Hatred Fills My Blood.


Colleen let out a loud whimper of pain as Zacky removed the knife from the wound he had created. He wiped the blood from his knife onto her sheets, standing up and heading into her bathroom to grab her first aid kit. Zacky knew he could deal with the wound without any other help since he had made the wound shallow. He bandaged the wound and allowed her to sleep.

He wrapped his arm around her waist, soon falling asleep with her. I will love her until the day she dies, Zacky thought as he finally drifted off to sleep.

Colleen woke up hours later, opening her eyes to see Zacky’s arm around her waist. She carefully removed his arm from her waist as she got out of bed. She knew her mother had a gun hidden somewhere inside the house. She decided to look in the only place her mother usually hated her going into, the pantry located in the kitchen.

She crept down the stairs, now clothed and headed into the kitchen. She pasted the door that lead to the basement, covering her nose as she smelt something odd. She grabbed a flashlight and decided to see what the smell was. She opened the door to the basement, turning on the flashlight illuminating the stairway in front of her.

Colleen found the light switch near the washing machine and turned it on letting a out a scream of horror at what she saw now that the basement was illuminated. Her mother was pale, lifeless and covered in blood. Colleen collapsed to the floor where she stood and started sobbing. She had always disliked her mother but she never wished for her to be killed.

Zacky woke up to the sound of a muffled scream and the space beside him empty. He sat up quickly and pulled on his boxers. He knew what had happened; Colleen had found her mother’s corpse.

“I should have dumped it sooner,” he mumbled angrily to himself as he rushed down the stairs and into the basement.

Colleen spotted Zacky enter the basement and scooted as close to the wall as she could. She was terrified of him more than ever.

“S-stay away from me,” she whimpered.

Zacky frowned as he kneeled in front of her, caressing her face with his thumb.

“You weren’t supposed to see that.”

Colleen pushed Zacky’s hand away. Her fear now being replaced with anger as she pushed him away, causing him to lose his balance and fall. Adrenaline kicked in as she straddles Zacky and started punching him in the face.

“Why did you kill her? She was my only family,” she yelled her punches slowly losing speed as she began to cry.

Zacky pushed her off him and hugged her. He knew he needed to be a sensitive at times like this. He loved Colleen and he had a feeling if he didn’t show her he loved her she’d try and hurt herself.

Colleen leaned into Zacky, too emotionally drained from all that had been happening to fight back anymore. If Zacky wanted her like this then he had succeeded.

“Colleen she was threatening us, baby. She needed to die.” Zacky explained.

Colleen’s mother had indeed threatened Zacky but not her daughter. She had threatened to call the cops on Zacky several days ago after she saw his blood stained clothes in Colleen’s room.

“She was my mother,” Colleen sobbed into his chest, “I have no one now.”

Zacky frowned and kissed her forehead,”You have me Colleen and nothing will change that, ever.”

Colleen leaned up and kissed Zacky, thinking maybe Zacky was right. She did have him and like he said nothing would ever change that.