Sequel: If I Only Understood
Status: slowly updating

If You Only Knew

Loosing Control

I quickly bolted out of my room and down the stairs. I needed to get to the guys before they got to the house. I knew that once they were in the house, I wouldn’t be able to stop them. They would go upstairs and kill Collin if they got into the house.

“Whoa, why are you running?” My dad asked as he walked out of the kitchen.

“No time to explain” I quickly replied as I reached the front door. I quickly threw the door open and ran outside into the cool night air. The only light outside was the moonlight yet I could still see everything. Sam, Paul and Jake were still quickly walking towards my house. Everyone else who had phased remained hidden in the trees.

I pushed myself faster until I was standing directly in front of Jake. I was out of breath but determined. I knew that I couldn’t let the guys into the house. I know that I couldn’t let the guys get to Collin. I may be confused but I do know that I don’t want the guys to kill him.

“What are you guys doing?” I questioned once my breath returned to me. I was stalling. I want to stall long enough for me to think of a way to get Collin out of the house.

“Not now Lys” Jake replied as he glared at my house. I knew that he was trying to keep calm, but on the inside he was beyond angry. His face showed that he was angry and worried. I knew that he was probably worried about me. Even though he wasn’t looking directly at me, in his eyes, I could see that he wanted to protect me.

“I think there’s something in your house” he explained. His gaze then met mine and his face fell serious. “Stay. Here” he sternly commanded.

He side stepped me and started walking towards the house. Sam and Paul soon started to follow. I quickly ran after him and stood in front of him once again. I couldn’t let them get into the house.

I put my hands on his bare chest to keep him from going any further. “There’s nothing to worry about, there’s nothing there” I half-lied. It wasn’t as if I was lying to him completely. I was only partially lying to him.

Paul and Sam both walked past me and Jake. I panicked; I couldn’t let them get to the house. Nothing but trouble would come from them getting into the house.

I ran over to Paul and managed to grab his arm to stop him from walking any further. He turned to look at me, his angry face twisted in disgust as he stared down at me.

Someone’s hands grabbed my waist and pulled me off of Paul, I knew exactly who it was. I sharply turned around and found myself staring at Jake once again. He was still worried and angry, but his face now held the same disgust that Paul’s had.

“Lys, why the hell do you smell like a leech?!” Jake questioned. His voice raised an octave higher than usual. His tone sounded deeper and angrier than it had before. I knew that he knew exactly why I smelt like a vampire. It was because I was just with one.

“W-w-what a-a-are you t-talking a—”

“Damn it Lys, you know exactly what I’m talking about” he interrupted. He started to shake ever so slightly. It was so slight that if I wasn’t standing directly in front of him I wouldn’t have noticed it.

“Alyssa what’s going on?” my father asked from the doorway. He was utterly confused about what was going on. I knew that if he knew what was going on, he would go upstairs and kill Collin himself.

“Jacob” Sam spoke. Jake broke his gaze from mine and directed it to Sam. His face remained hard but he was completely focused on whatever Sam had to say.

“Paul and I are going inside” he spoke. He then nodded his head in the direction of the house. Motioning for him and Paul to start heading over there. They turned and started jogging over to my house.

My eyes went wide at the sight of this. They could find Collin if they got into the house. I tried to run and stop them but Jake tightened his grip on my waist, keeping me from going anywhere. I continued to squirm and try to reach them, but Jake’s grip was too tight. I put my hands on hips and tried to loosen his grip, but I had no success.

“Jake…Let.Me.Go” I muttered as I continued to squirm in his grasp. I needed to stop them, I needed to keep them away from Collin. I looked up and saw Paul and Sam walking up my front porch.

That’s when I snapped. I lost what little control I had. I couldn’t comprehend what I was doing but I wish that could. If I could then I would have been able to stop it from happening but I couldn’t.

“No!!!!!!” I screamed at the top of my lungs.

The wind suddenly picked up. My gaze remained on Sam and Paul, I found myself squinting and uncontrollably focusing on them. Suddenly a wall of what seemed to be pure energy formed on the door way between my dad and the guys. Sam and Paul walked right into it and stumbled back a little. The wall of energy suddenly turned into a ball of energy, and trapped Sam and Paul inside. The ball then levitated off the front porch and high into mid air, bringing Sam and Paul with it.

Jake’s grip loosened on me, as he stared at the ball. My eyes were slightly wide at what I was seeing. I couldn’t believe that I had just done that. I couldn’t believe that I was capable of something like that. I couldn’t believe that I had done that and I had no idea how I did it.

I gasped causing the ball to disappear. The guys started to fall towards the ground but in mid-air they phased and hit the ground landing on their paws. My dad’s started to rub his eyes as what he had just seen. He had just seen the guys phase and me use my powers. I was a bit glad yet amazed. I was glad because I wouldn’t feel guilty if they hit the ground but I was amazed at how quickly they were able to phase. I had seen them in their wolf forms before but I had never seen them phase.

The dark grey wolf that I’m guessing was Paul sharply turned around to face me. He growled and bared his teeth at me. I knew that he was mad and confused. He had no idea what was going on, and since he has a bad temper, that’s what he was going to use to get some answers.

I bit my lip as I stared at Paul. Jake quickly pushed me behind him as he started to shake violently. As I stared to back away Jake phased into the giant russet wolf that I had only seen once before. Jake started to snarl at Paul and Paul snarled back. They started to circle each other getting ready for an attack.

As I stood there and watched them I started to feel tired. I started to feel drained. I carefully shook my head trying to rid myself of the tiredness that I was suddenly feeling.

Sam, the black wolf, jumped in between them and barked. Jake and Paul stopped circling each other but continued to hold their stances. Everyone else started to slowly make their way out of the words and towards the current scene. My father’s eyes only went wider as he saw the pack step out of the woods.

My head started to pound slightly adding to the pain that I was feeling. I started to feel dizzy and my vision became blurred. The slightly smaller sandy brown wolf looked over and me with a worried expression. He then barked getting everyone else’s attention.

I blinked and felt myself rocking back and forth slightly as I looked at the pack.

The last thing I saw was Jake’s russet wolf form running towards me. The last thing I heard was Collin shouting my name.

The next thing I knew, I was surrounded with darkness.
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Sorry that the chapter was so short, but i don't know when the next time i'm going to be able to update is so i just wanted to give you guys something.

The sandy brown wolf was Seth just so you guys know.

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