Status: Here we go again.. :)

'Oh How the Lights Are Shining'

'What The Air Doesn't See, The Heart Can't Breath'

Ant rocks up to the bar twenty minutes late, no apologies, whatta guy. He’s wearing tight black jeans. A Lamb Of God tee and a leather jacket. We must look like an odd pair…
He offer’s me up to buy him a drink.
A drink quickly turns into a couple of drinks which in turn becomes, well; a lot of drinks. Starting with Cider (Strongbow; me) and beer (Red Stripe; Ant) and then ending with the harder stuff (Jack and Coke; me)(Jager; Ant). (I don’t pay for the mall don’t worry!)

“Shit! We’re going to miss the actual gig!” I laugh, hitting Ant a little harder than I meant to after my eyes fall on a clock behind the bar.

“What actual gig?” he frowns as I pull him down off the stall and pay for our last drinks. I don’t have time to query thereally high price.

We hurry down the road in an un-even line; Me pulling him by the wrist.

“Act sober” I command as we reach the door. Pushing my hair behind my ears and batting my eyelashes at the security guard, I give him my name without breathing. “Kitty. Uhh…plus one?”

His eyes stare at me hard, scrutinizing, for a moment, before falling back onto the list and scanning it; top to bottom. “Kitty Summers, guest of Travis.” he says, voice gruff and skeptic.

“That’s me!” I beam, biting my lip after, trying not to sound too excited.

“Woo! And me!” Ant declares, pumping a fist in the air, totally blowing my cool.

“Shut up!” I hit him in the stomach and try and smile innocently at the guy on the door who must be soo onto us by now.

He shakes his head but still unclips the rope and lets us in. I drag Ant by the arm hard in through the door for fear the security guard will turn around and catch Ant giving him the finger, and then think better of letting us in.

We hurry into the venue (Bypassing the bar) and Ant squeezes us in near-ish the front. We catch the last song the support band play before they leave.

“Epic” Ant says.

I laugh lightly, but stop as my eyes fall on a figure I recognize. I only looked over because of a vaguely recognizable voice. My eyes land on a tall figure, a guy, his arm, around a girls waist, holding her up. I don’t know Alex Gaskarth’s date, I’m sure she’s lovely, but he looks utterly miserable.

“Alex!” I call out, making Ant jump besides me.

He doesn’t seem to hear first time, so I call again. His eyes then pick up, scanning the room. His face visibly lifts when he sees me and Ant.
He pulls the girl along at his side, and hurries over.

“Kitty! Oh my god, I cant believe you’re here!” Checking the girl can stand, he releases her and pulls me into a tight hug, faking happy. I was gonna call you when I got here but thought I’d better leave it coz I bumped into Pete and he said you were gonna be working your arse off! Haha, then I bump into you at a gig! Ant mate! Sup?!”

I laugh at Alex’s excitement at being free.

“Your…Pete Wentzzzz.” the girls slurs, leaning on Alex’s side and pointing at me.”

I raise an eyebrow at Alex before replying. (What a catch mate). “Um, no, but I am his friend. The Wentz girl”

She nods in recognition but doesn’t bother trying to reply, which is probably best.

Now he’s with us, Alex ignores her for the rest of the night and at the end we can’t find her. Hopefully she’ okay and just got lost.

“Wanna hit a club now?” Ant offers, linking my arm.

Alex links the other. “I’ll get us a cab” he beams.

I pull the blinds in my lounge down, smiling at Ant and Alex, lying on each of my settee’s, passed out with tiredness. Its been a long night/morning.
When I curl up in my bed, I feel almost happy. Infact, I almost cant remember why I wasn’t happy before. Sure, work is hard, but life is good. I know a bunch of great people who know how to have a good time.
Stretching to switch the alarm off my phone I notice a text I must not of heard. Opening it, I see its from Gabe. My heart rises to my throat, guilt taking over my body. I don’t know why, I haven’t done anything wrong. It just doesn’t feel right, being happy so far away from him.

‘I miss you soo much baby. Next weekend, I’ll try and fly. To you. Xxxxx’

I blink a tear away and literally feel my happiness drain away. I try to hold it ,to smile, but know I’m worrying about work and money and Pete not being here and Gabe not being here… It’s a bit silly, I can’t really explain it. it’s a bittersweet feeling I can’t explain. I kind of can’t feel happy when I think of Gabe because I just miss him so much…

This was never gonna be simple...
♠ ♠ ♠
Just got home, It's so cold in my house my fingers are almost too cold to type! Got Loooadss coming. Couple more scene setter's. Hope you like it ! :)

(p.s if you want me to send you the titles songs then just say =] I'm not sure how would be easiest though..)