My Obsession.

Sick Little Games.

The next day.

“Sam!”, I scream as I saw her walking in front of me along the corridor.

She turned around and screamed at me, too.


She took my hand and then added: “You won’t believe what happened yesterday! When I was BBQ partying with Nick at 9, John suddenly came! Then Nick leaves us and we’ve chatting all night long!”

I was kind of shocked because I remember last night John joins me and Eric, doing the “Pour-Some-Sugar-On-Me’ party. Oh yes, I remember too, he suddenly got a call from a boy, which I thought it was Nick, then he leaves me and Eric alone, and we were smiling at each other all night long. God it’s kinda similar with Sam’s story.

Are we soulmate?

“Shay?” She said.

“Oh oh, what Sam?”

“Why are you smiling…” She started to me her suspicious look.

‘Nothing Personal…”

Then she started to tickled me.

“Is it about Eric?”

“I don’t know… Well, yeah. Yesterday I was having a pour some sugar on me party with him.

“You like him!”

“No, I’m not… Well okay, a little..”

“Aww Shay! You are so lucky to be with him! But, it’s like every girl in this school adore him. As you know, he is the captain of the football team. Especially, the self-centered bitch, or should I declare, Regina.”

“Who is this Regina? I don’t like him, Sam.” I smiled.

“Oh yes you dooooo”

Then we tickled each other.

When recess comes, Eric took my hand and drag me to a table that consists of John, Sam and Nick. We sat besides each other, and John and Sam do the same thing too. Nick is sat besides us, too. Alone. With no couple. Oh my god, just kidding.

We were laughing together, throwing food and even tickling each other. John and Sam is like the perfect couple, can’t wait to sight them as a couple. I wonder why John never talk to me about this. John is a quite quiet boy, but when it’s comes to my problem, he’ll always help me. Sometimes I feel lucky having a brother like him.

After School.

Seems like today me and Eric sticks together all day long. All the girls kind of look at us suspiciously. I was so shy that time.

“Shay?” He asked me when we were walking near the sidewalks of the school.


“Can I asked for your help?”

“Absolutely, what is it all about?”

“Hmm, I wonder how to asked you for date, could you help me?” He chuckled.

Why are so stupid, Eric? I kept on biting my lips. Sometimes I wish I’m the one who throw that past ball into his head, not mine. To clear his idiot brain.

I smiled at him and said: “God.” We laughed together.

“You know, you can work by: “Shayna, will you mind if I asked you for a date?”

“I’ll go with that!” Eric declare.

“Dear Shayna, will you mind if I asked for a date this Saturday?” He smiled and push up his eyebrows.

I laughed at him.

“Now, Can I asked for your help? What kind of answer should I give to Mr.Halvorsen?” I crane my tounge out of my mouth.

“You copycatter.”

“Don’t careeee”

“You should give him a yes answer.” He stuck his tounge.

“I’ll go with that!”

“Yeah! Okay Shay I need to go home. My mom might kill me.”

“Okay Eric! Bye! See your idiot face tommorow.”

“Curse youuuu.”

We smiled.


I keep on stalking this Shayna girl for the rest of my day. I’m standing behind a wall and watch her and my Halvo saying Goodbye to each other. I think I becoming a erupting volcano today. Oh well.

When Halvo leaves her already, I decided to get some ‘chat’ with her.

“Oh hello.” I greeted her with a rude accent.

“Ohai, who are you?” She greeted me nicely. Uh, I don’t need your kindness.

“I’m Regina, or should I say, Eric Halvorsen’s girlfriend.”

“Oh.” She said.

“As I can see, today you guys are sticking together, huh?”

“Yeah, but he’s the one who asked me.”

“You rather back off. He is officially mine. Or else you’ll get hurt.” I said madly.

This girl don’t belong to a rich boy like Eric.

“He never told me that he’s already have a girlfriend.. He even ask me for a date..”

“Fuck! Did he? Oh my god, don’t trust him, he only loves me. You’ll get play, ha.”

She seemed to be so shocked about this. Then she said: “Maybe I shouldn’t.”

Then she ran off me.

“Mission accomplished.” I smiled.


Why Eric? Why? I thought you’re a nice guy.
♠ ♠ ♠
SUCKSSSONEEE. Sorry, I'm currently having a intestine problem in my body so I can't think of many things :|

Anyway, who wants to sit besides Nick? He's alone~~
