Sequel: If I Only Understood
Status: slowly updating

If You Only Knew


Alyssa’s POV

I stood there waiting for Jake to speak. I didn’t want to rush him, but I don’t have much patience. I was able to have a little more control though. Something in the back of my head was telling me that this was important. Something was telling me that this was about something more, than I thought. Something told me that Jake was having a hard time telling me because whatever he had to tell me was so important.

Jake kept his gaze on the floor, or anywhere else in the room. He looked at everything but me. He sighed and ran his hands through his hair. He was frustrated.

I licked my lips before slowly walking over to him. I placed my left hand on his shoulder causing him to look up. I sent him a reassuring smile. “Whatever you have to tell me, I can handle it. Trust me I’ve heard far worse”

He nodded and looked away again. I could tell that he didn’t believe me. I could tell that he doubted that I could understand what he was telling me. But, it couldn’t be anything that I couldn’t understand. Nothing that he tells me could be hard for me to understand.

The sound of someone clearing there throat caused us to jump apart. I looked to my left to see my dad standing there eying me and Jake. “Now you may not know this, but when you’re grounded. That means that you can’t have guest over either” he explained while walking over to us.

“Oh…hey Mr. Jenkins” Jake replied with nervously rubbing the back of his head.

“Boy” my father replied while looking Jake up and down.

I couldn’t help but roll my eyes. Is all of this really necessary? If my dad didn’t mind me going out with Jake last night then why was he playing the overprotective dad card now? If he really didn’t like Jake, he would have let me go out with him yesterday. Honestly, my dad is just confusing sometimes.

“Dad, Jake said that he needs to talk to me” I said.

“Well then he should have told you yesterday when you guys were……out” he spoke as he looked Jake up and down again.

My dad was tall but Jake was taller. My dad was about 5’11” but Jake was a good 6’3” or taller. Since they weren’t standing directly in front of each other my dad wasn’t straining his neck to look up at Jake.

I could tell that my dad wasn’t going to let me talk to Jake, unless I convinced him. My dad is absolutely nowhere near a future boy toy but he’s still a guy. Maybe a few of my tricks would be able to convince him. He’s still a guy; they should be able to fall for the same things. Well maybe I would have to change the tricks since he’s my dad, but they should still work.

“Daddy” I spoke in my regular voice. I didn’t want it to be too obvious that I was trying to convince him to let Jake stay. My dad looked at me and raised his eyebrows.

“I’m sorry about what happened last night but Jake really needs to talk to me. I wouldn’t have let him in if, it wasn’t important. It’ll only be a few minutes daddy I promise. I understand if you still say no but……please” I said looking away for the last part.

I glanced back at my dad to see if he caved. He was looking back and forth between me and Jake. I could tell that he was deciding what to do. Eventually he groaned and rolled his eyes. “You get five minutes, on the front porch and I mean five minutes”

“Thank you daddy” I replied with a smile. Like I said, he was still a guy.

“Thanks Mr. Jenkins”

“Boy” my dad nodded before walking off. I shook my head once more before opening to the front door. Jake walked onto the front porch and I followed suit. I closed the door behind me and turned around to face Jake.

“You know, you’re way sneakier than you look?” Jake said with a smirk.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about” I said while rocking back and forth on my heel. Jake chuckled and shook his head. He was suddenly more confident than he was in the house. He must have forgotten that he was supposed to be telling me something.

“So, um……..what did you want to talk about?” I asked. I didn’t want to see him become nervous again, though it was really cute.

His smile fell as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck again. “I guess since I don’t have a lot of time, I should just say it” he looked up at me and sighed. “Um….I guess I’ll just start with last night”

I furrowed my brows together. Last night, what had happened last night? Gosh, I picked last night of all nights to get so drunk that I would forget the next morning.

“I’m guessing that you don’t remember since you’re not yelling at me” he spoke as he rubbed the back of his neck. “But…um… last night…we kind of…sort of….made out….a lot”

I smiled and put a hand on my hip. I still couldn’t remember it, but it didn’t sound that bad. If all we did was make-out then I don’t think there’s much to remember. It wouldn’t be the first time that I made out with a guy at a party.

“Well that’s nothing to worry about. It wouldn’t be the first time something like that has happened so don’t worry I’m not going to kill you. Even though I don’t remember I trust you…..unless there’s a reason for me not to trust you?” I questioned skeptically.

Jake held up his hands defensively but quickly dropped them and put them in his pockets. “Well…..about the other thing…” he began.

I simply nodded my head motioning for him to continue. I still didn’t see what the big deal was. Nothing Jake would have to tell me could be more complicated than what I’m going through right now. If what he had to tell me was on the same level as the whole making out thing then he didn’t have anything to worry about.

“Well…..” he began. “Since you know that….leech then I’m guessing that you know that the legends are true”

I nodded my head hesitantly. I was actually hoping that he wasn’t going to tell me what I think he was about to tell me. I was begging for fate to say that my assumption was wrong and that Jake wasn’t about to say what I think he’s about to say.

“Well” he spoke as he ran his hands through his hair. He took a deep breath and locked his eyes with mine. “You asked me a while back what the shape-shifters look like…well what if I told you…..that they looked like me and the guys” he hesitantly spoke.

“I would kill you” I spoke completely serious.

Jake blinked his eyes a few times. He couldn’t tell if I was joking or if I was serious, but I was. “Are you—”

“Serious, yes I am” I folded my arms across my chest completely serious. This time I wasn’t joking. I wasn’t playing any tricks or games this time. I would seriously kill him, or never speak to him again. Either way he would get a bad reaction.

Jake’s face was covered in panic. I could tell that his heart was beating extremely fast but how he was breathing. He was maybe 2 or 3 heartbeats away from hyperventilating. He was not taking this news well.

“B-But y-you can’t be serious. You’re my imprint you’re not supposed to—”

“Your imprint” I interrupted while uncrossing my arms. That meant that all of this was true. That meant that Jake really was a shape-shifter. That meant that not only was he two steps away from being a dog, but I was his imprint. I was his supposed soul mate. I was his other half. I was the person who he would forever be hopelessly in love with.

This shit cannot be happening to me. My life could not have just gotten more complicated than it already is.

“So let me get this straight” I spoke while taking a step towards him. “You’re a werewolf or a shape shifter or whatever you want to call it. You transform into this…..giant wolf and hunt leeches. Leeches who happen to be involved in my life to much already. Not only that, but I’m supposedly your soul mate?”

Jake slowly nodded his head. That’s what set everything off. I completely exploded right there on the front porch.

“¿Por qué esto tiene que pasar a mí? ¿Por qué mi vida tiene que ser tan extraño? ¿Por qué no puedo tener una vida normal con la gente que no es normal cambia formas y vampiros. Cada vez que creo que las cosas están empezando a ser algo normal, algo bam tiene que cambiar. ¿Por qué no puedo ser una chica normal con problemas normales? ¿Por qué yo, por qué yo, POR QUÉ YO!?”

Why does this have to happen to me? Why does my life have to be so strange? Why can't I have a normal life with normal people not shape-shifters and vampires? Every time I think things are starting to become slightly normal, bam something has to change. Why can't I be a normal girl with normal problems? Why me, why me WHY ME?

As I paced back and forth and screamed in Spanish, I could tell that I was losing control of my powers. I could see tree branches and rocks beginning to levitate in mid air. The wind started to pick up as well. If Jake would have turned around he wouldn’t have believed what he saw.

Jake grabbed my shoulders to stop me from pacing. I took a deep breath before moving away from him.

“Just go Jake, I need to be alone right now” I said in a monotone voice before storming into my house and slamming the door behind me.

This could not be happening.
♠ ♠ ♠
Not excatly the response you were expecting now was it. Poor Jake, he finally tells her and then this happens. Believe me there is a reason why she reacted like that.

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