Status: pretty slowww.. does this story seem cheesy?

He's My Prince but She's His Princess

Before He became Super Sexy

My cell phone vibrates. A text message from Collin.
"Meet me at the library during lunch."
I texted back ,"OK."

It took almost forever for the lunch bell to ring. I go to the library and I see Collin sitting by himself, pretending to read Twilight. I laughed. He looks around a few times, trying to find me. I stand behind him and whispered,"I heard that was a very very good book."

He jumps, startled. I tried to contain my laughter.
"You shouldn't scare me like that," he hissed, putting down the book. Sitting down, I asked, "So, what did you want to talk about?"

He lowered his head towards me and whisper, "You got to keep it a secret, Kylie. You can't tell anybody."
"I promise," I said. Crossing my heart with my finger.

"Well," he pauses and looks around quickly. Then continues,"I found out that there's a celebrity enrolled in this school."

I grin," Well, if there is, then wouldn't I know that by now? Besides, how would you know?"

"I was just walking by, minding my own business here last Friday. I stayed late so there wasn't anybody here." He paused for a moment, looked around again.

He continued, "Except this one girl name Celeste. You know, the new girl. She was at the library, too. I heard her conversation on the phone and it turns out that she's actually Melanie Wooding!" He said, excitedly.

"..Uhh? What exactly gave you that idea?" I asked, cocking my head to the side.

He replied quickly, "She said it herself."

"Melanie Wooding...? There's no way she's in this school. She's a famous teen actress," I told him.

"You have to believe me."

"Seriously... a real famous movie actress at our school? The possibility of that chance is less than negative 50 percent!" I say.

"Actually, I talked to her today," he said, suddenly looking straight into my eyes.

"A-and what did she say?" His dark, brown eyes...

He looked away and to his fingers instead. "She pretended that she didn't know what I was talking about ----"

"Of course," I interrupted.

"But she soon gave up because I stalked her into the girls bathroom today," he said, blushing.

"You followed her into the girls bathroom?!" I said, almost screaming in a high pitched voice.
He covered my mouth with his hands from screaming any louder. I relaxed a bit. They were kind of soft..

"That's when she told me everything," he said, letting go. "She took off her wig and glasses. I got to tell you, Melanie Wooding looks way better in person," he said. "She's beautiful."

"You're kidding..." I said, shaking my head.

"C'mon, you got to believe me. I wouldn't lie about something like this," he said, pleadingly.

"I guess," I replied, slowly. It's not something to really lie about, but I doubt it's actually Melanie Wooding. What kind of celebrity would want to go to THIS school?

I ended up changing the subject. The more we talked, the louder we got. Later, we got kicked out of the library for being too loud for too long. I didn't care. We both giggled. I hold his hand. But then the lunch bell rings and obviously lunch is over.

I wish it was longer.
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to those who suscribe to this when i first posted, you can tell i completely revised the whole story. sorry it sounded so corny the way it began :< even though its kinda corny now.. watever