My Obsession.




Mom screams.

I kept on closing my eyes from the last 20 hours. Geez, I'm a pig. I don't care if Mom rip my body because I won't wake up. Whatever.


Mom do it again. This time, more vicious.


I growled as I throwed away my pillow. I hate it when she use all of my gross name to call me. Fuck.

What the hell, mom? I know I will hate today so much. I walked downstairs as I complained. I don't know if my voice is louder than my footstep's voice. I don't care if my mom just hear what I've said. Don't know, don't care.

"Yaaaay. I am down now. Are you happy enough?" I said with my fake cartoon voice.

"You, my daughter, quickly take a shower. Or else, I'll rip your body off."

"Ha, okay."

You mind-reader.


"Gah okay mom, stop kissing me, I am old enough." I said while I was removing my cheek from her.

"No you're not! Now remember, your -the-world-most-handsome bro is probably just a few steps from you. Greet him Shay! Maybe he's already forget about you."

"Oh do you mean..."


"Bye now, darling. I'll pick you up at 3. Don't forget to remind your brother! He joins us home."

"Okay bye mom!."

Ya mom. My brother huh. Why in the world she must bring me to America, just because she wanted me to meet my brother and live here with him. I don't even remember him mom, I mean, the last time I sight him is when I was 7. I forgot his face already, gosh I'm a evil sis. Good thing mom give me his photo.

I talked to myself while I'm bowing and all I saw is soil.

When I took my first look in my brand new high school, I was so shooked! Goddamnit! It was huge! Like, major huge.

While I was so shocked with the environment, suddenly a random voice called my name.

"Ohai! I think I know you..."

Aaaaand my mouth kept open wide.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey! My first chap. Ya I know It's very sucks. I mean, did you know? I'm writing this chap while all my other friends was studying :p This week is my semester exam. Ha I'm good.

Btw, For this story, just pretend that all the boys involve is still in high school For my sake. For me.


Comments? :D