Status: finished. <3 comments would be most welcome.

I Guess It Doesn't Matter.


“Garrett!” 8 year old Pierre smiled widely as she ran down the garden path happily. She was the ideal image of ‘the little sister’ that most people longed for, adorably clumsy and always giggling.

Garrett smiled at his younger sibling softly, placing a gentle hand in her blonde hair as she wrapped her skinny arms around his waist. She laughed at him, her gorgeous, big blue eyes shining. “You’re so silly, Pierre.”

“I think you’ll find that you are, big brother.”

“I’m not the one with a boy’s name now, am I?” He couldn’t help but grin as his sister’s face slipped into a cute pout and she pushed his nose softly.

He laughed at her and carefully picked her up in his strong arms, and then began to walk back down the garden path, but instead taking a different route through the small bushes and trees. They arrived in a small area with a tiny fountain, and Pierre squirmed out of his grasp before running over to the cool, clear water. Garrett smiled with content as he watched her dip the tips of her fingers into it, pushing around the green leaves that had fallen into it from the trees.

He slowly walked around the fountain and her, sitting down on a stone bench. Pierre looked up at him as he sat, her curls bouncing with the movement, golden light reflecting. He ran a hand through his own messy blonde hair and sighed unnoticeably.

Being 5 years older than her, Garrett had been old enough to be told that their Mother was dead and never coming back. But Father adored his little princess, and in not wanting to hurt her, sheltered her from the sad news by saying she was visiting God for a while. Of course, he felt the exact opposite about his little ‘prince’, and instead took out his hidden emotions on him.

He tugged at the sleeve of his light blue jumper, being sure to pull it down past his wrist so Pierre wouldn’t see the purple bruises beginning to bloom. He flinched slightly as his fingernail dragged slowly across a small cut, but gulped back the whine of pain.

“Garrett, what are you thinking about?”

He looked up quickly, studying her questioning glance. Her small, slightly pursed mouth, like it always was when she was confused. Forcing a convincing smile, he shook his head slowly. “Nothing, princess.”

She looked at him, rather unconvinced, before she rested one palm on the rough stone and leant forward, holding her hand under the running water so it splayed tiny crystalline droplets everywhere. He made a mental note as to how smart the little girl actually was. He admired her, actually. Her imminent beauty, her soulful eyes, her carefully shaped face – every aspect of the girl was the opposite of him, even though they shared the same genes. Yes, he was handsome, but Pierre outshone him by far. She was always noticed first at parties as the adorable, smiling girl in the cute dress.

And he was the big brother. Nothing more, nothing less. And yet, he really didn’t care. In his mind, her happiness came first – that was all that mattered. Just to look after her. Make sure she didn’t get into trouble. And if she did, get her out of it quickly without punishment.

Yup, that’s all he really was.

Her knight in shining armour, to be figurative.