Status: Here we go again.. :)

'Oh How the Lights Are Shining'

'Gonna Smile And Not Get Worried'

My eyes water as the sunlight, pouring through the un-closed curtains meets them. I panic search for my phone and find it in my pocket. Illuminating the screen I realise it’s nine already and even though I have only been asleep a couple of hours, y’know I hate getting up late. Also, I have engagements tonight that I almost forgot I made.
I gently swing my legs of Matt’s body, careful not to wake him. I then tip-toe over to Alex, prying his phone out of his hands and flipping it on to silent. I then text him where I’m off too and where my spare key is if he needs it. I then place it down next to him so he can find it when he wakes up.
I gather up my bag/coat/and shoes, miraculously in place, and fight my way through sleeping bodies to the door.

I catch a cab to my apartment even though its only fifteen minutes away, because I’m in a rush now. I shower, blow dry and straighten my hair. I take a bit of care over my make up which I kind of gave up doing since tour. I pull on pale blue skinnies jeans and brown roman sandals.
Then, back out the door. I catch another cab into the center of town, because its hot and if I try and walk I’ll get all sweaty.

When I get to Starbucks, Leighton is already there, and people have already spotted her. A couple of camera flash and I watch her smile and sign an autograph. I wonder how famous she really is…
I hang back, awkwardly, not sure what to do, but Leighton spots me. A big smile spreads across her face and she ushers me over. People turn to see me, and as I start walking, I’m blinded by a flashing camera.
I’m grateful that as I reach her, she hands me a drink and says ‘lets go’.

“Is this weird?” she asks. “us hanging out?”

I quickly finish the end of my hot coffee because she’s waiting for me to do so, so we can go in Chanel. “Not that weird.” I smile, camouflaging the pain my mouth is burning with. “I mean, I didn’t have to say yes, right?”

She laughs and nods, clearly happy with this answer. “I guess your right”. She shuffles through racks upon racks of dress in hundreds of shops. “Your not buying much?” she notices three hours later.

“I’m not so big-a-fan of designer shops. Not anymore” I shrug.

“Oh. You should of said! I’m so sorry!”

“Oh no, it’s okay. I’m kinda into thrift stores and stuff. At the moment anyway..”

“Thrift stores? Soo many people go on about them, are they really any good?” she asks, kind of in a way that makes me feel she is genuinely interested.

Trying to ignore another camera flash, I ask her “What, have you never been in one?” my jaw dropping slightly.

I think this makes her blush slightly. “Well err…”

“Oh my god! Come on, I’ll show you my favourite!” I take her hand, and pull her.

“See, this is the sort of thing I could never do with my other friends” she laughs, skipping along behind, slightly weighed down by a hundred shopping bags.

Its surprising really. How much fun I have with Leighton. I’m not sure what Gabe would think, if he knew I’d gone out with her. Seeing as I freaked over him hanging out with her. Is that fair?
I unlock my door and see Alex on my sofa. He jumps up and give me a tight hug. I don’t want to forget Gabe, but I could almost get used to this. Leighton might me a good friend. So might Alex…

“Leighton Meester?” he asks, questioningly.

“Yes” I laugh. “I know its random, but…it was fun”

“You’re a weird one.” he tells me. “I’ve left pizza in the kitchen for you. Ant’s gone clubbing, so its just us tonight. I though maybe we could watch a movie?”

This is the moment I realize maybe this is a bit weird. I nod quickly and duck into the kitchen. Girls can share apartments with boys cant they? And just be friends? I could share an apartment with Alex, but go out with Gabe?
I open the box. It’s a veggie pizza. My favourite. Olives, peppers, extra tomato. I chew it, contemplatively, if you will. I’m approaching this lightly, for now.

I’m not really in the mood to watch a film with Alex. Not anymore. I insist on the crappiest looking sick sci-fi horror, which Alex pretends to like because he thinks I like it. I sit as far away from him on the couch as possible, sideways, with my legs between us. Thanks Gabe, you ruined a good night.

That night, I dream I’m chasing him. Gabe. I keep running down corridor’s just to catch him turning a corner at the end. I am trying to yell, but nothings coming out. Then I trip over and he turns, but then carries on. So I get back up, and limp after him.
I wake up in a cold sweat at 3:30a.m and then can’t get back to sleep.
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Just a filler to add some more doubt.. :p
Comments are mucho appreciated !!