Sequel: If I Only Understood
Status: slowly updating

If You Only Knew

Waking up in Vegas

Alyssa’s POV

Although my eyes were closed I could here the faint sounds of voices from somewhere near by. The voices were so faint that I couldn’t make out what they were saying, but I knew that they were definitely voices.

I began to slowly opened my eyes and winced from the bright light. I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes again. I sat up on the couch and looked around. Where am I? The last thing I remember was being in the forest with Collin when some huge wolves showed up.

Wolves. Huge Wolves.

Those were not your average wolves. Your average wolves aren’t that big. They are no where near that big, full grown or not. No matter what type of wolf it is, it’s not that big, so why were those wolves so big.

Unless they were……no. They couldn’t be. Then again, I just saw my vampire ex-boyfriend, anything is believable after that. Maybe those were the actual shape-shifters. It would explain there size, and why they hated Collin so much. It would explain, why they only focused on Collin and not on me.But they did focus on me once Collin started to feel me up. Not that I minded much, it wouldn’t be the first. If only I could see them again. They may be able to help me, with my current situation. They hunt vampires, I’m being hunted by a vampire, they may be able to help. The only problem is I don’t know who they are, I don’t have anyway of reaching them. Asking Collin to come back is, to much of a risk. If something happened to himagain because of me I don’t know what I would do. If only there was a way for me to find out who they really are.

“You‘re awake” a smooth voice similar to a lullaby said from behind me. I turned my head around to see who it was. I came face to face with a deathly pale man. His hair was blonde and I knew that if he was still living he would be middle age. I knew that he was a vampire by his golden eyes. He was another vegetarian vampire per say, similar to Collin. But why was I here with him? I remember passing out in the forest with the shape-shifters.

He smiled a warm smile at medespite the fact that he was deathly cold. He walked over to the couch that I was laying on. “I‘m Dr. Carslie, your friends brought you here so that I could check on your wrist” he explained.

I was still a little confused. What did he mean by my friends brought me here? The guys didn’t know where I was? The only ones who knew that I was even coming over were Embry and Quil, and they left me outside for muffins. So what does he mean my friends brought me over here? Did he mean that the shape shifters brought me over here? That means that they might still be here. If they are then I can ask for their help. Or at least see if there is something that they can do to help me.

Carslie slowly picked up my wrist and I winced from the pain. It didn‘t hurt as badly as it did in the forest though. Carslie‘s icy cold touch was somewhat numbing the pain. Despite this the pain was still there, just not as severely as before. “You‘re wrist has a minor sprain, nothing major. You‘re not going to need surgery but you should keep some ice on it and keep it elevated. It should be healed in about a week or two” he explained.

I nodded my head. I guess that a week or two wouldn’t be that bad. The only bad thing about this world would be that I might not be able to go to Trey’s party. What do I look like, showing up with a sprained wrist. Even I haven’t tried that before. Then again, I can’t disappoint Trey and Eric. And I haven’t been to a party in a while so, maybe a party is just what I need. I’m sure that it won’t still hurt that badly. But how do I convince my dad to let me go to a party with a sprained wrist. How do I tell him that I have a sprained wrist because I used my powers in an extremely dangerous way. Oh yeah he’ll definitely believe that one.

“Try not to do anything to crazy Ms. Alyssa” Carslie replied with a smile.

I licked my lips and smirked. Going to a party wasn’t that crazy. It wasn’t like swimming or anything. It was just dancing, it wasn’t anything to crazy. I’m sure that he would understand. “I‘ll try my best to stay away from anything to crazy”

Carslie seemed to understand what I was saying because he shook his head with a smile and mumbled teenagers under his breath. I guess my smirk gave it away.

“But if you don‘t mind me asking?” he began. “What exactly were you doing in the forest that caused you to sprain your wrist”

Damn. I forgot to think of an excuse. I would have to tell this excuse to the guys and my dad, so it needs to be believable. Damn, I should have thought about this first. I can’t tell them that I was taken into the forest by my vampire ex-boyfriend and I telepathically threw him off of me, but managed to get my wrist stuck between to rocks. But don’t worry about him, he was chased away by a bunch of shape shifters. Yeah, Carslie might believe this because he’s a vampire but everyone else would put me in a straight jacket.

“I tripped and I guess that I hit my wrist on a rock or something” This wasn’t exactly a lie. It did involve a wrist and a rock. This just isn’t the entire truth but it’s close enough, right?

“Okay now what is the whole truth” another melody like voice said from behind me.

I turned around and came face to face with another vampire. He was leaning against the doorframe with his hands crossed over his chest. Only this one looked younger than Carslie and his hair was dark brown. Does my life completely revolve around vampires? Seriously, because thar’s all my life seems to be about anymore. Vampires, Vampires, Vampires.

The other vampire chuckled and put his hands into his pocket. “So are you going to tell us what really happened?”

I bit my lip and turned back around to face Carslie. I didn’t want anyone to know what really happened. If the guys found out they might not want anything to do with me. I come with a lot of baggage, and they might not want to deal with that.

“They have their fair share of secrets too. Trust me, they will deal with your baggage” he said.

I furrowed my brow. How the hell did he know that. I swear I didn’t say that out loud. I haven’t done that in forever. So how did he know what I was thinking. God vampires are starting annoy me.

“Are we really?”

“STOP DOING THAT!” I yelled completely frustrated. I don’t know why I yelled, or why I was even that frustrated but it happen. I was a little annoyed that he was reading my mind per say. Not to mention that I’m surrounded by vampires and I don’t even know how I got here. I guess I am just confused and annoyed. Maybe that’s why I yelled.

“I‘m Edward by the way. And don‘t worry I understand why you yelled” he replied with a warm smile.

“YOU‘RE DOING IT AGAIN!” I groaned. It was annoying how he seemed to read my mind. I didn’t want to knowright now if he could or couldn’t, I just wanted him to stop. NOW!

I heard footsteps coming from another room when suddenly Jake was standing in the doorway. His face had worry and concern written all over it. Once he saw me his face immediately lit up.Someone was concerned.

I felt relieved. I was glad that he knew where I was. A smile slowly made it’s way onto my face. I couldn’t quite explain it, but I was glad that Jake was the one standing there instead of someone else. I was glad that he was concerned about me. If anyone had to be here with me while I was surrounded by vampires, I’m glad that it is him. It was as if the pull that I had felt before towards him, was getting stronger.This can only bring drama.

“You‘re awake” he said with a smile on his face. I simply nodded my head and continued to smile. I couldn’t bring myself to say anything to him.

He licked his lips and walked over to me and Carslie. I saw his face twist in disgust for a split second as he walked closer to Carslie. What was that all about? He stood in front of Carslie and next to me. I could feel the heat radiating off of him. I instantly wanted to lay against him….for the warmth.

I heard Edward chuckle behind me. I sent a glare his way. You’re doing it, again…..again. I thought. Sorry he mouthed. I playfully rolled my eyes. He’s going to do it again, sooner or later.

I notices that Paul and Sam were now standing in the room along with us. Paul’s face was twisted with disgust and his arms were folded across his bare chest, causing his biceps to flex. I licked my lips. I haven’t exactly made out with someone in a while, maybe Paul would--

The sound of Edward clearing his throat interrupted my thought. That’s what he gets for invading my privacy. He nudged his head in the other direction causing me to turn back around to face Jake and Carslie.

Jake turned around to face me and his face fell serious. He sighed and licked his lips. “Do you remember….how you ended up…in the forest?” he asked.

I bit my lip and looked away from him. If I tell them then it could cause more drama. How would they react to hearing that my-- I shook my head to stop my thought. Edward would only read my mind and know what was going on. He may be able to know something’s about me but he’s not going to figure everything out.

“You say that now”

I ran my tongue across my teeth. Yeah I do. I thought.

“It would be a lot easier if you just tell them what happened”

“We may know more than you think we do” Paul explained.

Jake sent him a glare and Paul shrugged. Am I missing something here? There’s know way that the guys would know what I’m about to say. They might not even know that Edward and Carslie are vampires. Then again, they know the ledgends. I guess that would make it easier for them to understand. If not, then I guess that I should start getting fitted for a straight jacket. I wonder if they come in black or red.

Edward chuckled behind me again. I rolled my eyes and choose to ignore him. I looked up at Jake and into his deep brown eyes. I sighed. There was no way that I could lie to him. To those eyes. They were to captivating and deep. It’s almost impossible for me to lie to him.God why does this have to happen to me.

I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing.
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sorry it took me so long to post....was it long....nah it wasn't never-mind.

so what did you guys think about the chapter?

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