You'll Always Be My Thunder

You'll Always Be My Thunder

It’s not every day that The Academy Is…has practices like they use to, in one of the members basement. So when they do, I make sure I’m there.
I ran down Siska’s basement steps and jumped on the good couch which is totally an understatement. The good couch is older than I am (I’m 22) and spots on the cushion have been eaten away by only God knows what. In all truth it was really quite disgusting. Why not get rid of the couch and get a new one? The answer is simple, I wouldn’t let Siska do it; I’m emotionally attached to that couch. It was on that couch that Will told me he loved me. It was on that couch where Will and I first kissed. It was on that couch where Will told me that we were probably better off as friends. He also said on this couch that when the fifth thunderstorm happened this spring, we’d talk about getting back together. It was on that couch where Siska held me as I cried myself to sleep.
“Attention attention may I have all your eyes and ears…” my best friend, William Beckett, began to sing. I didn’t notice that the guys had gotten into their spots and started to play. Half way through the song I had to break the over powering eye contact Will and I had going on to reach into my back pocket to get my phone that just went off. I looked at the screen; it said I had a text. I flipped open the phone and saw that it was from my friend Julia telling me to call her right away.
Will had a worried look on his face when I quickly got off the couch and took the stairs two at a time but he knew better than to come running after me.
I made my way through the kitchen and pushed the screen door open. Protected by the roof of the back porch I was greeted by one of Spring’s many thunderstorms. Now here’s the thing, I love thunderstorms, so when I saw that one was going on it took me a few minutes before I actually called Julia. When I did she was freaking out.
I put her on speakerphone. “Very good, now do you want to tell me something I don’t know?”
“But it’s a thunderstorm! Don’t you know what that means?”
“Should I?” In all honesty, I had no idea what was going on. I mean yes, Julia has random freak outs every once in a while but she was never like this during a thunderstorm.
And then I remembered Will’s face when I got off the couch.
“Julia, how many thunderstorms have we had this spring?”
“This would be the fifth, Mrs. Erin Beckett.”
“Don’t say that.”
“Say what, Mrs. Erin Beckett?”
“Mrs. Erin Beckett?”
A voice came from behind me. “I like the sound of that.”
I spun around to see Will leaning against the doorway, arms crossed over his chest and that smirk that gets me every single freaking time. Quickly I shut the phone closed, cutting Julia off in the middle of her sentence.
Will walks past me and goes to lean against the wood railing, looking out at the sky. It started to thunder and the rain began to fall harder. Without saying anything he walks down the steps and out into the rain. I knew he wanted me to follow him so I did.
Within the minute we were both soaked to the skin.
I followed him for I don’t know how long till I finally stopped and yelled at him, “Are you going to say something?”
That was when he stopped and turned to face me. “This is the fifth thunderstorm of spring.”
“So I’ve heard.”
“And I’ve been thinking.”
“About?” I asked him, even though I already knew the answer.
He took a deep breath. “I tried to read between the lines, I tried to look in your eyes. I want a simple explanation for what I’m feeling inside. I got to find a way out. Maybe there’s a way out. Your voice is the soundtrack of my summer. Do you know you’re unlike any other? You’ll always be my thunder.”
In less than five seconds the distance between us went from five feet to his lips were pressed against mine.
“Boys Like Girls much?” I asked him once I got my thoughts back in order. Oh God did I miss his kisses.
“Shut up,” he said with a laugh, going in for another kiss. “Did it work though?”
Another round of thunder went off. “I don’t want to ever love another. You’ll always be my thunder, so bring on the rain…”
“And bring on the thunder,” my boyfriend, William Beckett whispered.
The name Mrs. Erin Beckett was really starting to sound good.