Sequel: If I Only Understood
Status: slowly updating

If You Only Knew


Jacob’s POV

I watched in horror as Alyssa began to rock back and forth slightly. Her eyes then closed and she started to fall towards the ground. I quickly ran over to her and managed to catch her shirt in my mouth before she hit the ground. I heard the sound of someone calling her name, but I ignored it as I gently laid her body down on the ground.

This was the second time that something like this had happened. It was the second time that I couldn’t protect her, no matter how hard I tried.

A small whimper escaped my lips as I stared down at her. I softly nudged her with my nose to see if she would stir, she didn’t. My body felt numb and I wanted to break down then and there. My heart was aching only making me feel 1,000 times worse then I already had. Her chest was still moving up and down signaling that she was still breathing, but it didn’t ease my pain any less.

“Leech” Paul growled.

I quickly turned around, along with the rest of the pack, and saw the bloodsucker standing near the side of Alyssa’s house.

“He must have came out through the window” Embry thought.

I didn’t care where he had come from, I just wanted him to leave. It was probably his fault that Alyssa was currently passed out on the lawn instead of inside asleep.

A growl erupted from my throat as I stared at him. That’s when it hit me, he was the same leech from last time. He was the same leech that was with her in the forest the last time she passed out. He was her ex.

“She dated a leech, what the hell?” Quil thought.

“That was unexpected” Seth added.

“Do you always have to pick the leech lovers?” Leah sarcastically thought.

I ignored their comments as I started to walk towards the leech. There was no way in hell that I was going to let him get away this time. The only reason why I didn’t kill him last time was because he was near her, but this time he was nowhere near her.

I growled one last time before I broke out in a sprint towards him. The rest of the pack then broke off in a sprint towards him as well.

Before I knew it, or before the leech could actually react I had pounced on him. I snarled and barred my fangs as I stared down at the filthy bloodsucker. It was his entire fault, the first time she had fainted was his fault, and this time was probably his fault as well.

That’s when I noticed it, his eyes that is. His eyes were golden instead of blood-shot red. His eyes were the same color as the Cullen’s. The Cullen’s were vegetarians, so does that means he’s one to.

I stopped growling but continued to bare my teeth. He was still a bloodsucker non-the-less. He was still the reason why Alyssa was unconscious.

“What are you waiting for?” Leah questioned.

“Leah!” Sam spoke silencing her. “What’s going on Jake?”

“I think he might be a vegetarian” I explained.

“Holy shit!” Quil exclaimed.

“What the fuck?” Jared questioned.

“So why the hell was he over here?” Paul questioned.

Everyone started to speak at one but I continued to bare my fangs at the bloodsucker. He may be a vegetarian but who knows why he’s over here. I still don’t like the idea of him being in Alyssa’s house, or being anywhere near her.

“Look, I’m not here to hurt anyone” the leech spoke. “I came here to help”

I continued to bare my teeth, refusing to let my guard down. Even if he was here to help, he’s still a filthy bloodsucker, how am I supposed to trust him. I barely trust the Cullens and I know that they don’t drink human blood.

“What does he mean by help?” Seth questioned.

“Help himself to a snack a bet” Leah harshly thought.

“He’s a vegetarian you ass” Paul thought.

“You little—”

“Alright listen up” Sam spoke interrupting Leah and silencing us again.

“Jake keep the leech there, we don’t want him going anywhere. Paul and Jared, come with me, we’re going to phase and find out exactly what he’s trying to do. The rest of you guys stay here with Jake and make sure that neither of them tries anything. We need to keep the leech alive until we know what he’s doing here, understood” he instructed.

The pack nodded their head but I kept my gaze on the leech. How much I wouldn’t give just to rip him to shreds right here and now?

Sam, Paul and Jared all walked into the forest. The leech then shifted his gaze from them to me. “You’re not going to get off of me anytime soon are you?” he questioned.

I growled and snapped at him, causing his eyes to widen for a split second before returning back to normal. If I wasn’t glaring and snarling at him, I would have smirked. I wanted him to be scared. I wanted him to be terrified for his life.

Sam, Jared and Paul soon returned from the words. I stopped snarling but continued to glare at the leech.

“What do you mean you’re trying to help?” Sam questioned.

The leech then shifted his gaze from Sam to me, then back to Sam. “A little help here” he replied in a monotone.

I growled once more before looking over at Sam. He nodded his head signaling that it was okay for me to get off now. I snarled at the leech one more time before hesitantly stepping off of him.

The leech stood up and started to brush himself off. He cleared his throat before looking at me. I glared back at him and resisted the urge to pounce on him once more.

“Are you a vegetarian?”Sam questioned, interrupted our glaring contest.

He then shifted his gaze over to Sam. He nodded his head and put his hands in his pockets. “But that’s not why I’m here” he spoke.

“I’m here to help Alyssa. She was already in danger and now that she’s hanging out with…you….she’s in even more danger. I came to see if I could at least help her a little bit, and undo some of the mess that you guys are creating”

All of us who still hadn’t phased back growled at him. It was an automatic reaction but I wasn’t as angry as I was before. I was actually slightly hurt and concerned. Had I been putting Alyssa in more danger instead of helping her? My chest began to hurt even more from the thought of putting her in danger.

“How have we been putting her in danger?” Sam questioned skeptically. He was just as curious as I was. We thought we were protecting her by going on extra patrols, and getting less sleep because of the patrols.

“Well one of your imprints has been around her lately and caused her to do the one thing that puts her in danger” he explained. I could hear the anger and the concern dripping from his voice with every word that he spoke.

A growl erupted from Jared’s throat, as he clenched his fist. His eyes slanted into one of the most hateful glares that I have ever seen him give anyone. I could see him beginning to shake from where I was standing.

He then took a step forward. “Watch it leech” he spat with his voice filled with rage and venom.

Sam then put his arm out to stop Jared from taking any steps further. He wasn’t upset though, he knew that he would have reacted the same way if the leech was talking about Emily.

“What do you mean?” he questioned as he continued to hold Jared back.

The leech glared at Jared before shifting his gaze to Sam. “Look if she hasn’t told you then I’m not going to be the one to tell you either, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to fucking sit around like an ass and watch you guys put her in anymore danger than you already have” he spat.

Sam opened his mouth to speak but the leech spoke before he could. “But right now that’s not what you guys should be worried about. You should be taking her somewhere to get help”

He then set his gaze on me and glared. “You know for someone who’s supposed to love her you sure have a fucked up way of showing it”

At that I growled and lunged at him. Who the fuck does he think he is, telling me that I’m not doing what I’m supposed to do? He’s the one that broke her fucking heart in the first place, and he thinks he can judge what I do? I should break him in half just for breaking her heart.

Leah quickly lunged at me, and knocked me to the side before I could actually reach him. I managed to land on my feet but continued to glare at the leech.

“Ugh, that felt good, I’ve wanted to hit someone all night” Leah thought, but I ignored it.

Embry and Quil quickly stood in front of me creating a barrier between me and the leech.

“We need to keep him alive, for now, remember Jake” Quil thought.

“Whatever” I replied as I continued to glare at the leech.

Seriously, who the fuck does he think he is? I can’t wait till Sam actually let’s me kick his ass. I should have done it when I had the chance instead of holding out. Next time, I won’t hold back.

“Someone wants revenge” Seth thought. I ignored his comment as I glared intensely at the leech.

“Right” Sam nodded. He then set his gaze on us.

“The rest of you phase back and change. Paul you take Leah and Embry around for another patrol just to make sure that his story checks out straight. Make sure that you check a couple of the houses and make sure that nothing unordinary has come up there.”

“Seth, Quil and I will go with the leech to check on Alyssa dad and explain what’s going on. He’s coming so we can keep an eye on him”

“Jacob, you and Jared take Alyssa to the hospital and make sure she’s okay. Make sure that she see’s Carslie, no one else but Carslie. That’s an order” Sam commanded in Alpha mode.

At that everyone nodded their heads and began to do what they were instructed to do. I quickly hurried back to Alyssa’s body to find her still lying the same way that she was when we left.

Another whimper escaped my lips as I stared at her. My heart continued to ache and my body continued to feel numb. It was as if when she was hurt, I was hurt.

She has to be okay. She just has to be.
♠ ♠ ♠
I had no idea what to call this chapter so i just called it leech, why, like i said i don't know.

I know that a lot of you don't like Collin but i would like to hear why.
Some of you already told me, but i want to hear from some more people.

What did you think of the chapter?

And please you guys, don't be a silent reader. I love hearing from you guys so i would like it a lot more if you commented on mi story. :)

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