Status: rewriting!

The Vampire Rock Star and the Artist

The Vampire Rock Star And The Artist

After telling the movers which room was mine, I walked into the kitchen. Feeling hungry I grabbed a can of monster and an apple from the fridge and sat down at the breakfast bar.
Hearing the door slam shut I looked up from my just finished apple to see my mum walking over to me still mad.


Now I have done a lot of things so I kept silent and hoped she could narrow it down for me so I wouldn’t get into a rant about ‘how sorry’ I was about something she doesn’t even know about yet.

“WELL” she shouted in my face as I just gave her a confused look making her sigh and calm down. She sat down next to me stealing the rest of my monster making me whine.

“Hey mum, I thought you said all of the doors were open?”

“They are” she replied giving me a weird look.

“The door across from mine is locked, I tried to open it before” I said a little offended that she didn’t believe me.

We both stood up at the same time making the chairs screech against the floor. We both looked at each other then walked upstairs in chorus with each other.

Upon arriving at the mysterious white door that was across from my room, my mum fished out a big set of keys from her pocket, I looked at her funny.
No way could they fit in her tiny pockets. I was snapped out of my little head rant by the jingling of keys, I looked at my mum’s furious face as she kicked the white door in anger and I guess she couldn’t open it either.
We both walked down stairs annoyed that the door wouldn’t open.

When we reached the bottom of the stairs we both went our separate ways, I went to watch TV and my mum went to the kitchen, my guess being that she was making dinner.
After watching the grim adventures of Billy and Mandy and SpongeBob square pants, a smell darted towards me teasing my nose.

I got up from the comfy sofa and followed my nose, entering the kitchen I was bombarded by the intoxicating smell of my mums cooking making my mouth water. I rushed to my seat eagerly waiting for the food.
As the plate was placed in front of me I started to stuff my face.

“Abby eat properly” my mum nagged as usual.

“buf if guf” I said rolling my eyes, not noticing that some food had fallen out of my mouth as I was talking. The only indication was my mum’s ear shattering screech as some half chewed bread went splat on her hand. After repeated washing her hands, she grabbed her plat and sat down next to my laughing brother.

After dinner I walked to my room and flopped on my bed face down, I was to comfy to move and unpack my things so I just stayed the way I was.

“Abby are you going to unpack? You have college tomorrow” my mum ranted; rolling my eyes I rolled off of my bed unwillingly falling onto the floor I got up and opened up some boxes. The first box was my CD’s, hearing the door shut I pulled them all out and arranged them on the three CD racks I had.
After unpacking everything I plugged my speakers into my iPod and started to listen to killing loneliness by HIM. I tiredly flopped onto my bed and let a loud yarn out, I rubbed my eyes and climbed into bed not bothering to change or turn my light or iPod off.

The next morning I was woke up by the lovely sensation of ice cold water over my body, shivering a little I got out of my now drenched bed.
An irritating laughter came from my hyena of a brother holding the door frame to keep him standing.
My eyes narrowed as they snapped to him, he suddenly stopped laughing at the sight of my murderous face. He mumbled an “oh shit” and ran out of my door way and down the stairs.

Mumbling and shivering I walked into my bathroom with some clothes in my hands and turned on the shower. While waiting for it to warm up I dumped my clothes next to the sink, quickly looking into the mirror I knew for a fact that I most likely looked like a mess. Sighing I pulled at the skin under my eyes and looked into my sleepy ice blue orbs.
Pulling a face I walked into the shower when the water was just right. I washed my body with a passion fruit body scrub and washed my hair with a passion fruit shampoo and conditioner.
I glided out of the shower and dried off with out any harm to myself. I put my clothes on and walked back into my room, I walked over to my body length mirror and looked at my self, not in a I’m so beautiful way but in a studying way.

I looked at the reflection of my ice blue eyes studying me back, my eyes travelled to my little nose, I ran my fingers over my nose stud as my mirror double copied me. Next my eyes moved down to my light pink lips and again I ran my fingers over my two lip piercings.
I took a step back and looked at my black straight hair; I ran my fingers through it, picking up the purple parts that I dyed last week. I took another step back and looked at my body; you can say that I have an ok body.
I looked at my left lower arm was the tattoo of a black star and I let my eyes travel to my other lower arm, were a HIM heartagram was.

Sighing I grabbed my Blink 182 bag and walked into the kitchen, I snatched my brothers strawberry pop tart from his hand and walked out side to my car.
Before I opened my car door I checked my pockets to make sure I had everything so after I pulled out my phone, iPod, purse and keys I opened my door, chucking my bag on to the passenger seat and sped away before my mum could chase the car and make me take my brother with me.

Pulling up in a almost full car park I felt lots of eyes on me as I got out of my car, I walked into the office to see a fat woman in her late 30s, she had brown hair and green eyes.
I coughed to get her attention; she looked at me with soft eyes that hardened and turned into a glare as she got a better look at me. She looked me up and down in disgust before throwing some paper at me.

“You’re timetable and locker number” she said in a snobby voice, I narrowed my eyes back at her not liking the way I was being treated and walked out of the office slamming the door behind me.

“Moody cow” I muttered as I bumped into some one making us both fall to the floor and lucky me, I was the one who got to be on the floor.