Status: New story. Gotta love Boys Like Girls!

Wicked Game


"Come on, Angela. It's time for us to head to the mall," Joe knocked on the door.

Even though Angela couldn't see, it seemed as though her other senses were heightened - just like Daredevil - the only difference was that she really couldn't see a thing.

Someone held onto her arm, his touch felt so gentle but careful at the same time. She stood up and grabbed her stick, letting Joe lead her downstairs.

"Now where do you think you're going, missy?" a familiar voice questioned, causing her to spin around to the direction of the voice.

"Daddy!" She felt a huge smile plastered onto her face as she reached her arms out for her father.

A huge arms swooped her up on her feet and she felt herself flying round in circles before her father grunted in mock horror.

"You're heavier than I remembered, sweetie," he inhaled deeply.

"I missed you," she replied, reaching out to feel the texture of her father's face.

His hair was shorter than it had been before and it seemed to be a little oily. Sharp nose and thin lips, his stubbles could be felt all over the chin area. Then, without any warning, she hugged her father once more, just to tell him how much she loves him.

Her father seemed to be taken aback at first but a moment later, he wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head with love.

The both of them pulled away at the same time. She knew her father had been crying because it showed from the clearing of his throat.

"You and Joe should carry on with whatever plans you have," her father's voice shook a little and another pair of arms rested on her shoulders from behind.

"But I want to stay with you," Angela insisted.

Her father would only be home for a few days before he flies back to Hawaii. This is the only time she would be able to spend her time with him.

"I promise we'll do whatever you want in the evening, okay?" her father spoke with patience. "I just need to do something important this afternoon and then, my time is yours for three days."

Angela felt her heart sink.

She was feeling that way because she knew her father's term of 'something important' usually meant that he has scripts to memorize or something.

Slowly, she nodded her head and put up a smile. She understood why he had to do it.

She felt her father give another kiss on her forehead before hearing him walk away in a hurried manner.

"You okay?" Joe finally spoke, gently massaging her shoulders.

As much as she wanted to cry, she wouldn't. So she nodded her head and gave her good friend another fake smile that hopefully looks convincing.

"Come on, the guys are waiting."

"It's your turn to pay for the booze, dude," Paul slurred, waving a bottle of Jim Beam in front of Martin's face.

"Shut it," Martin scolded and snatched the bottle away from Paul, placing it on the counter.

The girl at the counter stared at him, completely starstrucked while the boys were making dumb noises in the background as the girls with them started giggling for no reason at all.

"Are you okay there, sweetpie?" Martin decided to flirt with the cashier, reaching out to carress her hands.

He could feel the hair on her hand stand and he couldn't help but to grin.

"Enough flirting already! We need to head to the mall to get shits for our friends and family back home," John complained as he stood next to Martin, his arms around a girl who barely wore enough things on her.

Martin rolled his eyes and reached in for his wallet, taking out a hundred dollar bill and placed it at the counter.

"Keep the change, sweetheart," he winked at her and grabbed the plastic bags.

Bryan, John and Paul were all with a girl or two with them.

Before they were big in the music scene, no one wanted to be with them. Every girl he's dated laughed at him for being a dreamer. Now that he's known, everyone wants a piece of him. But they didn't want him for him, they want him for his money.

He isn't interested in dating anyone since his third heartbreak four years ago - who happened to be his high school sweetheart.

Instead, he decided to just let things go with the flow - now that his band is a huge success. Some girls he met on the road would sleep with him because of the fame. He didn't mind satisfying his pleasure without feeling guilty whatsover. In fact, he loved being a player.

There is a few good explanations for that. He just couldn't go through the cycle of vicious heartbreak anymore and he is pretty sure that every girl he meets just wants to be with him because of fame.

'I'm just not cut out for love', he thought sullenly.

He walked out of Walmart with his hands in the pocket of his black skinnies, ignoring the environment around him. Before he knew it, someone bumped into him causing him to stumble backwards.

"What the hell?" he cursed and glared at the person who ran into him. "Are you blind?"

Before him stood a red-head teenage girl who was wearing a normal turqoiseT-shirt and blue denims to match her baby-blue Converse lowcut. She seem to be carrying a long stick with her.

"Apparently I am," she answered with a small smile on her face.

His eyes widened for a split moment before he reached out for her.

"I am so sorry," he apologized sincerely. "It's my fault. I should've seen where I was walking."

She shook her head, her smile not leaving her face. She faced him though her eyes didn't look into his.

"Why do people always do that?" she questioned and he raised his eyebrows.

"Do what?" he asked, not understanding her amusement.

"Apologizing and insisting that it was their fault for not being more careful after realizing they've bumped into someone blind?"

Martin wanted to stare at her in disbelief but ended up chuckling instead. It was definitely unusual to see someone blind being okay with their defect - hell, it's even weirder that they're using their disabilities as a joke.

"That's more like it," she grinned after hearing him laugh.

"Are you lost? Do you need to get somewhere?" Martin found himself asking, not taking his hands off her.

She shook her head and started pointing in nowhere in particular.

"My friend is getting the tickets to a cinema. He told me to wait for him here," she answered.

He couldn't help but to frown. How is a blind person able to watch a movie?

Then he looked at her again, adrenaline pumping hard. Never has he gone out with someone with a disability. How different is someone like her compared to a normal teenage girl?

"I'm Martin," he introduced himself without thinking things through.

"Angela," she did the same though she extended her hands for them to shake hands.

Maybe, just maybe, he could use her.
♠ ♠ ♠
I couldn't decide if I wanted to put this up, but the storyline is so hard to resist!!

Comments are appreciated!