Sequel: If I Only Understood
Status: slowly updating

If You Only Knew


Everything was happening so fast. All the trees around us were nothing more than a blur. I could barely focus on any of my surroundings. There was only one thing that I could do. I needed to protect myself, I couldn’t go without a fight. I had to stop him.

I closed my eyes and focused. I didn’t know what I was focusing on but I knew that I had to focus. It was the only thing that I could do. It was dangerous for me to focus on something and not know what it was. Anything could happen when I do this. I could fly off over a cliff or slam myself into a rock, but I don’t have any other choice. It’s either this or turn into a vampire.

I continued to focus and I flew out of the person’s arms. The person was slammed into a tree causing it to snap. The tree fell down causing a loud booming sound to be made. Birds flew out of the forest in fear, making various tweets as they flew away.

I wasn’t as lucky to slam into a tree. My body slammed into the grass but my left wrist managed to slam in between to rocks. My wrist was now throbbing and pain was coursing through my wrist. I screamed out in pain.

I bit down on my bottom lip in order to keep myself from screaming. I looked over to the tree where I had tossed the vampire and gasped at what I saw. Standing there, was Collin.

Collin, my ex-boyfriend Collin. My first love Collin. The Collin who I told all my secrets to. The Collin who had saved my life and risked his for me. The Collin who was my reason for not wanting to get into relationships anymore. The Collin who still had my heart.

He was stood there deathly pale. His eyes were no longer green, or blood-shot red as the last time I saw him. They were now a golden color. I would have smiled at the fact that he had succeeded in becoming a vegetarian but the pain in my wrist was stopping me.

In a second he was standing in front of me. He carefully un-wedged my wrist from the rocks. His deathly icy cold touch caused me to tense up for a little while. I had gotten used to be around the guys who were always strangely hot. “You always did know how to get yourself in trouble” he said.

“W-What are you doing here?” I questioned. Collin had left me back in Maryland after the inncodent happened. He had no way of knowing that I was going to be in La Push.

He sighed and looked up at me. He may be a vampire now, but I still love him just as much as I did when we first started dating. Only we can‘t be together anymore. “I came here to warn you” he began.

I gulped. This can’t be good. If Collin came and found me to warn me, then this can only be about him. “He‘s closer than you think. I need you to keep a low profile. That means try not to use your powers unless it‘s an emergency. He might be able to still find you but it will at least make it harder for him”

I nodded my head to show my understanding, though I contradicted everything that he had just said. Whether I use my powers or not, he would still be bale to find me. He doesn’t rely on my powers in order to find me. He uses my scent. Apparently it’s intoxicating and different from any other mortal, as he puts it. I don’t think that me not using my powers is going to delay him or help me at all. But if Collin thinks it will help, then I’m going to try it.

I looked into collin’s golden eyes and saw something that I was hoping wouldn’t be there. His eyes were full of pain and a flash of hunger. Strangely there was also a look of discut in his eyes. My scent was getting to him. I knew that he was still knew to the whole vegitarian thing, so being around me was not helping his situation.

“Is it really that bad?” I asked. I didn’t want him to risk everything because of me. I still cared about him.

He sighed once again. “It‘s not just you this time” he explained. I raised my eyebrow at him. What did he mean that it wasn’t just me? Wasn’t it my scent that was causing him pain?

He carefully set my wrist down on my lap. My wrist was still in a lot of pain, but I was trying to focus all my attention on collin. He used his now free hand to cover his nose. “You smell like wet dog to. It‘s contradicting your intoxicating smell”

I giggled and playfully pushed him with my good hand. I knew that he was serious but it made me laugh. Collin smiled up at me and chuckled. When he stopped chuckling we sat there staring into each other’s eyes. He tucked a few stray hairs behind my ear. His cold touch on my face caused me to shiver.

Seeing him made me miss him more than I ever thought that I would. It made all of my old feelings for him come back. He may be a vampire now but he was still the same Collin that I love.He wouldn’t even be a vampire if it wasn’t for me.

Suddenly there was a growl that came from near by. I turned to my left and found a russet wolf slowly walking towards me and Collin. This was no average wolf. This wolf was huge, this wolf was bigger than any wolf should be. This wolf might be the size of a bus if not bigger. He towered over top of me and Collin, even from far away. He was baring his teeth and snarling at Collin.

He was the wolf from my dreams.

He was the same wolf that had scared him off in my dreams. Only this time I wasn’t dreaming. This time I was wide awake. I was staring at the wolf, wide awake and aware of what was going on.

Suddenly, what I‘m guessing was the rest of the pack, showed up. They were all various colors and all huge. They were all baring there teeth at Collin. They slowly walked towards us and I noticed that they were all growling at Collin. None of them were growling at me.

“Damn” Collin muttered. “That‘s why you smelt like wet dog” Before I could question what he meant, he grabbed my good hand and pulled me up from the ground. He turned me around so that I was facing the wolves. He grabbed my waist and smirking at the wolves. What the hell was he doing?

All of the wolves stopped except for the russet one. He seemed to growl and snarl worse than he was before as he continued to approach us. He lowered himself to the ground as if he was about o attack. I gulped again. Collin better know what he’s doing.

The black wolf, who was slightly larger than the others, barked at the russet wolf. I’m guessing that he is the alpha of the pack. The russet wolf stopped and glared at the black wolf. It was silent for while. It was as if they were having a mental battle with themselves.

The russet wolf turned around and growled at Collin once more. He continued to hold his stance as he bared his teeth at Collin.

“I need to test something okay Lys” Collin whispered in my ear. I simply nodded my head while keeping my attention on the russet wolf. There was something about him that I recognized. There was something about those deep brown eyes that I remembered. As if I has seen them before.

Collin’s hands slowly trailed down from my waist to my thighs. The russet wolf’s ears perked up and it snapped at Collin causing me to jump. Collin chuckled then used his hands to cup my ass. I saw the other members of the pack start to lower themselves towards the ground as well, preparing to strike.

“You‘re getting a little touchy back there” I said to Collin. I wasn’t liking the reaction that I was getting from the wolves. If I had to die I would rather it be in my sleep than by a pack of wolves in the arms of a vampire.

“Just testing something. You‘ve been working out?” The russet wolf snapped again at Collin. I’m guessing that he heard the question and didn’t like it.

I smiled and shook my head still focusing on the wolves. “Now is not the time, but yes I have”

“Tell them that if they let me go I won‘t hurt you” Collin whispered in my ear. I saw the russet wolf’s ears perk up at this.

“What makes you think that they‘re going to listen to me?” I whispered back to him.

“Just trust me babe”

I sighed I guess I really didn’t have any other option. There was nothing else that I could do. I could ask the pack to do what Collin had suggested, or I could stand here and continue to get felt up by my vampire, ex-boyfriend. I think the first one sounds better. With the look that the russet wolf keeps giving Collin, he might attack, and hurt me in the process.

“Um…..” I started. “C-Can you guys…um…wolves….things….back up a little. He says that he‘s not going to hurt me if you guys let him walk” I felt completely insane. I was talking to wolves, I was trying to negotiate with wolves. There was no way that this would make since when I wake up in the morning.

The wolves all looked at the Alpha, waiting to see what his response was going to be. He nodded his head and they slowly began to back up, still keeping there attention on Collin and I.

When they were far enough away I felt Collin’s grip on me loosen. “Remember what I told you” he whispered. He quickly gave me a peck on the cheek before running off in a flash.

I was leaning on Collin for support, so once he was gone, I fell to the ground onto all fours per say. The russet wolf quickly ran over to me. I looked up at his towering figure and managed to look into his eyes. There was something about them that didn’t make me want to look away.

But the pain in my wrist was getting to me. I blinked a few times and saw that my vision was going blurry. I started to feel dizzy. The russet wolf must have noticed because he kneeled down beside me and gave me a small nudge. I gave small smile at him before my vision was replaced with darkness.
♠ ♠ ♠
So she was somewhat attack but then again she wasn't.

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