Sequel: If I Only Understood
Status: slowly updating

If You Only Knew


Planes were never something that I had favored. I would tolerate them if I needed to but I prefer to drive or take the train. Hell, I would even take a boat if I needed to but of course, I had to fly. My mom insisted, since it was faster that way. She wanted me to reach my dad as soon as possible.

I found my seat on the plane with ease. The only problem was that I have a center seat. Great, now I’m probably going to have to sit in between some fat angry couple who argue the entire way. I put my carry-on bag into the over head before taking a seat. I pulled out my I-pod and began to scan through my play list as I waited for the couple.

I began to hear yelling on the plane. Here they come. I put my earphones into my ears and let Ignorance by paramore fill my ears. I crossed my left leg over my right knee blocking the path to the seat next to me.

The less time with them the better. I sighed, closed my eyes and laid back against the headrest of my seat. I heard the yelling get louder and closer. I opened my eyes and saw the couple approaching me. I watched them approach me, step by step; I watched my doom approach me. Suddenly the couple turned off at the aisle next to me. I sighed in relief. I turned to look out of the window and enjoyed the rest of my song.

“Excuse me?” a voice said from beside me. My song had just ended so I heard who ever it was clearly. I took my left earphone out and turned to look at the person.

A guy was about 18 standing in the aisle. He was tall and lean. He had messy strawberry blond hair and amazing green eyes. He was currently smiling down at me, showing his equally amazing smile. Overall, he was amazing.

“Are you going to say anything to her man or are you just going to stare at her?” a guy standing next to him said.

“Oh right well, you’re kinda blocking me from my seat,” he finally said.

I uncrossed my legs and smiled. “Sorry I was expecting someone else,” I explained.

He simply nodded before walking past me to his seat. “So who were you expecting?” his friend asked now sitting next to me.

I gave his friend a quick look over before answering. I couldn’t tell whether he was tall or not since he was sitting down but he looked about the same height as his friend when he was standing up. He was African American and had caramel skin, hazel eyes and a shape up with waves. This guy was very my type.

“Just the angry couple over there” They looked over at the couple and started laughing.

“I’m Trey by the way” hazel eyes said

“And I’m Eric” green eyes said.

“And I’m Alyssa and I’m glad that I’m sitting with you guys”

“The feelings mutual babe” Trey said with a wink. I smiled and winked back. I will admit it I’m a huge flirt. After everything that has happened to me, I just decided to do what I want to do, to enjoy life. Now before you misinterpret what I’m saying, I am a virgin. I don’t have that much fun….yet.

“Wait I saw her first” Eric said

“Well that’s just to damn bad now isn’t it?”

“Boys, boys calm down” I said with a smile. I put my arms on each of there shoulders. “Who said that you can’t share me?”

“Okay it’s official, you are definitely my type of girl,” Trey said. Eric agreed and I couldn’t help but laugh. It was official; this had to be the best plan ride that I have ever been on. Maybe my life is starting to turn around.

The plane ride was one of the best that I have ever been on in a while. Eric and Trey were hilarious. I spent most of the plan ride laughing. The people in front of us actually turned around and shushed me. I only laughed harder when Trey started talking about the lady’s hair when she turned around.

Okay so maybe I have developed a small crush on Trey during the short period that we’ve known each other, but I like funny guys. Eric was funny to but I felt more drawn to Trey. I didn’t leave Eric out though. Okay so when Trey and I were listening to his I-pod I will admit that we left him out but I fixed it by listening to his I-pod.

When the guys found out that I was from La Push, they weren’t surprised. Eric said that I look like a local but I did have an exotic look to me that he couldn’t quite place. I didn’t bother telling them that my mom was Costa Rican; I just didn’t see the point.

We ended up exchanging numbers and telling each other to stay in touch once the plan landed. Eric carried my carry on bag, to Trey’s dismay.

We exited the plane and to the baggage claim. When my bag came past on the belt, Trey grabbed it for me. I told the guys that I could carry my own stuff but they insisted that they carry it. I didn’t try very hard though. If the guys want to carry my suitcase and my carry on, why should I be the one to stop them? That would be rude of me.

We talked and joked around until we reached the front of the airport. I looked around until my eyes landed on the one person that I haven’t seen in 8 years, my dad. He was still tall and muscular but he had a few more gray hairs than he did eight years ago.

I took off running in his direction. “DAD!”

He turned to face me and his eyes immediately lit up. He opened his arms and I jumped into them. I let out a care-free laugh as he spun me around. He set me back onto the ground and we separated.

“Wow, look at you Lis. You’re all grown up. The last time I saw you, you were wearing ponytails and overalls” he gave me a quick look over. “Now it looks like I have to buy a shot-gun”

When I was younger, I was quite the Tomboy. I would wear a ponytail with my hat backwards, in overalls and chum gum. I was like one of the guys from little rascals. I would usually play football or race with/against Embry, Quil and Jacob. I was practically a guy. My mom use to hate that about me. She was worried that I would want to be one when I got older, but luckily, my dad would tell her not to worry. Now I was the complete opposite, okay not the complete opposite but I’m different. I still prefer to not wear dresses but I will wear skirts. I do still play football but I chew gum less and usually don’t wear baseball caps.

I began to tear up at the sound of my old nickname. I hugged my dad again making him lose his balance for a second. I buried my face into his shirt. “I missed you daddy,” I said though it came out muffled.

He hugged me back as his chest vibrating form laughing. “I missed you too Lis” We separated and my dad gave me a confusing look. “Where’s your stuff?”

“Oh yeah!” I had completely forgotten about Trey and Eric. After seeing my dad after eight years, nothing else really seemed to matter. Now I need those guys, they have my stuff. I turned on my heel and searched for the guys. I found them not far off giving me confused looks. I smiled and waved them over. They looked at each other and shrugged before walking over.

The stopped walking once they were in front of my dad and me. I turned on my heel to face my dad who was now giving me a confused look. “I meet the nicest people on planes,” I said with a smile.

“Oh really” he said while raising his eyebrows. “Thanks for the help” he said to the guys. Trey set my suitcase on the ground. “But we don’t do tips”

I rolled my eyes. I should have seen something like that coming. Though I must it admit, I kind of like having an over protective father. I walked over to the guys and grabbed my stuff. “Sorry about him guys. See you later”

“Excuse me?”

The guys nodded, and Trey gave a wink. That was bold knowing that my father was right there. The walked off and I turned around to face my dad. “What’s with that see you later thing?”

“Nothing dad, it’s just a saying”

“Sure it is” he grabbed my things from me. “Looks like I’m going to be needing that gun sooner that I thought”

I laughed as we walked to the car.
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I know that this was boring but it's just the first chapter. Please comment so that i will know if i should continue. Trust me there's going to be more action in the story later on. The guys will be coming into the story next chapter too so please comment people.

Thanks for reading.