My Obsession.

Take It Slow.

“Nice scream.” He said after he finish his “song”

“What the fuckery are you doing here! Get out my bedroom!” I repeated.

“Whoa whoa slow down. I'm the guy that kick the soccer ball to your head, I'm teribbly sorry. Are you still alive? Don't even worry, I'm just visited you. Hey! Sorry and worry is ryhmes!

He laughed and continued: “Not that I'm raping you or something else, Haha.”

I was shocked! I apologize because I've screamed really hard to him but the real is he's helping me.

“Oh god, I didn't mean to scream to you like that. I was just feel really shocked. Can you imagine if you are me, haha I mean, sawing a stranger in your bedroom? Haha.” I said.

“Oh no need to sorry haha I'm the one who made you like this. I didn't sight you passing the soccer field. Ya really.” He smiled.

“Orly?” I said and back smiling at him.





“Ok stop it! ..just kidding! You are funny. Where are you come from, the clown company? Haha.”

“Nah, I'm from Europe. But I'm a real American. Eat that clown company! Haha today is my first day of school and I ...miss it! Yes! Omgz thanks!” I was so excited and I didn't notice I'm jumping and suddenly my head hits the wall.

“Goddamn, OUCH!”

“Oh my god are you still alive? ..again? Please say yes.” He was joking and panicking but I know, the panicking part isn't a joke. He checked my head and he wash my blood in my head with his napkin. Our face meet each other and I'm speechless. He is too.

Our speechless moment was destroyed by a door craking sound. It was John.

“Lil' sis!!!!!!!!!!! Are you okay? Do your head really hurt? What do you need, sis?

I laughed at him.

“Haha big bro, no need to worry, I'm fine. Well yes it is hurt but it's okay. Really.”
“Hey John! The strange boy greet my brother. “I don't know that she is your sister. I thought she's your girlfriend, loljk.” He smiled again.

I bet they already know each other.

“No prob, bro. I know you did that not on purpose. Is my fault to took her passing to soccer field instead of tooking the bridge above it.” John said.

“Naaaah, it's really my fault.” The strange boy speaking.


I cut John's line and said: “ Stop it, you guys. It's not anybody's fault. It an accident, remember?”

“Oh-kaaaaay.” They both replied.

"You need more rest. Maybe in the morning the pain will decrease." The strange boy smiled at added: "I need to go home now, sorry I can't take care of you, my mom is being an angry mob, haha."

I nodded and I fell asleep, before I could reply him. I'm too tired. Especially my head.
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Short one! Heey tommorow is Chinese New Year! Wish me to get more angpao than last year! Loljk :D