Sequel: If I Only Understood
Status: slowly updating

If You Only Knew


Alyssa's POV

As the phone rang my throat became dry. I don’t know why I was so nervous all of a sudden but I was. Maybe it was because I haven’t talked or seen him in two whole days. Maybe it’s because I don’t exactly know how I feel about him. Maybe it’s because I don’t know how he feels about me, but whatever the reason is, it needs to go away so I can get a ride to the party.

On the third ring the phone was answered. “Hello?” a familiar voice answered

“Hey Billy, it‘s Alyssa” I replied with a smile. Billy Black was Jacob’s dad and one of the coolest adults that I have ever met. I hadn’t seen Billy in forever. He was like a second father to me. He saw me grow up, except for when I moved away of course. He was always so welcoming to me. The only thing that got on my nerves back then about Billy was that he was one of the main people that would call Jake and me an old married couple.

“Alyssa Jenkins? I heard that you were back in town, but I thought no she would come and visit me” I knew that he was smiling despite what he was saying.

I laughed a little bit. “I wanted to but I had a little….” I looked down at my wrist. “Accident so I‘m on lock down for a while”

“I heard about your little…accident from Jacob” I had to fight the urge to smile when he said his name. Jake had told him about me, and my accident, but what did he tell him. Did he tell him about my run in with Collin? I’m sure that there’s only so much that Billy can take as well. I shook my head and told myself to focus. I wasn’t calling to see what Jake had told his dad.

“I was actually calling to see if I could talk to Jake” I asked trying to sound as normal as possible. My throat was still dry and I still didn’t know why.

Billy chuckled on the other end of the phone. I raised my eyebrows, did I say something funny? “Well he just walked in so maybe I’ll be able to catch him before he passes out”

“Thanks Billy” I replied. A lump started to form in my throat. I swallowed hoping that it would go away but it wouldn’t. My heart began to pound 100 mph. It was pounding so hard that it was pounding in my ears. I thought that it was going to jump out of my chest and land on the floor in front of me. My nervousness was getting worse and worse. What was happening to me? I heard the sound of voices talking on the other line. I took a deep breath to try and control myself, but it wasn’t working. I was still just as nervous as ever.

“Hello?” a familiar voice said. Just the sound of his voice over the phone made my heart jump and pound even harder than it already was. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Refuse the pull refuse the pull, I scolded. I didn’t call him so that he could make me feel this way. I called to ask him for a favor.

“Hey Jacob, umm… can you do me a favor?” I questioned.

“Depends…..what is it” he yawned after he spoke. Billy did say that he was about to go to sleep. I couldn’t help but smile.He probably looks adorable with bed head.

“Well I was wondering if you could drive me to…..a friend’s house”

“Sure, which of the guys is it?”

I bit my bottom lip. He just had to assume that it was one of them. He couldn’t have just said, Sure Alyssa I’ll drive you, where do you want to go. Now he’s going to overreact when he hears that it’s not one of the guys. “Well…it’s not exactly….one of the guys”

There was silence on the other end of the phone. I it my bottom lip again. I really hope that he doesn’t yell. If he yells then my dad might hear him. If my dad hears him then my cover will be blown. I really, really, really need Jake to not yell at me right now. It could ruin everything that I planned.

“Who exactly is it then, and why are you going?”

Damn. He asked the one question that I was hoping we could avoid. “Well….it‘s two guys…..that me and my dad know, and there having a get together tonight and they wanted me to come. But I need a ride there so I call you my best Jacob in the whole world”

“Okay first of all I‘m your only Jacob in the whole or at least I better be” I rolled my eyes at his joke. “Two no I‘m not taking you to a party. You sprain your wrist Alyssa you don‘t need to go to any party, you should be resting”

“But it‘s not a party, it‘s a get together” I lied. It was definitely a party, there was no doubt in my mind that it was but I knew that it Jake thought it was a party he wouldn’t take me. As much as I hate lying,especially to him I have too. Staying in this house would be a form of torture that I couldn’t handle.

“Well if it’s just a get together and your father knows the guys then why can’t he take you?”

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. I didn’t want to lie but there was no point in not doing it now. I’ve already lied to him, so I might as well make it worth wild and go to the party. It would be a shame if I lied to my dad and to Jake and ended up not going to the party.

“Because he’s tired but I think that it’s just an excuse so that he doesn’t have to take me” I lied. Damn, I’m better than I thought I was. That was actually a pretty believable lie. “So can you please take me Jake, I promise that I won’t do anything dangerous, I’ll be completely responsible. Please” I begged. I would have thrown in the puppy dog eyes but I don’t think that it would have worked since I was talking to him over the phone.

I didn’t have to be standing in front of him to know what he was doing, for some reason, I just knew. He was either running his hands though his hair or licking his lips, either way he was thinking about whether he should take me or not. Not that I blame him for it, I was just hurt 2 days ago and now I’m trying to go to a party, that’s not that smart. But I’m suffering from serious Cabin fever.

“What time do you need me to pick you up?” he said after a few moments of silence. I had to fight the urge to squeal. Everything was going just the way I had planned it. I was going to be able to get out of this house, finally!

"Right now, as in right now right now"

"Okay I'll be there in like 5" he said. I heard him mumble something under his breath but the only word I caught was imprint. I remember hearing Quil say something about that to Embry. Why exactly were these guys using this word so much? It's just a word...right?

"Oh and Jake" I added.


"Don't honk when you pull up. In fact just turn your lights off and walk over to my window. Just as a safety measure" I added. It was the only thing that I could think of at the last minute, no, second. What else could I have said. The truth, I don't think so. Like I said before, I'm in way to deep to start telling the truth now.

"Are you sneaking o--" I hung up the phone before he could finish his sentence. I knew exactly what he was going to say and honestly, I don't know what kind of lie I could tell to explain the so called "safety measure". I needed to keep him guessing until he got here. At least if he was here and didn't want to take me to the party then we could go some where else. Just as long as I was out of the house I would be fine. Hell, he could even take me to a freakin' book store for all I care, just as long as it's not the house.

I jumped up off the bed and dropped my robe on the floor. I walked over to my bedroom window and opened it. The sun had finally set, leaving nothing but darkness outside of my window. The moon was in the sky and full. There weren't many stars out tonight but there were a few. It was a nice night after all. And I would be spending it grinding on some guy....sounds like a plan to me.

I opened the window to make things easier for me. I needed to be able to hear Jake when he pulled up, or called me. Which ever he decided to do or which ever happened first didn't matter. As long as it didn't wake my dad up, or get his attention then everything was fine.

I walked back over to my bed and sat down. I grabbed my shoes from under my bed and placed them in front of me, on the floor. I carefully slid my shoes on using my left hand. It took a lot more effort than I thought it would. If I hadn't of promised Collin that I wouldn't use my powers then it wouldn't have taken me so long to put them on.

I stood up and walked over to my full length mirror that was sitting against my wall. My hair was straight as always and there was nothing that I could do about it. I didn't have the time nor the patience to try and do something to my hair with my left hand. Once again, if I hadn't of made that promise, then I could do whatever I wanted to do with my hair. Instead I'm simply going to wear it straight like it always did.

After putting on my make-up and my jewelry, I observed my entire outfit in the mirror. Overall, I would say that it was the perfect outfit for this occasion. It was sexy, yet subtle. The red shirt hugged my curves perfectly. The denim skirt and my red heels showed off my sculpted tan legs. My make-up. intensified my eyes, as it was supposed too. My hair fell past my shoulders perfectly only making the outfit look even better than I thought.

I know that i sound very self-absorbed right now but you have no idea how long it took me to get this kind of confidence. In fact I was honestly only confident about my body. I've been shown and told enough to know that it looks good. Other than that, everything else that I may seem confident about, was a facade.

"Alyssa you better not have fallen a sleep" I heard a familiar someone loudly whisper from outside my window. I carefully tip-toed over to the window, trying to keep my heels as quiet as possible. I leaned out of the window and smiled at what I had saw. Jake was standing on my front lawn looking up at me. I noticed that for the first time, since I've been back, Jake was wearing a shirt. It was navy blue and short-sleeved, so even though he was wearing a shirt I could still see hisamazing biceps. Even in the dark I could see hisamazing white smile. My heart began to pound at 150 mph as my stomach began to do back flips. I tried to ignore what was happening to me. I had given into the pull once, I couldn't do it again.

"Hey Jake. Can you catch?" I questioned with a loud whisper.

I saw him send a confusing look my way as he furrowed his brow.Even when he was confused he looked cute. "Yeah, why" he whispered back.

"It might be time to test your reflexes" I explained.

"Are you seriously about to jump out of the window?" he questioned. His voice was dripping with concern, with every word that he spoke.

"Would you rather me jump out and hurt my ankle too"

Jake sighed and licked his lips. "Be careful" I couldn't help the smile that made it's way onto my face. I liked hearing him worried about me. I liked hearing him worry about my safety. It was just nice to me.

I turned on my heel and grabbed a jacket from my closet. For some odd reason I felt as if I didn't want Jacob to see me dressed like this. I felt like I knew he would have a problem with me dressed like this at a party. I couldn't control the nagging that was in the back of my mind telling me that I had a problem being dressed at a party like this, without Jacob. I put the jacket on and tied the belt together securing it around my waist.

I walked back over to the window. I carefully swung one of my legs over the edge. I used my left hand to grab the edge andregrettably, my right to grab the edge of the wall. I ignored that pain that was coming from my wrist. I put on a poker face knowing that Jake was watching. If he noticed that I was in pain he would definitely not let me go to the party.Next, time I should call Paul, he probably wouldn't care as much as Jake does. I carefully swung my other leg over the edge so that I was now sitting on the ledge of my window.

"Your reflexes better be as good as I hope they are" I loudly whispered to Jake.

"Don't worry about my reflexes. Just be careful" he replied. I gave a soft smiled before looking down a him. Here goes nothing. I closed my eyes and jumped down from the window feeling the wind through my hair. The drop may have been short but my stomach didn't know that. My stomach dropped just like it does when I'm on a roller-coaster.

I felt myself land in a pair of strong warm arms. I opened my eyes to see Jake smiling down at me. My eyes soon locked with his deep brown ones, and soon I found myself not wanting to look away. My heart began to pound even harder than before. I felt as if it was going to jump out of my chest and start doing cartwheels to a Lady Gaga song. His smile was so inviting that I couldn't help but smile back. I didn't know what this boy was doing to me, but at the moment I didn't care. I liked being in his arms. I felt safe, and warm. Not only warm because of him but warm on the inside too. I couldn't quite describe the feeling but it was something that I've never experienced before.

After a while we noticed that we were staring at each other smiling like idiots. I looked away as Jake cleared his throat. He set me down on my feet and I thanked him. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously before looking up at me. His eyes danced over my body and I couldn't help the blush that was making it's way onto my cheeks. Blush, I don't blush....well not usually.

"You seem a little..." Jake slowly licked his lips as his eyes continued to dance over my body. "Dressed up for a small get together"

"Well......I like to look my best"

Jake gave me a look that said that he didn't believe me. He smirked and crossed his arms over his chest. "You know that I'm not going to leave you at this party by yourself right"

I crossed my arms over my chest and raised and eyebrow at him. "And why not?"

"Because you need a ride home don't you" he replied his smirk never leaving his face. Before I could respond he turned on his heel and started walking towards his car. I huffed and followed behind him quickly.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the wait you guys. I had a small case of writers block. But I'm back now. :-)

Here's the link to Alyssa's outfit.

So what did you guys think?

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