Sequel: If I Only Understood
Status: slowly updating

If You Only Knew

Small Argument

Jacob’s POV

I kept my hands in my pockets and looked down at my shoes as I continued to walk along the path. I had forgotten how long I had been walking. I was just walking; I didn’t know what else to do. I wanted to go back to see Alyssa. I wanted to go back and be with her. I needed her to be okay. She was my everything, she was my only reason for living anymore. If she wasn’t here with me……I didn’t know what I would do.

My body was numb as I walked down the path. For the first time in a long time, I felt cold. I didn’t feel as if I was 108 degrees. I felt as if I was as cold as ice. I felt internally helpless, like there was nothing that I could do. The love of my life was lying helpless in a hospital bed, and there was nothing that I could do.

“So is this what you’re going to do every time that she gets hurt?” a familiar voice questioned.

I looked up to find the silhouette of a figure standing in the dark in front of me. If it wasn’t for my enhanced hearing and sight, I wouldn’t have seen him. Surprisingly, I didn’t scowl or glare at him. I didn’t have the energy to anymore.

“I’m not in the mood leech,” I muttered before turning in my heel and walking in the opposite direction. I honestly wasn’t in the mood to deal with him right now.

In a flash he was standing in front of me. “Do I look like I care?” he spat as he glared at me.

Even though I was completely numb, I couldn’t help but to somehow find the energy to scowl at him. He was still a leech, so I could always manage to muster up some hatred towards him.

“Look, just letting you know that this is all your fucking fault,” he spat once again.

“How the hell is this my fault?” I questioned. I clenched my fist together as I continued to glare at him.

“Because everything was fine before you. She wasn’t in as much danger as she is now until she met you mutt. And everything was fine until you and the rest of your pack of mutts showed up,”

“She wouldn’t be lying in a hospital bed if you and your mutts would have kept your distance,” he spat.

Once the words left his mouth, my anger came back. I felt myself beginning to shake as I clenched my fist. I sent him the most hateful glare that I have ever sent anyone. I took a step towards him as I continued to shake.

“Listen leech, I didn’t put her in danger, you did. You’re the one who always hurting her and I should kill you for that,”

He scowled as he sent a hateful glare my way. The amount of tension in the air was unbearable. One of us was going to snap, and it just might be me.

He opened his mouth to speak but I cut him off. “You’re the reason why she fainted last time,” I spat.

A flash of shock was present in his eyes. His face softened a bit but he continued to glare at me. He didn’t know that Lys had fainted the last time that he was here. He probably felt guilty about it, but I didn’t care. He should feel guilty about it.

I simply scoffed. I didn’t care about what he felt. The love of my life, was lying in a hospital bed because of him and he was trying to blame me for it. This was his fault. Regardless of whether I played a part in it, his part was bigger than mine.

“Yeah, she fainted after your ass ran off. This time when you came back she ended up pushing herself into exhaustion. If you weren’t here none of this shit would be happening right now. You were always the reason why something happened to her,”

“You left her, and when you did you broke her. She started hooking up with strangers and doing things that she regrets doing. Another thing that happened because of your ass,”

I took another step towards him so that now I was standing in front of him. “But believe me, none of this happen again. If I ever find out that you caused something else like this to happen I will not hesitate to rip your nasty bloodsucking head from your body,”

“You left her heartbroken, and now I’m going to fix it,” I finished.

As much as I wanted to kill him then and there, I didn’t. I wanted him to hate himself for everything that he’s done. I wanted him to feel just as bad as I did right now, but he couldn’t. His soul-mate wasn’t lying in a hospital bed.

I turned on my heel and started to walk away, but his voice stopped me.

“Well she didn’t seem to heartbroken when she kissed me earlier,”

Once the words left his mouth I started shaking uncontrollably. Before I could process what was going on my fist had connected with his jaw, hard. I grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against a wall of a building, and held him there.

Three pairs of hands grabbed my arms and managed to pry me off of him. Suddenly Emmet grabbed Collin and kept out of my reach. I was so angry that I didn’t even question how Emmet got there.

I continued to shake violently as I glared at him. I was surprised that I didn’t faze yet. If I didn’t want to kill him before, I did now. Who the hell does he think he is? No one is supposed to kiss Alyssa but me, she’s my imprint. She’s supposed to kiss me, not some filthy leech.

“Jake, calm your ass down!” I heard Leah shout from behind me. I knew that she was one of the people holding me back, but I didn’t care.

All I could think about was tearing him to shreds, as the image of him kissing Alyssa played itself it my head. I didn’t even want him near here. Why the fuck did he have to kiss her?

“Jake there’s something happening at the hospital, so calm the fuck down!” Paul added.

As soon as the words left his mouth, I stopped shaking. All of my anger was suddenly replaced with worry. My body went numb once again and my heart stopped beating. My throat became dry as I lost my breath.

I forgot all about Collin, and how much I hated him. It was as if the entire world became silent. Only one thing was on my mind at that point, Alyssa.
♠ ♠ ♠
I know that this chapter was riduculously short but i couldn't help it. I was going to make it longer but in the end i decided not to. Who knows why i did, but i did.

I just haven't updated this in a while so i thought that i should give you guys something to read.

Oh, and some of you wanted a fight between Jake and Collin, well it wasn't really a fight but it was somewhat close to one.

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