
Normal Life

Frank's POV

I wanted to jump out of the car. To run away to a different world. A world where I had normal parents, a normal life at that. This wasn't supposed to be my life, I wasn't supposed to go to strangers, kill them and then steal their kids. And worst make them become my husband. This was all my parents fault. They’re the ones who brought me into this, there was no way out.

I feel meet then one guy I like out of all the guys I took away from their house. And now he hates me. I don't blame him though, I hate me. I broke his trust; I took him away from everything. But this wasn't my fault, I didn't won’t to this. I wanted to have a normal life.
Before I knew we pulled up to another motel. Every motel we stayed at was all the same, just didn't states. Gerard and I went into our room away from my parents. I just threw my bags on the floor and lay on my bed. Maybe if I sleep hard enough I can dream into other world.

"Why do you want to help me? I don't get it; I thought I was supposed to be your husband. Now you want me to leave, "Gerard said. I could feel his eyes looking at me.

"I don't care anymore, I never have. You don't belong here, no one does. If I could I would have a normal life but I can't. If you want to leave then leave. Your best bet is to leave in the middle of the night, when everyone is sleep. My parents are heavy sleepers so they won’t hear you, "I replied while facing the wall.

"I have nowhere to go. I have no family left. So there's no point in my leaving, "He said.

"You have your grandmaw and your brother. So you have a place to go, “I replied while still facing the wall.

"Why do you want me to leave so damn bad now?, "He asked.

"I told you. You don't belong here. I want you to stay I honesty do, you’re the first guy I like, that I ever felt this way. But I know it’s not right, you shouldn't be force into this. I want you to have a normal life, “I said while finally looking at him.

"And you don't need to be force into this either. No one does. This is not life, this is hell. Please come with me. I don't hate you, I honestly don't. My trust in you is gone but I want to help you. Come with me, "He replied.

I just look at him I didn't know what to think. Maybe leaving with Gerard would be my only hope.