Status: pretty slowww.. does this story seem cheesy?

He's My Prince but She's His Princess

Chapter TWO

After lunch, I go to chemistry. I sit next to the window and looked outside. It has a perfectly good view of Collin in his class. This is partially the reason why I sit in this seat.

I bring my arm up and my face laid against the palm of my hand. Collin looks so cute. His dark, brown hair..

"Class, we have a new student teacher, Mr. Mond. Treat him with respect," Mrs. Latter said, pushing her glasses closer to her face. I see a tall, young man standing beside her.

"Hello, everyone. It might take me awhile to memorize all your names, but I'm sure that won't be a problem," he said, clasping his hands together. Wearing a plaid vest, and black pants, he looks like he's about in his twenties. His hair brown and eyes bright blue.

Not bad-looking. I look at everyone else and some girls were checking him out like I just did. Of course, the guys could care less.

"Okay, let us review what we talked about last class," Mrs. Tatter said and turned on the overhead. Soon, she starts talking and I zone out. I looked out the window again to take a glance at Collin. At first, he's watching the board in his class, but then he turns his head to see mine.

I flinched. He smiles and waves at me. I did a small wave back at him. Suddenly, he quickly turned his head, his face flustered. His teacher walks toward him obviously not comfortable with Collin's small attention of his class. Collin is probably making up some excuse for waving at nobody through the window. I can see his babbling something to the teacher and I smiled.

It's fun watching him panic. It's cute. I chuckle to myself and apparently loud. Mrs. Tatter interrupts my thoughts ,"Am I that funny, Miss Nore? How about you share your humor with the class?"

I quickly responded,"Oh, no Mrs. Tatter. I don't think you're funny AT ALL." Shit, wrong thing to say. Small ripples of laughter broke out. Mrs. Tatter looks irritated. I can feel my face grow hot so I looked down at my paper.

Mrs. Tatter coughs and says in a low voice,"Don't disrupt my class again or I'll have to send you to the office, Miss Nore." She tightens her fists, then let's go. She once again continues the lesson.

Embarrassing.. I slowly looked around me in case anybody was watching me. I relax a bit after no one, even Mrs. Tatter, seem to care less about me anymore. I look at Mrs. Tatter for a while and then at Mr. Mond.

He turns and locks his eyes with mine. He cast a small smirk on his lips at me. What?