Sequel: If I Only Understood
Status: slowly updating

If You Only Knew


Kim and I shopped for what felt like hours. The weird thing was that we didn’t buy as many things as we tried on. We only had two bags each, but we had been in almost every store. There were a lot more stores in Port Angeles than there were in Forks or La Push. We had fun going in and out of stores and trying everything on. Since I had my camera in my purse we would either video tape ourselves modeling clothes that we tried on or simply take pictures.

Being with Kim reminded me of being back home. It reminded me of hanging out with Candy and simply having fun before all of this drama started. Luckily, Kim was going through part of what I had to go through so it wasn’t hard for her to relate.

Kim and I were in a clothing store that I had forgotten the name of. We were standing in front of some manikins that were in the back of the store and decided to have a little fun with them.

“I think the purple shirt would look better on her” Kim said while holding up a shirt against the manikin.

“What about this black skirt?” I questioned while pulling the shirt off the rack.

“Cute” Kim gushed. I laughed and handed the skirt to Kim.

I looked behind me to make sure that no one was watching. I saw the girl behind the counter popping her gum and staring at her nails. I then shifted my gaze and saw another girl looking at a dress near the front of the door. I smirked and turned back around to face Kim. I nodded my head to show her that all systems were a go.

I focused on the shirt on the manikin and quickly unbuttoned it and put it to the side. Next was the skirt, I had to lift the manikin up to do this but I did it. I put on the clothes that me and Kim had picked out before taking a picture of it. There's nothing wrong with having a little harmless fun.

Now I know what you’re thinking, I just used my powers just for fun, well you’re right. Actually it was helping me gain control of them. Since I hardly use them, I don’t have that much control over them. Using them now helps me gain control. I never been able to control two things at once, but now I could.

The only thing that makes me feel bad is the fact that I swore to Collin that I wouldn’t use them. Then again he should be able to understand that I need to have control over my powers. I’m sure he would want me to be able to protect myself. I do feel slightly better knowing that I’m not going to see him again; therefore he probably doesn’t even know that I’m using them.

Kim and I walked out of the store laughing like crazy at the cashier’s confused expression as she looked at the manikin. We started walking down the block as we started to calm down.

“That was priceless, we should have taken a picture of her before and after the change” Kim suggested.

“Yeah, that wouldn’t have given anything away” I laughed as I rolled my eyes.

“That’s what I’m saying” Kim nodded.

We laughed once again as we walked down the block. Kim suddenly stopped walking causing me to stop too. She smiled as she looked across the street. Before I could ask her what she was smiling at or even see what she was smiling at, she dropped her shopping bags and bolted across the street.

Luckily, there weren’t any cars driving past but that still didn’t stop me from almost having a heart attack. You would have a heart attack to if your friend randomly ran across the street and could have gotten in an accident.

She ran up to a guy and jumped onto his back, wrapping her legs around his waist. The guys laughed and held her legs to keep her up. That’s when it all clicked, it was Jared. I should have known from the beginning, why else would Kim run across the street but for Jared.

I smiled and shook my head. The power of love makes people do crazy things, like dropping everything that you had just bought on the ground. I picked up her bags and looked both ways before crossing the street.

“I take it you missed me” I heard Jared say to Kim.

“More than you could ever know” she responded with a smile.

“Okay I’m stopping you right there” I spoke up. “I’m still here and I don’t want to see you two share your, I missed you but I missed you more make-out” I explained with a smile.

Jared laughed while Kim looked away trying to hide her blush. “Well hey to you to Alyssa” Jared said.

I smiled before I looked around. Something was missing, or should I say someone. Jake wasn’t here. The only guy that was here was Jared and he was currently talking to Kim, who was still on his back. What if Jake didn’t come, what if he wasn’t coming? I would have to be a third wheel with Jared and Kim. The worst part is, Jake wouldn’t be here.

Suddenly the door to the store that we were standing in front of opened. “You couldn’t have waited five seconds for me to—” Jake stopped mid sentence as his gaze shifted from Jared to me. His deep dark brown eyes seemed to light up as his eyes locked with mine. A smile soon made its way onto his face. He looked as if he had forgotten all about what he was going to say to Jared.

I smiled before tucking a strand of hair behind my ear and glancing down at my shoes for a second. My heart was pounding in my chest and it rang loudly in my ear. My breathing picked up slightly but it wasn’t enough for anyone to notice,I hope. The things that happened to me just by him smiling at me.

“Hey Lys” he greeted. My stomach then started to do flips and tricks, inside of me. The sound of his voice was like a melody to my ears.

“Hey” I said with a smile.

“What’s up?” he questioned as he started to walk towards me.

“These bags I hope” I said as I held my bags and Kim’s out to him. Honestly I was trying to keep him at a safe distance from me. If he came any closer, I was sure that my heart would either explode or jump out of my chest and onto the side walk.Believe you me, I do want to be near him, in more ways than one.

Jake chuckled before taking the bags from my hands. “Of course, though I expected more” he said.

“Me a shopaholic” I said as I put my hand on my chest. Jake then raised an eyebrow at me while his smile was still plastered on his face. I then shrugged my shoulders and dropped my arm back to my side. “That’s about right”

Jake laughed and caused me to laugh to. My heart was no longer pounding, it had calmed down slightly so that it was now somewhat fluttering. It was still excited because of Jake but it decided that there was no need to anticipate something.Not right now anyways.

I looked around and noticed that Kim and Jared had walked off. I guess I had been so caught up in my conversation with Jake that I didn’t notice that they had left. I swear I told her not to do that in the car. She did exactly what I told her not to do. I felt my phone vibrate in my skirt pocket. I took my phone out to see that I had a text message from Kim.

Kim: I know what you’re thinking & I didn’t leave you to go make out with Jared. We’re not making out

I rolled my eyes and slid my phone back into my pocket. I then looked back up at Jake who had a confused look on his face. “I don’t think we’re going to see Kim and Jared again for a long time and if we’re lucky then they won’t come back with Jared junior” I implied.

“Well that’s not completely bad” he said with a shrug. A smile then made its way onto his face. “Since there probably not going to come back anytime soon, why don’t we head over to first beach while the weather’s somewhat nice” he suggested.

I folded my arms over my chest and pursed my lips as I thought it over. I could A, get in his car and go to first beach. B. Continue to go shopping as was planned, even though Kim had now left. C. Ask Jake if he would help me go shopping or D. go to first beach with him.

I shrugged my shoulders. “I guess we could head over to first beach. How often are we going to be able to go to the beach and not have to worry about rain for once?”

Jake smiled down at me. “Good then I can put your stuff in the car. What did you buy weights?”

I rolled my eyes knowing that he was joking. “I can’t believe I ever thought that you were on steroids” I then started to poke his hot and huge biceps. “You’re way to weak” I laughed.

“Oh really” he questioned with a smirk as he took a step towards me. I nodded my head and smirked. In on swift movement Jake had thrown me onto his shoulder. I let out a slight squeal as he did so.

“Jake” I laughed as I pounded onto his back. Of course, it had no affect on him. I eventually gave in and sighed as Jake continued to carry me down the block and towards his car.

Maybe this wasn’t such a bad idea.
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I know that this chapter is mostly a filler but its necessary. I'll admit it, i like this chapter to. It shoes how Alyssa is starting to fall for him.

What do you guys think about it?

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