Sequel: If I Only Understood
Status: slowly updating

If You Only Knew


Collin and I walked along the sidewalk hand in hand. It was nighttime so the street lights were on. There wasn’t anyone outside but us, but we didn’t care. We were perfectly content with being with each other. It’s what love does to people.

We were walking back from the movie theater. Could have drove, yes, should we have drove, yes but did we, no. Why, because we didn’t feel like it. We didn’t see the point in driving when the movie theater wasn’t a far walk from our houses.

But looking back on that night, I wish we would have driven.

“I’m just saying why didn’t she just go out of the window” I questioned as we walked down the street.

“Because then she wouldn’t have died and her friend wouldn’t have escaped” Collin added.

I nudged him with my shoulder. “That’s the whole point”

He rolled his eyes as I laughed. “You’re so stubborn sometimes” he scolded.

“But that’s why you love me” I replied with a smile.

He smirked down at me. “Maybe, but I’m not so sure anymore”

I giggled and rolled my eyes. I knew what he wanted. I dropped his hand and moved so that I was standing in front of him. “Do you want me remind you?”

He shrugged his shoulders as if he didn’t care. “I guess that would help”

I giggled once again before wrapping my arms around his neck. He then snaked his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I started into his green eyes and smiled. The light from the street light made his eyes appear brighter. They were my favorite thing about him. Collin smiled down at me before slowly beginning to lean closer. I closed my eyes and leaned in as well.

Our lips grazed each other before Collin crashed his lips down on mine. I smiled into the kiss. It was full of passion and eagerness. I loved it when we kissed; it reminded me of how much I loved him.

I unlinked my hands and slowly slid them down to his chest. Collin licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I smirked and pushed him off of me.

Before he could realize what happened I started running down the street. I laughed as I continued to run down the block. I heard Collin screaming my name as I ran down the block.

I could feel eyes on me as I ran. I didn’t pay much attention to it, thinking that it was just Collin, but I wish that I had.

I wish that I had stopped running and looked around, but I didn’t. If I had of stopped, then I would have saw him. I would have seen him and been able to avoid the worst thing that could ever happen. I continued to run as if nothing was wrong.

I felt someone grab my waist and pick me up. I laughed as Collin began to spin me around. Eventually he stopped spinning me and set me back down on my feet.

“I think you spun my brains out” I complained while holding my head.

Collin only laughed, before grabbing my waist. He pulled me into his so that my back was against his chest. He kissed the top of my head and buried his face in it. “Sorry” he spoke. It was muffled but it was still cute.

I giggled and shook my head. He knew exactly how to get to me.

We were standing in front of my house and Collin seemed to notice. We started walking up to my porch. The lights were all off and there was no car in the driveway. My mom had gone away to visit my grandma. She wouldn’t be back until tomorrow night, so I knew that there was no one in the house.

I wish that I hadn’t of went in the house. I wish that I would have stayed anywhere but my house. But I didn’t think that anything was wrong, so I didn’t.

I took my key out and opened the door. I stepped inside with Collin on my heel.

“I don’t know if I’m comfortable with you being here alone” he spoke. I turned around to face him.

“You can stay at my house tonight” he offered.

At the time, I didn’t see the big deal. At the time I thought that Collin was just overreacting. I didn’t see what the big deal about being home alone was, but I wish that I had.

I sent Collin a reassuring smile. “This isn’t the first time that I’ve been in a house by myself. I’ll only be here until tomorrow afternoon” I explained.

“No, tomorrow morning. I’ll be over in the morning for breakfast and to check on you”

I smiled. He always cared about me, no matter what it was he always cared. It was one of the reasons why I loved him. “Okay I’ll only be by myself until the morning”

Collin nodded his head but I could tell that he was still unsure about the whole thing. I could tell that he still didn’t like the idea of me being by myself. I didn’t understand why, but I wish that I had.

Collin opened his mouth to speak but was interrupted by another voice. “But you won’t be by yourself, love” the voice spoke.

I jumped and turned around only to come face to face with him. I couldn’t see him, but I could tell by his dark silhouette that it was a man. His figure showed that he wasn’t extremely muscular but he wasn’t thin either. His skin was deathly pale, as if all color had been drained from his body. His lips were in a straight thin line as he stood there. He stared at me and Collin with his piercing red eyes.

I was frozen. I couldn’t react. Hearing his smooth melodic voice caused me to freeze. There was something about him. He wasn’t just some burglar in my house. There was something different about him.

Collin moved so that he was standing in front of me. He was blocking me from him, protecting me. “Who are you and how did you get in here” he sternly questioned.

A smirk slowly made its way onto his face. “I’m here to…take care of Ms. Jenkins here”

“But I-I-I don’t k-know you, s-so I know that my mom d-didn’t” I muttered. It would have been stronger but I was still somewhat frozen.

“I wasn’t sent by your mother, I was sent by the Volturi and it would be best if you just cooperate. Make it easier for yourself” he explained.

I furrowed my brows together as I stood behind Collin. The Volturi, what in the world was that? Who in the world was that and why are they looking for me?

“No you need to make it easier for yourself and get the fuck out now” Collin threatened.

He chuckled and shook his head. “Humans, always want to put up a fight”

“What do you mean humans?” I questioned with fear. He couldn’t be what I think he was, they don’t exist. They can’t exist.

“You’ll know soon enough, love. They want you to join them, and what an honor it is”

“Look I don’t know who you are or what you’re talking about but you have 5 seconds to leave” Collin threatened once again.

A smirked formed on his lips once again. “Fine I don’t mind having a small snack first”

Before anyone of us could question what he meant by that, he was standing in front of us in a flash. He grabbed Collin and threw him across the hall. In a flash he was standing in front of Collin again. He grabbed him by the neck and held him against the wall. Collin was gasping for air as he strangled him.

My mouth fell open in fear. I quickly focused on the guy and somehow, managed to throw him so far down the hall that I couldn’t see him. At the time I didn’t have much control over my powers, so I was amazed that I could do that, but I wasn’t in amazement for long.

I ran over to Collin who was lying on the ground. I kneeled down so that I was next to him. He set up and coughed.

“Oh my gosh, are you alright? Of course you’re not, but…can you breathe” I questioned with worry dripping from my voice.

“Wow you’re more powerful than I thought” I heard him speak.

Before I could figure out where he was, I was thrown across the hall. I ended up landing on a table, and causing it to break. I winced in pain as I looked back at Collin. He was standing overtop of Collin looking down at him. In a flash he was then standing in front of me.

His blood red eyes seemed to become darker when he was kneeling in front of me. They were no longer piercing blood red; they were now darker, almost black. He closed his eyes and exhaled with pure ecstasy. He opened his eyes and started to breath heavy. He grabbed my arms tightly and slammed me against the wall. I bit my bottom lip and shut my eyes to try and show that I wasn’t in pain, but I was. I was sure that the grip that he had on me would leave a bruise. I opened my eyes and found him staring back at me with pure hunger and desire.

“You’re so intoxicating” he said. “I’m going to enjoy turning you”

I would have furrowed my brows together if it didn’t hurt so much. “T-t-turning me into what?” I questioned with hesitation.

“One of me love” he leaned in closer to me “A vampire”

I gasped and out of shock. Since I didn’t have much control over my powers as soon as he said this, he was thrown across the room. He didn’t look like he was hurt but he looked angry. He looked over at Collin and smirked at me. In a flash he was hovering over him.

“Just a short demonstration for you” he said.

Before I could react, he picked Collin up and clamped down on his neck. I shut my eyes and let out a piercing scream. I curled up and continued to scream. I wanted this to be a dream, I wanted this to all be over. I didn’t want this to be happening.

I stopped screaming and opened my eyes. Collin was lying on the floor with his eyes wide open, and he was gone. I quickly crawled over to Collins side.

His skin was slowly becoming paler. His chest was still rising and falling but it took longer for his chest to rise each time. His mouth was open slightly and his eyes were wide. Tears were flowing down my face like a waterfall as I stared down at him. I felt like I had lost everything. I needed him to be alive, I needed him to be here with me. “C-Collin” I spoke. I was hoping that he would respond, but he didn’t.

I lost it. I started sobbing like I had never sobbed before. My eyes were blinded with tears and my sobs echoed through the house. I sobbed into Collins now still chest. Hearing no heart beat only made me sob harder.

I felt like I had lost everything. He was my first love, my only love. He was everything that I had always wanted. He was the only person that I had wanted and now he was gone, because of me. He was gone because of me. If I wasn’t cursed with being telekinetic then he would still be here with me. Instead he’s lying on the floor dead.

I sobbed for what felt like hours. I sobbed into his chest until I was completely drained and tired. Even then tears were still silently falling from my eyes. I sniffed and looked up at Collin’s pale face. It was now deathly pale. I found it hard to believe that he could lose color that quickly, but this wasn’t the weirdest part.

The weirdest and scariest thing that happened was when I looked into Collin’s eyes.

I stared into his eyes thinking that he would never stare back into mine. I sniffed and wiped my eyes. I then noticed something, his eyes were a darker green than they were before. I sniffed again as a tear slowly slid down my cheek.

I leaned in closer to his face. I admired his face thinking that I may never get to again. I gently touched his cheek. It was cold, it wasn’t icy cold but it was cold. I looked down at his lips thinking that he would never kiss me again. I looked up into his eyes again. If I had any more energy left then I would break down and cry again.

Then Collin blinked. I wasn’t sure if what I saw was really happening or if I was delusional. Suddenly Collin gasped causing me to jump back. His face was etched with nothing but pure pain. His green eyes suddenly turned black.

I gasped and was stricken with fear. I didn’t know what was going on, but it wasn’t pretty.

Collin arched his back and screamed in pain. I sat there in horror as I watched him. I didn’t know what I should do, I didn’t even know what was going on.

Collin looked over at me and if possible, his eyes become darker. He slowly lifted his hand and pointed at the door. I didn’t exactly understand what he wanted me to do but I stood up and started walking towards the door. I turned back to look at him as tears began to brim my eyes again. He nodded his head before letting out another painful scream. Another slow tear made its way down my cheek as I ran towards the door. I ran outside and collapsed on my front lawn. Another painful scream was heard from inside the house.

This was all my fault.

A tear slowly fell down from my cheek as I finished telling the story. I hated reliving that night. I hated remembering what happened. I hated the fact that this was all my fault.

Suddenly, I started to sob. Tears were blocking my vision and my sobs were loud and painful. I wanted to collapse right there. Collin was the way that he was all because of me. I buried my face in my hands and continued to sob.

Jake soon took a step towards me and pulled me into him. I continued to sob as Jake held me in his warm arms. Jake told me that everything was going to be okay as I sobbed. I slowly began to calm down at the sound of his voice, but I was still crying.

Eventually I stopped crying and listened to the sound of Jake’s heartbeat. It was soothing, it was like my own personal melody. It was easily my favorite sound. I wanted ot be in his arms forever and listen to his heart beat. It was all that I wanted to do.

“You okay?” Jake asked.

I nodded my head. Now I knew that I couldn’t be with Jake. I had feelings for him, if he found out then he would find some way to hurt jake. He might not be able to turn him like he did Collin but he might be able to hurt him. Who knows what I would do if he got to jake?

As much as I didn’t want to, I pulled away from Jake. Jake had a confused look on his face as I did this. I couldn’t get any closer to him, it would only make this harder for both of us. I took a step back so that there was a good distance between us.

Jake sighed. “You’re scared that something is going to happen just like with Collin don’t you?” he questioned.

I nodded my head and looked down at the ground. Seeing the disappointment in his face would only make this harder.

Jake put to fingers under my chin and made me look into his deep brown eyes. “Lys nothing is going to happen to me and I don’t care if it does. I care more about keeping you safe than I do about me getting hurt. Nothing is going to happen”

“But Jake—”

“Don’t” he interrupted.

“I wouldn’t let anything happen to you…ever” he added.

A slow smile made its way onto my face. Somehow I trusted Jake. Somehow I was able to believe him and every word that he said. Somehow, I was able to have hope.

Somehow, I was able to trust again.
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AHHHHH 104 subscribers oh em gee you guys are amazing. First ten stars now this....i would hug u guys if u weren't so far away. That's rite all 104 of you lol :-)

Anyway what did you think of the chapter?

And i want to know if you guys think i should do a sequel to this story.

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