Sequel: If I Only Understood
Status: slowly updating

If You Only Knew



I pulled my shorts on and exited the forest along side Jared and Paul. Sam wanted us to do one more patrol before heading down to the beach. The stench of a leech was strangely in the air not to long ago. It was a faint stench as if it wasn’t there at all. If it weren’t for our heightened sense of smell, we wouldn’t have noticed it. We didn’t find anything, and the stench disappeared without a trace.

“It feels good to be back on two legs again,” Jared said with a stretch.

“It feels good to not here Jake say the word Bella in every other sentence,” Paul complained.

I growled and shot him a glare. He couldn’t understand, he wouldn’t understand. Paul didn’t have the girl he loves leave him for a leech. A LEECH! The most disgusting vilest creature ever created. How could anyone love something so cold and blood thirsty? Not to mention that Paul doesn’t have an imprint or a girlfriend. Paul is nothing but a womanizer; he’s never cared for a girl unless she was on her back. He would never understand what it’s like to be in my situation. “Fuck off Paul”

“Why don’t you make me lover boy?” he snarled. I growled and clenched my fist. I could feel myself beginning to shake. I was going to phase and kick his ass. I saw him beginning to shake as well.

“Alright, alright calm down before you scare the locals,” Jared said now stepping between us. I took a deep breath to relax myself. After a few seconds, I stopped shaking. I unclenched my fist and started walking down to the beach.

“You have to admit it though Jake” Jared spoke while following into step with me. “She’s all you ever think about. When are you going to face facts, she doesn’t and didn’t want you. They’re engaged. How much more of a turn down hint do you need?”

“Jared just shut the hell—” “Find anything?” Sam questioned as we reached the beach.

“Nothing” Jared replied. Jared then spotted his imprint, Kim, sitting on a log next to Emily talking. Jared smiled one of the biggest smiles that I have ever seen before jogging over to her. He snuck up behind her and picked her up bridal style. She laughed as he began to spin her around.

I never understood how imprinting could make a guy act like that. Jared had no idea that Kim existed until he imprinted on her. Now he can’t stand to be away from her. I hated the idea of imprinting. Why wasn’t I allowed to pick the person who I want to spend the rest of my life with, the person that I want to date, hold, and do all that other crap? Imprinting was only good when you wanted it. I WANTED to imprint on Bella but fate had other plans. Imprinting is said to be rare, and I hope it’s true. There isn’t anyone out there as good as Bella. There’s no one who can replace her.

“Where the hell are they?” I heard Embry ask from behind me. I turned around to find an anxious Embry talking to a smirking Paul. I turned back around and surveyed the beach. It seemed as if everyone was here, except Quil. I started to walk towards the two.

“Where’s who?”

“Some chick and Quil” Paul replied smirking.

“The chick is Alyssa Jake,” Embry explained. I furrowed my brows together. The name sounds familiar but then again it could be a girl from school. Alyssa isn’t exactly a unique name. Embry shook his head at my expression and smiled. “I’m talking about the Alyssa that moved away when we were younger. You know the girl that you would always fight and play football with”

It was as if a light bulb went off in my head, Alyssa, my old best friend. The memories flooded my mind; the good memories like watching wrestling on the sofa, to the bad ones like twisting her ankle and her twisting my wrist. She was definitely one of the guys. You could barely tell that she was a girl since all she wore was baseball caps. You only knew for sure after you heard her speak. “Why didn’t you tell me that she moved back?”

“You never asked”

“So, what’s she like?” Paul asked suggestively.

“She’s a guy,” I answered with a shrug. Paul’s eyes went wide with shock. “She’s a tomboy. She was one of the guys which isn’t your type”

“Actually” Embry started. “She’s nothing like that anymore. She’s filled out oh so perfectly” Embry made the shape of a woman with his hands (you know the curvy thing guys do). “And she loves showing skin. Man yall should have seen her yesterday. Big boobs, nice ass, killer smile just sexy as hell”

Paul and I both raised our eyebrows. There’s no way that this could be true. Embry’s probably just exaggerating. There’s no way that Alyssa could go from a tomboy to a hot chick in just a few years. “And how exactly isn’t she my type?” Paul asked while folding his arms across his chest. I opened my mouth to object but I was interrupted by the sound of beautiful laughter.

I turned around to find Quil walking onto the beach with someone on his back. I could tell that the person on his back was a girl. My thought was confirmed when she threw her head back to laugh at something he had said and her hat fell off revealing her straight long dark brown hair. It fell to the mid-back of her gray tube top.

“There she is now,” Embry said.

“Wait, that’s Alyssa?”

Embry nodded before jogging over to them. My eyes were wide with shock. Tomboy Lyssa just turned into playboy Lyssa.

I watched as she jumped off Quil’s back and hugged Embry. Quil picked up her hat and put it on. “Damn. I think I just found my entertainment” Paul commented.

“That’s is she talks to you”

“That’s not going to be hard,” he said with a smirk. “But there’s no way that she was a tomboy. Tomboy’s aren’t that hot”

“I know,” I said above a whisper. I can’t believe that my partner in crime is hot. I couldn’t really she her from far away but I could see enough of her to know that she did not look the same as she did eight years ago. They started to walk towards us but she was looking down at the ground. She looked up and that’s when it happened.

My eyes locked with her deep brown ones. I froze. My surroundings became blurry, except for her. Everything around me became silent. The only thing that I could focus on was her; I noticed almost everything about her in a matter of seconds. Her hands were in her pockets as she slowly walked towards me. She was wearing shorts that showed off her amazingly sculpted legs. I felt my jaw drop as I stared at her. The wind was blowing her luscious dark brown hair causing it to fly out slightly giving her the affect that most people need wind blowers for. What little sun was shinning in the sky was now hitting her flawless caramel skin. She wasn’t hot anymore. She was beautiful. I wanted to run over to her, hug her hold her or just be near her. A small smile made its way onto her beautifully etched face causing her eyes to light up, ever so slightly.

I was under her spell. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t think, I could barely breathe correctly. I was so dazed that I hadn’t noticed that she and the guys had reached us. My surrounds and my hearing didn’t come back into focus; until I saw, her lips move.

I shook my head to pull myself back together. She smiled and giggled slightly. “Apparently steroids affect your hearing too”

I opened my mouth to speak but my throat was too dry for a sound to escape. I continued to open and close my mouth, resembling a fish. I swallowed hard trying to make my throat less dry.

“Well I’m Paul” Paul was now standing next to her. He put his arms around her shoulders. “Let me introduce you to everyone” she playfully rolled her eyes as he started to walk her over to everyone else. Embry soon ran after them yelling something about not even knowing her.

I felt my blood boiling as I watched Paul with his arm draped over her shoulders. I clenched my fist. I didn’t want him touching her. I didn’t want anyone touching her. Quil looked back and fourth between Alyssa and me. He folded his arms and smirked after doing a double take for the 20th time.

“What?” I snapped.

“You did it didn’t you?” his smirk never left his face.

“I don’t know what your talking about” the truth was I knew what he was talking about, and I didn’t want to admit it. There’s now way that it could be true. I love Bella not someone who I haven’t seen for eight years, so what, if she’s perfectly gorgeous and her name just rolls off my tongue. It doesn’t matter. It’s not true. It can’t be true. I love……..Bella…..yeah Bella that’s it.

“Fine, fine” he held his hands up defensively. “Then I guess you won’t get mad when I tell you that we kissed on the walk over here after she said yes to a date”

Before I could actually realize what I did, my fist connected with Quil’s jaw. WHAT THE FUCK! She’s only been here for two fucking days and he’s already trying to fuck her. Who the hell does he think he is me? I mean who the hell does he think he is. I could feel myself beginning to shake. “WHAT THE FUCK!”

He backed up and started laughing keeping his hands up defensively. “I’m kidding I’m kid--OQ” he said holding his jaw. I guess he finally realized that I punched him. “Damn that actually hurt”

I unclenched my fist and stopped shaking. “Well don’t fucking play like that” I joked while pushing him.

“Alright, alright. So did you?”

“No” I lied before walking away. He knew that I was lying; I knew that I was lying. Sam and Emily were giving me weird looks as I approached them but I didn’t care. The one person that I wanted to look at me right now wasn’t. She was too busy meeting everyone to notice.

I had to talk to Sam. I needed to clear my head. I couldn’t be true. I didn’t want to imprint on Alyssa. Of all people, fate pairs me with her, some one who I use to get into fights with, the person who is the cat to my dog. Sometimes they like each other, sometimes they don’t.

I knew that I would have to face the truth sometime but I wouldn’t let that I happened I couldn’t let that happen. I glanced over and saw her talking to Jared and Kim, with Paul’s arm still draped over her shoulders. I clenched my fist along with my jaw. I wanted her to tell him to get off. She looked over at me and gave a small smile and a wave. Something as simple as that turned my stomach upside down. I regrettably looked away and quickened my pace towards Sam.

Did I really just imprint?
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What do you guys think about the chapter? I told you guys that i would put Jake in the next chapter, and i did just that; i made the whole chapter about him.

Comments=love. So show me some love peoples. Please :-)