Sequel: If I Only Understood
Status: slowly updating

If You Only Knew


Jacob’s POV

We sat around the table at Sam and Emily’s house. By we I mean the pack, Sam, Jared, Seth, Leah, Paul and I. We were waiting on breakfast and on Embry and Quil. Even if they hadn’t said that they were coming over, we all knew that they would. We came over here all the time. We might as well live here, then again the house is to small.

I wasn‘t really focusing on when Embry and Quil would get here. I could only think about Alyssa. She was in my head all day, and practically all night. I couldn’t stop picturing her smile and her eyes. I couldn‘t stop hearing her laugh, and her voice. It was like a melody to a song that you never wanted to end. A song that you wanted to call your favorite and learn all the words too. A song that makes you go out and find out what the meaning to the lyrics are. It was almost indescribable how badly I wanted everything to do with her.

But I couldn‘t stop thinking about that walk home either. I couldn‘t stop thinking about her question: what do you think shape-shifters look like? A question that I knew the answer to but I couldn‘t bring myself to tell her. I couldn‘t bring myself to actually tell her that I knew what shape-shifters looked like and that I was one. I didn‘t want her to have anything to do with this. I knew that I would have to tell her because of the imprinting but I didn‘t want to. I didn‘t want to tell her.

But I would have to. All because she was my supposed imprint. Why can‘t a person just choose who they want to be with. Why does a person have to rely on this supposed “feeling” to know who they were suppose to be with? How do I even know that she‘s the one. How do I know that she‘s the person who I want to spend the rest of my life with? How do I know that I would anything to make her happy, to protect her, to be with her, to make her smile. Oh that smile.

“All right” Emily said walking out of the kitchen. I was snapped out of my trance and looked up at Emily, but my eyes quickly traveled down to the basket full of blueberry muffins that she was setting down on the table. “Here you go”

Everyone dove for a muffin as soon as she set them on the table. I managed to grab two. I started stuffing them into my mouth when the front door suddenly flew open.

Embry and Quil ran through the door and over to the table. They grabbed a handful of muffins before they sat down. Emily shook her head with a smile on her face as she set another basket on the table to replace, the empty one.

“What took you guys so long?” Seth questioned before grabbing another blueberry muffin.

Quil swallowed his food before grabbing another muffin. “We went to go get Lyssa” he stuffed his mouth before he could say anything else. Leah rolled her eyes. It was either because they went to go get Alyssa or because Quil was currently stuffin his face.

I immediately tensed up. If I wasn’t already thinking about her enough, they go and get her. I looked around the room and noticed that she wasn’t here. I thought they said that they went to go get her.

“Well where is she?” Paul asked. I tried to ignore the fact that he had asked the question. I didn’t even want to know why he was so concerned about why she wasn’t here.

This time Embry swallowed his food and spoke up. “Outside the house”

I raised my eyebrow before biting into my 5th muffin. Why would they leave her outside? Why would they think that it’s a good idea to leave her outside, alone? Then again she’s just outside the house. It’s not like they left her in the woods.I would definitely kill them if they had. She should have walked inside by now. It doesn’t take that long to walk from the outside of the house to the inside of the house.

Suddenly there was a loud boom that came from the forest. We all stopped eating and stared at each other. My mind immediately went to Alyssa. She hadn’t walked in yet, which means that she’s still out there. What if that noise had something to do with her?

I jumped up from the table and ran to the door. I could here the others footsteps behind me. I ran outside and saw that my fears were true. She wasn’t outside of the house. To make things worse I could smell the awful stench of a leech. I jumped off the porch and started running towards the woods, following the stench of the leech.

I quickly phased, replacing my feet with 4 paws.There goes another pair of clothes. I continued to run towads the forrest. I was way ahead of everyone else in the pack. I was purposely pushing myself faster than the rest of the pack.

All I could think about was Alyssa. I needed her to be safe. I needed to know that she wasn’t with the leech. I needed to see her, and know that she was safe.

Jeez lover boy. We’re trying to save your imprint not about how much you want to be with her Jared thought.

I didn’t even bother to comment on what Jared had said. I didn’t bother to worry about the fact that he had just told everyone that I had imprinted on Alyssa. Hearing him say the word save made me forget about that. It only made me push myself faster. She isn’t with him, she isn’t with him.

Stay on the trail Jake Sam thought.

I didn’t need him to tell me twice. I didn’t need him to tell me once. I didn’t plan on stopping anytime soon. I was going to follow the horrible stench, that seemed to get stronger. I suddenly picked up on Alyssa’s scent along with the leech’s. I pushed myself to go even faster then I already was.

I finally reached my destination, and saw my worst nightmare. Alyssa was on the ground, face to face with a leech.

Is it one of the Cullens? Sam questioned.

No it’s a leech that I’ve never seen before. And he needs to back up I thought in response.

We’ll be there in a few. Don’t do anything drastic

You know he’s going to anyway Quil added.

I didn’t care what they were doing I just wanted him to get away from her. I growled and slowly started walking towards them. Both of them turned there heads so that they could see me. I was trying my hardest not to pounce on the leech then and there. I didn’t want to accidentally hurt Alyssa. If he wasn’t as close to her as he was, I would have torn him to shreds by now.

I couldn’t quite place Alyssa’s facial expression. It was a mixture of astonishment, amazement and confusion.

At least it’s not fear Jared thought.

The rest of the pack was soon behind me but I didn’t pay them any attention. All of my attention was on the leech was way to close tomy Alyssa. I snarled and continued to walk to it. I was hoping that he would get scared off but instead he grabbed Alyssa and held her in front of him by her waist.

This only made me even more pissed off. He was touching Alyssa. That filthy leech had his disgusting blood sucking hands onmy Alyssa.Only I should be the one touching her. I growled, snarled and bared my teeth at him as I continued to walk towards him. He is going to get off of her, whether he wants to or not, he’s getting off of her.

touchy touchy Leah thought sarcastically.

JACOB!! Sam barked.

I stopped and turned around to face him. Now was not the time to think of a strategy to get Alyssa away from the leech. Now was the time to GET Alyssa away from the leech. Now

A strategy is what we need. If you go attacking you might get Alyssa by accident, and you don’t want that do you

FINE! I thought. I was still pissed that Alyssa was standing there in the leech’s arms while we’re just standing here watching. She needed to be with us, with me. She needed to be safe and out of the leech’s arms. I turned back around to face the leech. I held my stance and continued to snarl. He need to let go and soon, before I actually lost all control.

The leech whispered something to her and she nodded her head. He started to feel her up and I felt myself beginning to lose it. No one was supposed to be touching her like thatbut me.

Easy Jake Sam warned.

But I was losing it. I lowered myself towards the ground and prepared to pounce. How could I just stand here and watch this happen. I had to do something, anything to get her away from him. The rest of the pack lowered themselves as well. But what got me was the fact that Alyssa wasn’t scared. She didn’t care that a leech was touching her in places that no onebesides me should be touching her. Either she knew what was going on, incredibly brave, or she didn’t care.

The leech whispered something to her and she whispered back. I didn’t like the idea that she knew what was going on. I didn’t like the idea of her knowing a leech. And I couldn’t stand the idea that she didn’t care that a leech was feeling her up. If she lets a leech feel her up, then what does she let regular guys do. I settled for her being brave, but all the other options made me worry to much.

“Um…C-Can you guys…wolves…things…back up a little” she questioned. I hated hearing her sound like that, sounding as if she had no confidence. “He said that he won‘t hurt me if you guys let him walk” she explained. I still didn’t like the idea. The farther we were away from her, the better chance he actually has of hurting her.

back up Jake Sam instructed.

I hesitated but I took a few steps back. Regardless, Sam was still the Alpha of the pack. I had to listen to him, no matter how much I wanted to rip this leech to shreds for touching Alyssa the way that he did. I kept all of my attention on the leech as I backed up. I wasn’t going to give him the chance to do anything to Alyssa.

He whispered something to her one last time before running off in a flash. I guess she was leaning on him for support because as soon as he was gone, she was on all fours. I quickly ran over to her, I needed her to be okay. I wanted her to be okay.

She looked up at me and locked her beautiful deep brown eyes with mine. I completely loved her eyes, they were so deep and captivating. I never wanted to look away. She was the only thing that mattered to me right now.

She blinked a few times extremely slowly. She was starting to get dizzy. I gave her a small nudge on her side with my nose. She gave a small smile at me before she collapsed completely.

My body suddenly went numb, and a sharp pain hit my chest. I looked her over. She had to be okay. I whimpered and nudged her side again, hoping that she would get up. But she didn’t. I continued to whimper and whine as I laid down next to her.

Alright. Jake Paul and I will take Alyssa to go see Carslie. We will see what the Cullin’s know about this while we’re there. The rest of you go follow that leech and patrol the area for anymore of them Sam instructed. The others nodded there heads and started walking off, leaving Sam and Paul with me.

But I couldn’t move, I wanted to stay there with her. I needed her to be okay. It was as if half of me was now gone. My heart was in pain as I laid there and watched her non-moving figure. She’s going to be okay, she’s going to be okay.

Come-on Jake we have to go Paul thought. I didn’t budge. I couldn’t leave her, even if it was for a second. I was going to stay beside her no matter what.

Leave him Paul. You‘re imprint getting hurt is a huge burden to bare Sam thought before walking off. Images of Sam phasing in front of Emily and giving her the scars filled my brain, but I ignored them. All I could focus on was Alyssa.

Paul looked at me once more before following behind Sam.

I laid there beside her and whimpered some more. I was in some much pain, if I had done something then she wouldn’t have gotten hurt. The leech wouldn’t have had time to hurt her. She was hurt, my imprint was hurt all because of a leech.

The word imprint left a mark on my brain. I had imprinted on Alyssa. There was no denying it anymore. I would do anything for her. The amount of pain that I was going through was something that I had never experienced with anyone. Not even Bella. My heart has never ached the way that it does now. I couldn’t deny it anymore, I knew that it was true.

Alyssa is my imprint.
♠ ♠ ♠
Awe he finally admits that she's his imprint. How cute and cheesy was that. I hope you guys liked it.

Thanks to everyone who commented on my story.

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