Status: Here we go again.. :)

'Oh How the Lights Are Shining'

'I'm So Sick Of Watching While The Miuntes Pass'

“You two are really cute” the interviewer smiles affectionately at me and Alex as he tickles my ribs mercilessly.

“I’m sorry about him!” I choke between breath of laughter, trying to fight my way out of his arms. “Alex!” I squeal.

“So, tell us a bit more about this charity?” she continues.

“Well,” I begin, my cheeks aching from laughter, I finally manage to prize Alex off me and hold hi mat arms length. “It’s called ‘To Write Love…”

After the interview we chill poolside for a couple of hours Pete calls us in to come and do a pod cast with him.
Here I am, in Las Vegas, enjoying the sun and basically running all over the place with Pete and Alex trying to get as much publicity for this new charity thing as possible. I know what your thinking, wasn’t I supposed to be with Gabe this weekend? Well…

“You excited?” Pete asks me as a flop down into the chair at the end of his ‘office’.

“About what?”


I frown at him over my coffee. Had I told him about my visiting Gabe in the end? I thought I was gonna save it until, well, I left… “Umm, of corse” I scowl.

“It’s going to be a busy weekend though. Not all fun and games”

I almost choke then. “What?”

“This meeting, its important.”


I put my coffee down now, getting up and pacing over to where he’s sat, behind a desk, covered so completely in cd’s, cd cases, t shirts, papers, files, books and other shit that you just would not expect to be there.

“Yeah. I had some good news too” he grins at me cheekily. He waits for me to say something, but I’m utterly lost so I just sort of stand, gaping at him. After a moment, he looks wierded out and decides to continue. “I though we could bring Alex along with us. I’m gonna be busy a lot of the time and Alex Is always a laugh to have around, I tho-”

“What are you talking about?” I interject finally.

Pete stops dead. “The meeting. In Vegas. This weekend. What do you mean?” He now looks worried.

“What meeting! What are you-” and then I remember a conversation me and Pete had had earlier in the week…
Yes you heard correctly. Pete hasor got one of his ’peeps’ to typed me up a schedule. Yes. Really.
I manage to quickly duck under his arm and hurry down the hallway.
“Read it!” he yells after me.
“Whatever!” I yell back.

Well maybeeeeee, I didn’t actually get around to reading the schedule… its not my fault. Pete should of presented it to me in a different way. Giving me a timetable made me feel like I was back in school and I’d never paid attention then ,so why would I start now?
Pete then gives me a look. Have you seen that Sponge bob where he realizes that Squidward does actually like ‘Krabby Patties’? The face Spongebob pulls then, that’s what Pete’s doing.

“I knew it!” he says, trying not to grin because he’s mad, but not being able to stop because he’s so smug about being right about me. Damn my predictability. “You didn’t read the schedule I gave you!” I accuses, physically pointing a finger at me.

“I did!” I say without thinking but he just shakes his head at me, still trying not to smile.

“I honestly can’t believe after al that… I cant believe you didn’t even know about the trip! Oh well, nice surprise aye?”

“Fuck! I cant go” I panic, remembering Gabe.

“You have to Kitty. This is not optional.”

I try and explain to him about me seeing Gabe but he tells me its not a good enough reason and that I can just do that anytime, which leads me to embarrass myself and go on about how Gabe never contacts me and this is a big deal but its all for nothing. I can’t see Gabe.
At home, I look at my bags. Well…at least they are already packed…I can probably take a few of the jumpers out now though, if I’m going to Vegas rather than Jersey…

For once in my life I’m happy that its Gabe’s answer phone that picks up and I begin to explain myself…

So, that’s what happened. The crazy thing is, I’m actually starting to really enjoy myself. I feel guilty when I think of Gabe, but he hasn’t replied to the message I left. I guess he’s mad…maybe he has a right to be? I’m just going to try not to think about it and have fun whilst I’m here…
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FINALLY!!! lol. My computer was broken all last week :(
Hope you like it :)