Status: rewriting!

The Vampire Rock Star and the Artist

The Vampire Rock Star And The Artist

“I’m so sorry” a guy’s voice came from on top of me.

“It’s ok” I gasped out finally managing to get the strength to pushed him off of me so I could get much needed air into my lungs.

Once he had picked himself up off of the floor while I tried to recover I looked up to see a smile on his face and his hand out-stretched in front of me. Grateful I accepted it and was pulled up. I looked up from the dirty blue tiled floor to piercing green eyes.

“Thanks” I said finally tearing my eyes away from his as I let my hand drop back to my side.

“I’m Luke and your Abby right?” he said looking me up and down as a massive grin spread across his face. I nodded my head smiling.

“We are going to get on great” he said more to himself then me, rolling my eyes I smiled anyway.

“Ok so what are you studying?” he asked.

“Photography” I said handing him my timetable, he looked at it as his face lit up.

“We have lunch, break, start and finish at the same time, same with all of my other friends” he said smiling at me making his lip rings shine in the light.

“Cool who are they?” I said the piece of paper back.

“You’ll meet them in a minute and I’m studying music” nodding we both walked the rest of the way to the canteen talking about everything and nothing, for example we started talking about ourselves such as like, dislikes and our convocation had turned into an argument if the smurfs were real.

We walked up to a group of two boys and a girl still arguing about if smurfs were real.

“I’m telling you they are real” I shouted hitting him on the head to get my point in to his thick skull.

“No there not… oh hey guys” he replied moving away from me a little.

“Hi, yes they are, give me one good reason why they’re not” I said in a demanding voice crossing my arms over my breasts.

“Are what real” the girl asked amused.

“smurfs” we both said in together turning to face them then turned back to each other.

“But they are” both of the boys said at the same time making me grin in triumph.

I started to do my little happy dance as both of the boys started to dance with me. Luke rolled his eyes and pouted sitting down.
I stopped dancing and sat down as well leaving both of the boys to get weird looks as they kept dancing.

“Hey that was my seat” a boy with brown hair and blue eyes whined as he stopped dancing and pouted at me.

“And it’s nice and warm to” I said pretending to not hear him making the other three laugh.

“This is Abby, Abby these are Marie” he pointed at a brown haired and brown eyed girl. She had the right side of her lip and ears pierced. I smiled at her as she smiled back.

“And she is dong photography as well” he added as our eyes sparkled as we grinned at each other.

“This is Josh” he pointed at the still pouting boy that was now sitting next to me. He had brown hair and blue eyes, his lips were pierced twice and what I could see, he had an arm sleeve tattoo.

“And this is John” he pointed at a muscular brown eyed boy; he had black hair with red and purple through it. He had his nose pierced and spider bite.
I would get on with these people just fine.

“Hi, so what are you studying?” I asked looking at John and Josh.

“I’m doing game design” Josh said with a goofy grin on his face, I nodded my head and turned to John.

“Fine art” he said picking at his ham and cheese toasty he just bought.

After college we all walked over to my house laughing and messing around.

“MUM” I shouted into the house after gaining no answer I shrugged and walked in closing the door when everyone was in.

We all walked into the kitchen still laughing at the joke Josh said before. Upon seeing the massive fridge the boys made a run for it when I realised that I only had one monster left.

My eyes widened as I ran for the fridge when I saw Luke open my last precious can of monster, so I did what any other polite and charming young woman would do; I tackled him to the floor and sat on his stomach as I drank my prize as everyone else accepted me and Luke laughed.

“What?” I asked innocently making them laugh even harder.

“Hey can any of you pick a lock?” I asked getting up from Luke and walking over to the bin to put my empty can in.

“Yep, I’m the best around” John said cockily puffing his chest out.

“Why?” he added looking confused.

“There’s this door across from mine and it will not open, we’ve even tried every key we can find but nothing works” I explained absentmindedly leading them to the white door.

I snapped out of my thoughts at the sight of the chipping white paint that decorated the mystery door. I reached for the shiny gold door handle but before I could reach it, the door opened by its self.
I looked at the door then at everyone else confused. Not saying anything we all walked into the dark room, my hand followed along the slightly bumpy wallpaper as I stretched my fingers, searching for a light switch.