Sequel: If I Only Understood
Status: slowly updating

If You Only Knew

Crazy Dream

Alyssa’s POV

I looked around and noticed that I was standing in front of my house. I blinked a few times and rubbed my eyes, completely confused. I couldn’t be in front of my house, I had passed out in front of my house, a little while ago. I looked around, for anyone that I knew, but there was no one. No one was around but me my house and the forest around my house.

I started to walk up my front porch as I tried to figure everything out. I reached out to grab the door handle, but the door suddenly disappeared. I gasped slightly from shock. I looked around once more, but no one was there.

I walked into the house and the aroma of chicken it my nose. Although, I was still slightly scared and shocked, I knew that someone was in the kitchen. I was hoping that whoever was in there could give me some answers.

I quickly walked to the kitchen and froze from what I saw. In the kitchen, in an apron and hair pulled back into a bun, was me. I was the one in the kitchen, but I was also standing and watching myself. The me that was cooking seemed a bit older, as if she was now in her mid-twenties.

The older version of myself, carefully slid a pan of baked chicken out of the oven. She turned around to face me, and my eyes went wide from the thought of her freaking from this worse than me.

But she didn’t.

She simply walked right through me and set the pan on the table behind me. I blinked and looked down at myself to make sure that I was still there, I was.

That’s when it all clicked in my head. I was dreaming. I was either dreaming or having some sort of out of body experience. Then again, I couldn’t be having an out of body experience because my body was lying somewhere unconscious.

I heard the sound of the door opening followed by footsteps. I furrowed my brows in confusion. The door had just disappeared so how could someone have opened it.

I turned around and gasped. I found myself staring into the golden eyes of Collin. He looked the same as he did before, but I knew that he was older.

My older self turned around and smiled at him. “Hey sweetie I’m glad your home” she spoke.

In a flash Collin was standing in front of her. He pecked her cheek as he smiled down at her. “You have no idea how glad I am that I’m home”

“Well then you can tell me all about it while I eat dinner” she replied with a smile.

Collin’s smile then flattered. He started to nervously rub the back of his neck. “Actually I had a really long day at work, I’m just going to head upstairs and watch TV or something. You don’t mind do you?”

Her smile then flattered, but she quickly began to smile again. “No it’s okay. You don’t eat anyway. Why don’t you go upstairs and relax, there are a few things that I need to do anyway”

Collin smiled and pecked her cheek once again. “That’s why I love you” he spoke. In a flash he was gone once again leaving her standing there alone.

I was utterly confused by what was going on. Were Collin and I married?

I quickly looked down at the hands of my older self. She was sadly staring at her hands as well. There was no ring of any kind on any of her fingers.

I found myself sighing with relief. I didn’t know why, but I did. I then became confused again. Collin and I weren’t married, but we were living together? Well then what happened to Jake?

The older me then sighed and walked through me. I closed my eyes and tried not to react to her walking through me. I turned around and started to follow her. I needed to know what was going on.

She walked into the living room and picked up her from the couch. She walked over to the front door and opened it. “I’m going to go visit Kim after I run my errands. Don’t wait up” she spoke, knowing that Collin heard her.

She then walked out of the front door and I followed. She walked over to a car in the driveway and unlocked it. She climbed into it and set her purse down in the passenger seat. She turned on the car and speed out of the driveway.

I sighed, I had no way of knowing where she was going or what was going on. I shrugged and decided to go back into the house to see what Collin was up to.

I turned around and found myself standing in front of Jake’s house. I furrowed my brows in confusion once again. I was just standing in front of my house, now I’m at Jake’s.

Suddenly the car that my older self was driving pulled up in front of the house. She stepped out of the car and grabbed her things before shutting/locking the door. I watched her as she walked around the house and into the back. I quickly jogged after her.

She walked into a barn like building in the back, so I followed suit.

I stood at the front of the door and looked around. The barn was more like a car garage. There were various tools hanging on the wall. There were a few shelves hanging on the wall as well. As I observed the garage my eyes landed on a figure.

The figure was leaning into the open hood of a car. I could instantly tell that the figure was a man. The figure was tan and muscular, as were most guys of La Push. The figure did however, look strangely familiar.

My older self quietly set her purse down on a nearby table. She then quietly walked over to the figure. She was watching her feet to make sure that she didn’t hit any of the various tools on the ground. Soon she was standing directly behind the figure.

“I don’t know why you bother trying to be sneaky, you know that I can hear you” the figure spoke. The voice was smooth and familiar. The voice made my heart pound in my chest and caused a small smile to make its way onto my face. I instantly knew that the voice could only belong to Jacob Black.

“Can’t you just let me scare you once?” me older self complained.

Jake chuckled before he turned around to face her. Jake had not changed one bit. He still looked the same as he did today, before this crazy dream.

Her arms were folded against her chest and she had a slight pout on her lips. Jake laughed once more before he grabbed her waist and pulled her to him. She shook her head no and took a step back so that Jake was no longer holding her.

Jake’s smile soon changed into a smirk as he looked down at her. He reached behind him and closed the hood of the truck. He then took a step forward and snaked his arms around her waist. He quickly lifted her up and set her down on the hood of the car. He placed both of his muscular arms on either side of her so that she was trapped.

She tried to continue to pout but it quickly fell and turned into a smile. Jake continued to smile at her as he leaned his forehead down to connect with hers. Her eyes showed that she had instantly melted by his actions. She wrapped her arms around his neck and continued to connect her forehead with his.

“I hate you so much Jake” she spoke.

“And why is that?” he questioned. Amusement was dripping from every word that he spoke.

“Because even after all of these years, you still find some way to make me love you. And you don’t even have to try” she explained.

Jake smiled once again only this time it seemed wider. His eyes seemed to light up and fill with love and joy. It was as if those words made him come alive.

“Lys, I’ve always loved you, and I always will but it’s more than just love. Alyssa Harmony Jenkins, I’m an beyond in love with you. I can’t even begin to describe how much you mean to me” he confessed. He then laced his fingers with hers.

Her eyes began to water as she gazed into his eyes. “Te amo Jake” she spoke as her voice cracked.

I tensed up as the words left her mouth. Since this was an older version of me, I understood what she was telling him.

I couldn’t help but feel slightly jealous as I watched the two of them. Sure, I knew that this was just an older version of Jake and myself but that didn’t stop the feeling of jealousy when Jake confessed his love to her and she confessed her love to him.

“Te amo más de lo que sé. Sólo deseo que tuve de conocer esto cuando era más joven, entonces yo no estaría donde estoy ahora. Si usted supiera lo mucho que te amaba, entonces tal vez las cosas podrían cambiar. Si usted supiera lo mucho que lamentaba no le elección. Si usted supiera ...” she confessed.

I stiffened up as she confessed her true feelings. Did she really mean everything that she had just said? Was this more of an epiphany than a dream? I didn’t know how to react to what she had just said.

Jake then leaned down and kissed her. She instantly closed her eyes and melted into the kiss. Even though I wasn’t the one kissing, I could tell that it was full of passion. The kiss was slow and seemed as if it belonged in a romantic movie.

I shifted a little as I stood there. I felt weird standing there watching someone kiss. It made me feel like a perv. Not only that, but the feeling of jealousy that was boiling inside of me made me feel worse.

The stopped and Jake pressed his forehead against her’s once more. They gazed into each other’s eyes lovingly. They looked as if they never wanted this moment to end.

“Lys, I can’t stand having to share you with him. I want you and you know I have for a long time. I want to hear you say it…do you truly love me?” he questioned.

She opened her mouth to speak but Jake held a finger up to her mouth to silence her. “Before you speak, I have to do this right”

Jake then reached into the pocket of his jeans. He pulled out a small black box and he kneeled down on one knee. Both my older self and I gasped at the sight. Tears began to form in her eyes and she covered her mouth as she stared down at him.

Jake then opened the box revealing a beautiful diamond ring. At this my the tears in her eyes began to flow freely.

My mouth fell open at the sight. Jake wanted to marry me, even though he knew I was with Collin, he still wanted to marry me. I slowly walked over to the two until I was standing slightly to the side of both of them,

“Alyssa Harmony Jenkins, I am completely and utterly in love with you. I can’t imagine my life without you. You were with me when we were kids and you were with me while we were teens. We fell in love and I’ve never been happier. You’ve been with me for so many years of my life and I want you in my life for as many more years as we have left. Alyssa, will you marry me?”

She started to sob, though they sounded like happy sobs. I covered my mouth as I stared down at Jake. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. It was easily the sweetest and most romantic thing that anyone had ever said to me.

“And can you please just say it in English” he said with a smile.

She continued to sob as she stared down at Jake. Her hands then fell down from her lips.

Before she could answer everything started to become blurry. Everything started to fade away.

Soon I found myself standing in the forest with no Jake, Collin or my older self.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry about the wait but my story was reported AGAIN so i had to fix that.

Here's the translation to the words:
Te Amo Jake: I love you Jake
Te amo más de lo que sé. Sólo deseo que tuve de conocer esto cuando era más joven, entonces yo no estaría donde estoy ahora. Si usted supiera lo mucho que te amaba, entonces tal vez las cosas podrían cambiar. Si usted supiera lo mucho que lamentaba no le elección. Si usted supiera: I love you more than you know. I only wish that i had of known this when I was younger, then I wouldn't be where I am now. If you only knew how much I loved you, then maybe things could change. If you only knew how much I regretted not choosing you. If you only knew...

For those of you who don't know, this is what Alyssa is thinking/dreaming about right now. I just thought that this would be interesting for you guys. I hope you guys liked this chapter.

What do you guys think about the chapter?
Do you think that this is a look in to the future or a dream?

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