Sequel: If I Only Understood
Status: slowly updating

If You Only Knew

Embry and Quil

“Quil, Embry?” I questioned.

There was no way that the two guys, no men, standing in front of me were Quil and Embry, These guys were over 6 feet tall. Their hair was cut short, a contrast to Quil and Embry’s long hair. The most noticeable difference was their muscles. These guys were ripped and shirtless. There 6 packs were clearly visible and it was hard for me to not stare at it. There biceps were bulging and huge. Overall, these guys were very hot.

“Lyssa, I can’t believe that it’s you” Quil said before pulling me into a bone crushing hug. I couldn’t help but blush as he held me against his bare chest hot chest. I don’t mean the same hot as I said before; I mean fever hot, like frying an egg hot.

“Hey don’t hog her” Embry said pulling him off of me. I was then pulled into another bone crushing hug. I could barely breathe with these guys around. Yes I missed them like crazy but I also miss breathing.

“Hey I wasn’t done”

“Too bad” Embry then threw me over his shoulder in one swift motion as if I was a feather.

I laughed as Embry began to run out of the kitchen. “Da—Daddy” I said in-between laughs. I could hear my dad laughing followed by footsteps. These guys were still the same as they were 8 years ago, joking around and having fun all the time. I missed my two best friends.

I continued to laugh as I bounced up and down on Embry’s shoulder. I saw Quil run out of the house after us. He was running extremely fast and it didn’t look as if he planned on slowing down. “Uh Em—Embry” I studded because of the bouncing.

Before he could respond, Quil tackled him to the ground. I flew out of Embry’s grasp and landed flat on my ass. “Oww” I groaned in pain.

I looked up to find the guys now wrestling on the grass. I couldn’t help but to roll my eyes at them.
They may look like 25 year old male models, but the act the same as they did 8 years ago. Not that I mind. It’s good to know that they haven’t changed besides there looks. Then again I don’t want to be the only one who has changed.

I looked at the doorway to my house to see my dad shaking his head at us with a big smile plastered on his face.

“And you were going to let me get kidnapped by THEM!” I yelled with a smile.

Embry and Quil stopped wrestling and looked up at me. “HEY!” they yelled in unison.

My dad and I erupted into a chorus of laughter. The moment was something that you hoped would happen when people haven’t seen one another in years. It was something that proved how strong of a bond you had with one another. A moment like this is something that movies and books try to capture.

“So what happened to you?” Embry asked.

We were currently standing in my front yard tossing around a football. The guys didn’t believe me when I told them that I could still throw one. My dad had managed to find one in the house so we decided to play catch. I could tell that the guys were going easy on me though.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about” I innocently replied before throwing the ball to Quil.

He easily caught it and positioned himself to throw it to Embry. “You know exactly what we’re talking about. You going from overalls and a baseball cap to a shirt like that, which you should buy more of, and shorts that are well………a nice length” he replied with a smirk. He threw the ball to Embry in a perfect spiral.

Embry easily caught it before smirking at me. “Which you should also buy more of”

I couldn’t help but laugh at these guys. It was funny, in a perverted way. I will admit that wearing a crop top and shorts in front of guys isn’t the smartest idea but I didn’t know that they were coming over. If I had known then I wouldn’t have worn the top.

Embry took notice of my laughter and threw the ball back to Quil. After ten more seconds, I had calmed down. “Okay, I’m acting like a girl but what about you guys”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about” Quil mocked before throwing me the ball. I caught it and positioned myself to throw it to Embry.

“I’m serious guys. I use to be able to push you guys into the mud, grass and dirt. Now it looks like I would die trying. Seriously, what kinds of steroids are you taking that gave you those kinds of results?”

The guys both roared with laughter. “Okay well let’s just say that puberty works wonders” Embry said. He began to scan me over. “You should know all about that”

I rolled my eyes and put my hands on my hips. There’s no way that they could look like that because of puberty. I wish puberty would have that effect on all guys.

“And you never pushed me into the mud or the dirt” Quil added.

“You’re right. I use to kick your ass”

“Language” My father called from inside the house.


I felt my phone vibrate inside my back pocket. I put the football under my left arm and pulled my phone out with my right hand. “Hello” I answered into the phone.

“YOU’RE ALIVE!” Candy yelled. I laughed knowing that she was smiling on her end of the phone.

“Yup I’m still alive and well”

“So how is everything going? How’s your dad? Meet anyone new or old yet? Don’t leave anything out”

I couldn’t help but laugh at Candy. The guys were both giving me confused looks. They were probably wondering who I was talking too.

“Okay well I’m actually hanging out with some of my old friends right now--” “Oh I’m sorry am I interrupting you. I can go if you’re busy” she interrupted.

See what I mean about being really sweet. She’s like a concerned mother. “No you’re not interrupting Candy, we can talk”

“No no just text me later when you get some free time okay. Bye” I heard the phone line go dead signaling that she had hung up. I smiled as I shook my head.

“So who’s Candy?” Quil asked now standing next to me.

“A friend of mine. Who’s not interested in meat heads”

He shrugged and smirked. I knew what was going through his head right now and it made me want to hit him. Candy is an extremely sweet girl, and I don’t even want guys thinking of her that way. Though they will probably not meet her, I still don’t want them thinking that way about her.

“So Lyssa,” Embry started “there is a bonfire tomorrow down at the beach. You should come; we can introduce you to everyone. There will be smores” he said the last part in a sing song voice.

“And Jake will be there” Quil added.

Jake and I were friends when we were younger too. We didn’t hate each other we were just kids. We would be best friends and then we would get in a fight. An actual fight not the arguing actual pushing and shoving. Then we would make up two days later. Our relationship was weird. Everyone use to say that we acted like an old married couple which of course led to another fight. In general there was no in between for me and Jake. It was we were fighting or we were best friends, there was no meeting in the middle.

I shrugged. “All go, but for you guys, not Jake”

“Sure” the said in unison.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay you guys. Thanks to everyone who has commented on my stories. Jake will be making his grand entrance in the next chapter.

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