Sequel: If I Only Understood
Status: slowly updating

If You Only Knew


I sat down on the grass in my front yard. I looked up at the sky, watching the clouds form. I could tell by the air that it was going to rain soon. I sighed in contentment and closed my eyes. This was something that I missed, the depressing mood of La Push. How it was always cloudy and rainy. When that’s what you grew up too, you become accustom to it. I hugged my knees to my chest as a cool breeze blew through my dark brown/black hair.

I felt someone put there hands on my shoulders. I figured that it was my dad and didn’t bother to open my eyes. I felt my dad’s arms slide down from my shoulders to my arms in a sensual way. I opened my eyes and furrowed my eyebrows together. His hands were deathly cold, not normal as they usually warm. It was as if ice was touching my arms. I only know two people with hands that cold, but they don’t know where I am, hopefully.

He leaned down to my neck and kissed it. What the hell. “Dad, what are you doing?” I questioned still hoping that it was my dad.

He gave a chuckle and kissed my neck again. He then brought his lips to my ear. “You didn’t think that you could get away from me that easily did you,” he seductively whispered.

I gasped and he tightly squeezed my arms. I knew who this was, and it wasn’t my dad. It was him, the reason why I left my old home.

I was petrified with fear. I couldn’t move. I was frozen and helpless in his arms. He chuckled again and lowered his head back down to my neck. He kissed it again causing me to close my eyes in anticipation. Why can’t he just get it over with? “Your blood intoxicates me babe”

I tightly shut my eyes and bit my bottom lip to keep myself from sobbing. Tears slowly escaped my eyes. He squeezed my arms tighter. “Awe don’t worry babe. This will all be over soon,” he whispered. I felt his fangs graze my neck. He opened his mouth wider and bit down forcefully on my neck.

I let out a piercing ear splitting scream. My bed slammed back down onto the floor. I was breathing heavy and was covered in sweat. I knew that I had probably levitated the bed during my nightmare. This wasn’t anything abnormal to happen during my nightmares.

My door flew open and my dad ran over to me. “Lis are you okay?” he asked. He had heard the boom that my bed made when it connected with the floor. My dad had no idea about my abilities and I don’t think that now would be the best time to tell him. I couldn’t imagine the thoughts that were rushing through his head right now.

“I’m fine dad” I reassured.

“Are you sure?” his eyes were filled with concern and worry. I hated seeing my dad like this.

I nodded and gave a small smile. I look to my right and out of my window. There was a small amount of sun shining through my window. I knew that it was morning and that I had slept through the night and part of yesterday.

“So what do you want for breakfast?” he questioned.

I smiled and looked at my dad. “Surprise me. If you’re up for the challenge”

“We shall see,” he said before leaving my room.

I let out a frustrated groan and layed down on my bed. My first night back home and I have a nightmare. Does this mean that I didn’t go to the right place to get away from him? Maybe La Push was too obvious. I should have picked some place that he wouldn’t expect, like Toronto. Then again, I don’t know anyone in Toronto. I sighed and told myself that I was thinking too much. He hasn’t found me yet, so what is there to worry about.

I heard voices coming from downstairs that wasn’t my dads. I shrugged it off, I’ll probably find out who it is later anyways. I crawled out of the bed and got ready for a shower. I grabbed my clothes and a towel and went into my bathroom. I ran the water and began to undress. When I took off my shirt, I froze.

There was a bruise on my arm, in the shape of someone’s hand. I looked at the mirror to see if I was imagining things, I wasn’t. The bruise was there and clearly visible. I looked at my other arm to see if there was a bruise, but there was none.

“Okay calm down calm down, there’s nothing to worry about” I told myself aloud. I tend to talk to myself a lot. No I’m not crazy…..or at least I don’t think that I am. Then again crazy people usually don’t think that they are, there just told that they are. I took deep breaths trying to calm myself down. “There’s nothing to fear but fear itself. What idiot came up with that?”

I finished undressing before I stepped into the shower and let the warm water fall over my skin. It was as if the water was washing all my problems away. Sadly, this feeling would only last for a short period.

After I was, clean and finished with my shower. I pulled my hair into a messy bun and started to get dressed.

I walked into my room and grabbed the shoes that I planned to wear, Nikes. As I slipped them on, I heard my phone begin to vibrate in my bag. Suddenly a thought ran through my mind, I forgot to call Candy and tell her that I was safe.

Candy was my best friend back home. Her actual name is Candace but I call her Candy not only because it’s her nick-name, but also because she’s that sweet. I seriously doubt that this girl could hurt a fly if her life depended on it. She’s not the annoying bubbly sweet though, she’s just simply put, extremely nice. She was more like a sister to me especially since we are the same age (17). She was the only person besides my mom, Collin (you’ll find out more about him later) and him that know about my abilities.

I jumped up and ran to my bag hoping that it was her calling me. I ended up tripping on my shoelaces and falling onto the floor. The phone stopped vibrating once my body connected with the floor. I groaned in pain/annoyance and rolled onto my back. Note to self: tie shoelaces before running ALL THE TIME “I’m okay” I responded before my dad could ask what was wrong.

Then I remembered something, my abilities. “Stupid lyssa” I scolded.

I focused on the duffle bag. I mentally unzipped the bag and levitated my cell phone out of the bag. I floated the phone over to me and levitated it in front of my face. The screen read one missed call. I held out my hand and dropped my phone into my palm. I sat up right and noticed that my shoes still weren’t tied. I focused on my shoelaces and double tied them. I nodded my head in approval. “Nice”

I went back to my phone and saw that the call wasn’t from Candy, but from Trey. I smiled to myself. He actually wanted to talk to me. I decided to call him back later, just to keep him on his toes. Did I mention that I’m a huge cock tease?

I walked downstairs and noticed that I didn’t tie the strings on my shirt. I had to physically tie the stings since my father doesn’t know about me yet. I sighed and started to tie the strings.

I heard laughter coming from the kitchen once I got downstairs. I was still tying the strings when I reached the kitchen doorway. I was looking down at the strings so I had no idea who was in the kitchen. “What’s so funny?” I asked once I was finished with the strings. I put my hands on my hips and smiled in satisfaction with my work.

“Alyssa?” I heard an all too familiar voice say.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to everyone who commented on my story. Check out my other story Missing in action too please.

I had a friend of mine (hi friend if you're reading this) make an outfit for me on polyvore. I was too lazy to make my own, so if you want to see Alyssa's clothes then heres the link.

Please comment and let me know what you guys think,. I love reading the comments, and please don't be a silent reader. Come-on peoples you know u want too.