of wish I would have just stayed.

I could hear their voices calling for me my heart began to race I started to fear I had made the wrong choice.

“Gerard, please come back, “Frank’s voice yelled out.

My mind and heart was telling me to do two different things I could either keep running or I could just turn back and pray they wouldn’t be angry. Before I could make up my mind, I heard foots steps coming closer by the minute I turn around to see Frank by his self.

“Gerard don’t run, just hear me out. My parents are not angry with you; we are not going to kill you. Just come back with me, “He pleaded.

“Why should I? We don’t belong together I don’t even fucking know you. You kidnap me thinking somehow I was going to be your future husband I’m only fourteen years old. How do I know if I go back that your parents won’t harm me or kill me, “I said in anger.

“I know you may not think we don’t belong together now but in time you will see that we do. I could have pick anyone but I pick you because I like you, I promise we won't you harm you or kill you, just come back, “He pleaded once more.

“Fine I will go back, “I replied. I had nowhere to run. There wasn't a road anywhere. I could either keep finding my way and may end of dead or take a chance.

Frank smiled before turning around I followed behind him, I had no idea what he saw in me.
I wanted to just turn around and run away but there were no else to go. Ten minutes later we reach his parents I started to fear that his parents would be angry. His dad look at me I could tell something was going to happen.

"Don't worry you won't feel a thing, "His dad said before pulling out a needle. My fear kick in.

“No dad don’t, ‘Frank yelled but it was too late his dad done stuck me with it, my eyes became heavy. I look at Frank before saying,

“I hate you”