Sequel: If I Only Understood
Status: slowly updating

If You Only Knew

Seeing him

I walked in the forest aimlessly. The sun was beginning to set and it gave the forest an ominous glow. The sky was filled with many different colors or reds, oranges and yellows. The shadow from the trees made the forest seem darker than it actual was.

Something about the danger of walking in the forest when it was almost dark, and the way it looked attracted me. The forest seemed as if it was calling me. There was something in there for me, something pulling me towards the forest. My curiosity wouldn’t let me hang up on this call.

As the sun set, I walked deeper into the forest. I didn’t care that I had no way of getting home or that no one knew where I was, I needed to find out what the pull was. What was so strong that it was pulling me into the forest?

I heard a twig snap from behind me and I froze. Surprisingly I wasn’t scared. I was angry. I couldn’t place why, but I was angry. I sharply turned around expecting to find someone standing there, but there was no one. I brushed my hair out of my face. My eyes darted around the forest looking for something. Something was out here, watching me, and I wanted to know what. I didn’t bother yelling out who was there, because if nothing was there, I would seem insane.

Something quickly blew past me causing me hair to fly into my face. Anyone else would have thought that it was simply the wind, but I knew better. There was no breeze therefore there was only one thing that could cause that breeze.

I spun around on my heel and faced the other direction. My breathing began to quicken and I clenched my fist. I saw something move out of the corner of my right eye. Anticipating its move, I turned to face my left. It did exactly as I expected it to do and I was no face to face with HIM.

A smirk rose onto his unearthly pale face. His piercing blood red eyes held cockiness in them. He found this completely funny. He was completely un-intimidated by me. He folded his arms across his chest and leaned his side against a tree. “Well, well, well how are you precious?” he questioned.

I clenched my fist tighter along with my jaw. My chest was heaving up and down. I was furious. If I were a cartoon, I would have exploded by now. I wanted to hurt him, as much as he has hurt me.

“Awe don’t be like that sweets” In less than a second he was standing in front of me. He grabbed my face tightly with one of his hands. I could feel the pressure from his grip on my entire face. He smirked and gave a light chuckle. “You don’t look as appealing when you’re upset,” he taunted. His hand dropped to my neck and he lifted me into the air.

I could feel the air leaving my body. I was gasping for air. I felt my eyelids grow heavy as the pressure on my neck began to increase. I put my hands on his wrist trying to pry him off me, but it was useless, he was to strong. He scowled and threw me onto the ground.

I started coughing and gasping desperately trying to intake as much air as possible. Suddenly he was in front of me. “Awe what’s wrong, tired from trying to run away from me for so long”

I gasped one last time before looking up at him. “If you weren’t so powerful, and intoxicating you wouldn’t have anything to worry about” he leaned down to my ear. “But don’t worry; you’ll be seeing me shortly”

Suddenly there was a howl. We both looked up to find a giant russet wolf snarling and baring its teeth at us. The wolf began to charge towards HIM. HE turned to face me and if possible, it seemed as if he was even paler than before. He glared at me. “Get-up”

My eyes flew open and I was suddenly laying on the couch in the living room. I sat upright and placed my hand on heart. My heart was beating exceptionally fast. The dream felt so real, as if HE was actually there. As if, I was actually in the forest with HIM. I looked around and everything seemed normal.

I had so many unanswered questions. Why was I having so many dreams about HIM lately? Was he controlling the dream? I did wake up after he told me to get up. Does HE actually know where I am right now? Does this mean that he’s going to find me soon? Why was he so scared of that wolf? Why was that wolf so huge but most importantly, why was I dreaming about that wolf?

“Oh you’re awake” I heard my father say. I nodded my head in response. My heart rate began to slow down and my breathing returned to normal. My father’s face was etched with worry. “Are you alright Lis?”

“Yeah. I’m fine dad” I lied. I was frozen in fear. My thoughts and fears were slowly consuming me, but I couldn’t tell my father that. I shouldn’t have to put this burden on his shoulders as well. My mother was already concerned for my safety. Why should I have to parents worried about me?

“Are you sure? You seem worried” I nodded and gave him a reassuring smile, despite how I was feeling. “Okay, well unless you’re going to go to the beach in your pajamas then I think you should change. The guys will be here in a few”

I looked down and noticed that he was right; I was still in my pajamas. “You haven’t heard, pajamas at the beach are all the rage in Paris” I joked.

My dad simply threw his head back and laughed. “No I haven’t. I’m not as cool as you young whippersnappers”

I couldn’t help but laugh at my dad. I missed his humor the most when I was with my mom. My dad always knew how to make me laugh, and how to have fun. He was more of a free spirited type of guy, which contradicted my over bearing mother.

I jumped off the couch and ran upstairs. “By the way your mother called” my father yelled from the bottom of the steps. I poked my head from around the corner and motioned for him to continue. “She was just calling to check in on you. I told her that you were asleep so she said that she would call back later”

“M’kay thanks dad,” I said before running into my room.

I had already showered early today so all I had to do was change my clothes. I know what you’re thinking; you showered and put your pajamas back on. Well I haven’t done anything all day. I simply hung out with my father and talked on the phone to Candy, and Trey. He had called me back and told me that Eric was having a party in a few days and he wanted me to come. I told him that I would have to ask my father first, but I would call him back if I could go. Candy said that she wanted me to take a picture of my old friends; she didn’t think that teenage boys could be as huge as I said they were.

I picked out my outfit and changed into it. Something simple, I wasn’t trying to impress anyone today. Sure, I would be meeting Quil and Embry’s friends but I wouldn’t want to come off as stuck up or obsessed over my looks. I decided to grab a hoodie incase it get cold. As I grabbed the hoodie from the closet, I noticed an old hat of mine at the top of the closet. I smiled and decided to wear it. Maybe Jacob wouldn’t think that I was super girly like Embry and Quil did. Wait, why do I even care? Then again, we are friends none the less.

I heard the sound of someone knocking on the door. I knew that it was probably the guys coming to pick me up. I took a deep breath and grabbed my hat. Here goes nothing.
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I know i said that Jacob would be in the next chapter but i decided that he should have his own chapter and i wanted to write the dream scence so yeah sorry about that guys. But he WILL be in the next chapter. If he's not then.........i'll jump in a freezing lake and take pictures for you guys to see.

Okay so i got reported because my layout was hard to read, but could you guys just oh i don't know, TELL ME!!!! It's not like i was going to say no i'm keeping my layout just like this and you can't read it hahaha, no. Okay now that i'm done with that.

Here is the outfit:

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