Status: finished. <3 comments would be most welcome.

I Guess It Doesn't Matter.


He looked at his girlfriend from his position at the doorway. He knew her well enough not to ask where she went at night. She would just tell him to leave her alone, or that it was none of his business. Still, that didn’t stop him from walking over to her and throwing an arm around her rigid shoulders.

“Are you alright?”

Her eyes darted towards him warily, before turning back to the blank wall in front of her. “Not really, Luke.”

“Wanna tell me about it?”

She sat silently for a while, gazing at her feet. “…Ok,” she whispered weakly, letting herself go limp against him. He smiled and pulled her to his chest, rubbing her arm gently.

If he played this well, things could go great tonight.

“I saw my brother’s ghost last night.”

That took him by surprise. He frowned in confusion, with a hint of disbelief. “He was there? What did you do?”

She sighed and rolled her eyes. “Well, I did what any insane person would do. I started talking to him.”

“And?” He pressed her gently.

She went to speak, but her voice broke before she could. She felt the hot tears sting her eyes, and she buried her head in Luke’s chest before she started to leak.

He internally sighed and wrapped both of his arms around her. “Listen, Pierre, honey. It’s okay. It’ll be okay.”

She looked up at him for reassurance and he nodded. With a grateful smile, she leaned up and pressed her lips to his. Her mind needed taken off things. As much as she loved Garrett, she couldn’t deny the physical attraction she had to Luke. Her hands went to his hair and tangled her fingers in it, biting his lower lip and licking it softly. He moaned quietly into the kiss, and she smirked, pushing him backwards so she was on top. He ran his fingers lightly along the side of her vest top strap, causing her to shiver involuntarily and fall on him.

“I want to be on top, honey,” he whispered into her ear and bit her earlobe gently. She whined and sat up, falling backwards as he held himself above her.

Leaning into her neck, he ran his tongue lightly along her shoulder to the bottom of her ear, and began kissing softly back down. He paused and sucked gently on one spot, causing her to arch into him. He smirked and pulled away to gaze into her eyes.

As she gazed back, all she saw was Garrett smiling down at her. His tousled blonde hair that she used to play with when she was younger, running her hands through it when it was short and plaiting it when long; his glowing blue eyes, the same as hers, showing so much warmth and compassion that her hands locked and her eyes glazed over, a wavering smile working its way onto her face.

“I can’t do this…” she whispered, ignoring the tear rolling down her cheek.

“Can’t do what?”

“This,” she said again, reaching a hand up to wipe her eyes. “I can’t lead you on anymore. Well, not that I have anyway. You have the others for that.”

Luke pushed himself up so he was sitting, allowing Pierre to do the same. “Pierre, you’re not making any sense.”

Her eyes narrowed at him, searching his composed face. “When I came home, I sat on the sofa. The phone rang six times, each a different girl claiming to be your girlfriend.”

He flinched and looked out of the window.

“Nothing to say, huh?”

He remained quiet. She stared at him for a little while, taking in his appearance one last time before standing up. “That’s what I thought,” she said quietly, before walking into their bedroom and picking up his case. She threw all the clothes of his she could find in it, and went back to the living room. Luke still hadn’t moved from his spot as she dropped the bag by his feet.

“Get out.”

He finally looked at her, a blank look on his face. Wordlessly, he stood and took his case, walking out of the front door and out of her life.

Pierre collapsed on the sofa as the door slammed, burying her face in her knees and crying herself gently to sleep.