Sequel: If I Only Understood
Status: slowly updating

If You Only Knew

Walk home

Alyssa’s POV

I honestly don’t get it. Did I do something wrong? Jacob has barely said two words to me the entire night. When I first spoke to him, he didn’t say anything to me. He just stood and stared at me like asexy idiot. I thought that he would be happy to see me. He hasn’t seen me in eight years and he couldn’t say two words to me. I would have even taken one word, as long as it was a word.

I couldn’t quite explain it, but I felt….hurt that Jacob didn’t talk to me. It was as if I wanted to talk to him more than anyone else. It wasn’t like it normally was when I was around ahot guy. I didn’t feel the need to flirt with him. I just wanted to talk to him, be near him. It was almost like a pull, but I shrugged the feeling off the entire night, telling myself that it was because I haven’t seen him in forever.

I wish that I could say that, that was the last time I dealt with the “pull”, but it wasn’t. It only got worse when I finally got to talk to him. I guess you could say that I gave in to the pull for a quick second, when I went to talk to him but it’s not like I threw myself at him.

I sat down on a log in front of the fire, and Kim soon joined me. She was actually a nice girl. She reminded me a little of Candy. I found out that Kim and Jared were dating, not that it wasn‘t obvious. The way that the two looked at each other made it clear. Jared‘s eyes were filled with nothing but love whenever he looked at her. Kim smiled whenever she would look at Jared or even say his name. Those two were definitely dating.

I will admit though, I felt a pain in my chest whenever they looked at each other. I was always reminded of Collin whenever they looked at each other. Collin, my first love. The person who I will never forget. The person who‘s not here because of me.

“Well I should probably be going” I said as I stood up.

“You sure?” Kim asked. I nodded my head. My dad was probably wondering where I was by now. I wouldn’t want him to get worried and call the police about something small like this.

Kim gave me one final hug before I started on my way. I was slightly worried about walking home, because it was dark and my memory on how Quil brought me here was a bit hazy. “Wait!” I heard Kim shout. I turned around to face her.

Kim smiled and turned around to face Jake, who was sitting next to Quil. “HEY JAKE!” she beckoned. He raised his eyebrow and she motioned for him to come over to her. He hesitated before getting up and walking over to her. I had an idea about what Kim was going to say but I was hoping that I was wrong.

No you weren’t

Shut it conscience.

“Why don‘t you walk Alyssa home?” I knew it.

Jake looked at me. I simply smiled and shrugged. I was glad that I wasn’t going to have to walk home alone, but I was kind of hoping that Jake wouldn’t be the one walking me home. I didn’t want to give in into the pull again. Who knows what would happen if he walked me home?

Jake looked back at Kim before rubbing the back of his neck. He was nervous, well that makes two of us.

“You wouldn‘t want her to walk home in the dark now would you?”

“I‘ll take her” I heard Paul say while jogging over to the two. He smirked and winked at me. Paul was defiantly a flirt, there was no denying that. I’m pretty sure that he’s a womanizer too, but hey I’m not looking for a relationship with a guy. I’m looking for a good time, and I can see that Paul will defiantly be a good time. I smirked and winked back at him. Take that pull.

“No I‘ll do it” Jake said. So close.

Not that you mind

I thought I told you to shut it.

I couldn’t help the smile that made it’s way onto my face. I turned on my heel and started to walk away. I heard Kim say something to Jake as I walked away. I continued to walk though. I figured that he would catch up sooner or later. My thoughts were confirmed when Jake jogged up next to me, and soon fell into step with me.

We were silent. Neither one of us spoke. Jake kept his eyes either straight forward or on he ground. He didn’t look at me, and I tried not to look at him. I usually don’t have a problem with silence. If a person wants to be quiet, than it doesn’t bother me.

But silence never does me good. Silence leads to me thinking more, me thinking more is never good.

My mind ended up wandering to how we have both changed over the years. I became telekinetic and he grew muscles…huge muscles. I wish that I could say that I only changed physically over the years, but I can’t. My life is like another world. It’s filled with vampires and…..shape shifters?

I know that the vampires exist so does that mean that the shape shifters exist too. According to the legends, since vampires exist werewolves/shape shifters exist too. It’s almost like a balance; If vampires weren’t real then neither would the shape shifters. It all makes since.

I can’t believe that I haven’t figured this out before. They exist, but who are they. If they are real, I need to find them. They might be able to help me with my…situation. Then again, I wouldn’t even know where to begin. For starters, what do they look like?


He nodded his head signaling that he had heard me as he continued to walk forward. Why couldn’t he just reply? Did I do something wrong earlier? I shrugged off my thoughts and focused on what I was going to say.

“Well….don‘t think I‘m crazy or anything but…..what do you think the….” I trailed off not knowing how to phrase it. He’s already not talking to me, what is he going to do when he hears me talking about the legends. Sure we may have believed them when we were younger but that was when we were young. Believing in legends and fairytales when you’re young is expected.

He looked at for the first time since he started walking me home. His eyebrows were raised and I knew that he wanted me to continue. I took a deep breath to prepare myself. I suddenly took intrest in my shoes. “What do you think the….shape shifters….look like?” I mumbled.

Suddenly Jake started choking and stopped walking. I stopped walking and turned to face him with raised eyebrows. Is he alright? I understand him being shocked by what I said but he’s choking, that’s a little over-dramatic.

He cleared his throat before looking at me. “I‘m sorry, w-w-what did you ask?”

I moved some stray hairs from my face. “Um…I just asked what the shape shifters from the legends look like…you know…if they were real” I was trying to sound as sane as possible. People usually don’t take the news well that vampires and shape shifters are real. They tend to think that you’re insane, but I can’t blame them for that.

Jake started to rub the back of his neck and look at the ground. Doesn’t he only do that when he’s nervous? What does he have to be nervous about?
“Well…um….” he began. He put his hands in his pocket and locked his eyes with mine. My mind went blank. All I could focus on was his deep brown eyes. They were so deep and captivating. There was something in his eyes, as if he was hesitant about something. As if there was something that he wasn’t telling me. I shook my head andregrettably looked away from him to gain my focus back.

“I wouldn‘t exactly know… they looked” I noticed that he had looked to the left for a split second while he was talking to me. Either he knew what they looked like or he was hiding something from me. Maybe both.

I shrugged it off and decided not to pry. If he was hiding something, he’s not the only one. He doesn’t know that I’m telekinetic so I can’t be mad at him for hiding something from me.

But you know that you wish he would tell you

So what if I do? If he doesn’t want to tell me he doesn’t have too.


I turned on my heel and started walking again. “So, w-what makes you ask about….the legends?” Jake questioned falling in step with me.

I shrugged. “I was just curious. I mean if they were real I wouldn‘t mind meeting some of them. Who knows I may need one of them”

“Why would you need one of them?”

Because a vampire is after me and I need a shap shifters help. I shrugged in response. I don’t think that telling them would be the bet thing to do.
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Thanks for reading you guys. I've decided what i'm going to do about the attack or telling thing.

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