Status: Alive and Kicking!

Tied Up In Knots

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

"Thanks for offering your help for the party Claire. I seriously could not do this without you. The thought of facing Patrick's team now that I'm with Duncan has me scared to death."
"You know it's every bit as much Duncan's team as it is your ex-husband's," she reminded me.
"I know. I know. You're absolutely right."
"It's not just the team; you're his too. You need to get used to that and stop worrying about Patrick."
We had just arrived at our fifth stop on our shopping excursion to get ready for the Halloween party. Decorations, caterer, flowers, costumes, oh yes costumes, and that was my biggest worry.
"Why does this have to be a Halloween party," I whined. "It would be just so much easier if I could just wear a little black dress."
"Well it is Halloween Lyd. That oozes guys in testosterone enhancing superhero costumes and girls dressed as slutty French maids displaying all their goods."
"What's your costume?" I asked.
"A slutty Tinkerbell." We both laughed. She totally had the body for a slutty anything, but a Disney character? Now this I had to see.
"What in the world made you choose a Disney character."
"Um hm. He's so young and innocent. I just need to corrupt him. Know what I mean?" She gave me that sly look that told me she had some serious ideas for the boy.
"He might be young, but something tells me he's not so innocent." No way. At 20 years old Patrick Kane had his share of women. I couldn't bring myself to even think about the things that boy knew.
"Hush. Don't destroy my image of him Lydia. I'm telling you, I can corrupt him."
"I guess if anyone can, it would be you. Don't you think someone like Adam would be a better fit though? You've seen those eyes."
"Stop it with Adam? If you like him so much you sleep with him."
"Yeah, that's what I need. I have enough problems Claire. I think he's perfect for you."
"I don’t want perfect for me, I want young and energetic. Besides Adam Burish is a clown. I think I’d be too busy laughing at his stupidity to be able to get worked up anyway.”
"Come on  give him some credit. He’s an attractive clown, a sexy, rough & tumble, hockey playing, attractive clown." I edged her on wanting her to see how good they'd be together.
"He's a fucking cave man. I’m not letting any man hit me over the head and carry me to the bedroom. And I’m telling you, that’s the only way he’s getting me there. Now drop it." By the tone of her voice it was apparent the subject was closed, at least for now. "Are you and Duncan wearing those sickeningly sweet couples costumes?" she asked, changing the subject away from her and Adam.
"I don't know what we are wearing. Do you think we should, wear couples costumes? I mean Patrick may show up. Would that be weird? I think it would be weird."
Claire swirled around in front of me and squeezed my cheeks together, much like your great aunt would do. "When are you going to stop this? When are you going to just let him go?" She let go of my cheeks, but continued her speech. "You and Duncan ARE a couple and you should go to the party dressed as a couple. Fuck Patrick Sharp and his slimy cheating self, and I don't mean literally. You deserve better than this. You shouldn't have to worry about what he's thinking. This is all his fault. What happened between you too, was all him and his wandering dick. Kapish?"
"I know. That's what we talked about in therapy. Well kind of. We had our second session.”
"I forgot you had to do that. It must be awful having to sit there with him when you know it's over, but you're going through the motions.”
“Claire I lied… to the therapist and to Patrick.” I confessed, maybe trying to rid myself of some guilt. “The therapist asked me if I still had couple instincts. You know, the therapy term for things like not squeezing the toothpaste from the top cuz you know it bothered him, or like looking out for him even though we’re not together. I answered  no, but damn if that wasn’t a bold face lie. I try not to do it, not to care what he thinks or what would make him happy or upset, but I do. I worry about him. I know I’m hurting him with this divorce and I hate seeing him hurting like he is. It’s like I have these natural instincts that push me toward him that make me want to hold him and tell him everything is going to be OK
Claire looked at me in sheer panic. “Please tell me you’re not thinking of going back to him Lydia. Please tell me this is just a phase and you’re going to get over it.”
“This is just a phase and I’m going to get over it,” I repeated, partially to change the subject and partially to convince myself it was true. I needed it to be true.
She kissed me on the cheek. “Patrick does not deserve you Lydia. Now let’s find costumes for you and the man that does deserve you.”
My hair was pulled into a sloppy bun and out of my way as I applied my black eyeliner. I tried hard to keep my nervous hand from shaking. I was going for the dark bad girl look of a modern day Bonnie Parker not a punk rock Siouxie Sioux.  I moved on trying to add a few longer black false eyelashes into what I’d been told was an already spectacular set, hoping they’d boost my confidence for the evening, but my hands wouldn’t stop shaking. I let out a very un-lady like “Fuck Me!” feeling that my nervous anticipation had gotten the best of me, and hung my head in defeat.
Moments later, I looked up into the mirror hoping to give it another try, but got distracted by the handsome observer who’d wandered into the room. He leaned against the door jamb in his crisp white shirt and black and white pin striped vest that fit him like a glove. His fedora fell over one eye and he looked like a model peeking out from under the brim.  I turned and leaned against the bathroom sink taking him in. Duncan was not every woman’s definition of perfection, but his rugged good looks and his Greek god like body were extremely difficult to for me to resist. Couple that with the smirk he was giving me and I could feel my body reacting to him.
“I heard some foul language. Everything OK in here miss?”
He sure could pull off the Clyde part of my costume idea. Bonnie and Clyde seemed like a good idea, sexy but not over the top. I think I was going for harmless and subtle. Then I saw him in his costume leaning all sexily on the door jamb. He was neither subtle or harmless. He was amazing and he lifted his face enough to look under the brim of his hat. “I like your costume better,” he growled, drinking in my emerald green satin thong and matching push up bra, the only garments covering my body.
I wouldn’t normally wear a push up bra, let alone a water filled cup enhancing garment like the one holding up my breasts at that moment. It’s not that I had the biggest breasts in the world and lord knows they weren’t perfect, but I was OK with my body as is. No need for modifications, and usually that also included cleavage enhancing lingerie. Today was apparently the exception. Walking the line between sexy and slutty, I chose Bonnie and Clyde as our costumes for the party, trying to avoid the stripper like costumes so readily available. Still, Claire insisted that I sex up Bonnie just a tad with the little Victoria’s Secret’s number she’d made me buy. Truth is, the bra seemed to be the one thing that was working for me tonight and clearly, Duncan liked it.
Before I knew what happened he stood pressed against me, hands on my hips and erection poking my stomach. “Damn you’re hot,” he whispered. “What has my girl so upset about?”
“I’m just… I don’t know…” I couldn’t come up with the words quickly enough, and my pause gave Duncan what he wanted, an opportunity to kiss me. And kiss me he did. He stole my breath with that kiss and made my insides vibrate for him. His lips were forceful and demanding and when he pulled away I was in a Duncan coma, my mind and body focused on nothing but him.
“Did I mention how hot you are?” he asked, and from any other man that would have been teasing since he'd already said it, but for Duncan he was trying to make sure I got a point.
I giggled, “Yes I think you mentioned that.”
“It’s just, I’m surprised you’re so flustered. You’re gorgeous, the decorations are over the top, the food has arrived. It’s delicious, and I should know I had samples.”
I signed and pressed my forehead to his hard chest. Needing to feel his strength.
Duncan knew exactly what was bothering me. “He probably won’t even come Lyd. Why would he come here? He hates that we’re together. Why would he even bother making an appearance when all night long people will be calling him a fool for what he did to you, and if they don’t say it to his face, they’ll be thinking it.”  
Duncan made his best effort to reassure me, but I was still nervous. I was worried that Patrick would show up, and maybe he’d cause a scene or embarrass me, or Duncan. And while I was worried about that the truth is I was worried how he’d feel, how badly seeing Duncan and I together like that would hurt him. I wouldn’t have admitted that part. I wasn’t supposed to be worried about him anymore.
“You’re right.” I agreed. “Your right, he probably won’t come. Adam will though right? Adam will come without him don’t you think?”
“You’re friend Adam cannot resist a party, and he can’t resist you. He’ll be here.”  He kissed my forehead. “Now take a deep breath.” He actually paused and waited for me to breath in and out. “Now in the name of all things decent, go put some clothes on before I take you right here.” He grabbed my ass cheeks and lifted me up.
“I don’t know, maybe we can blow off this whole party thing and I'll let you take me right here. And in there,” I pointed to the shower. “And in there,” I pointed to the tub. “What do you say?”
He gave me a little “Ugh,” and squeezed my ass cheeks a little harder and it seemed as if he was actually contemplating the possibility when the doorbell rang.
“Saved by the bell,” I whispered up to him.
“I don’t need to be saved. Not from you anyway. Interrupted is what I’d call it.” He set me down at the floor and growled as he exited the bathroom.
“Hey be nice to our guests. No scaring them away.”
He turned back before he left the room. “Did I mention how hot you are?” He asked looking very sincere about the question.
I giggled back at him. “Get out of here.” I missed him by an inch as I threw my brush at him.
I fastened the last button of my vest over my much enhanced breasts and stood back to look at myself. I wore three inch black stilettos boots, a tight black and white pencil skirt with a matching vest that was almost bursting at the seams. My breasts looked huge, Ok not huge, but certainly bigger and without a shirt under the vest, they looked all round and globe like. I’d managed to achieve the optical illusion of perfection. Just as I was about to panic, thinking everyone was going to think I had a boob job, the door swung open and there stood Claire in all her green shimmery glory.
“You look amazing!” I called out to her. It wasn’t an exaggeration either. Her skimpy little costume just managed to cover what needed to be covered, while still revealing most of her tight sexy body. She wore her hair up just like Tink, and her skin shimmered with green body glitter. Clearly the was the NC-17 version of the green fairy. Calling her sexy would have been like calling the Pope Catholic. No one could wear that and pull it off the way she could.
“Thanks doll.” She replied with a wink. “And look at you.” She made her way across the room. “Or should I say look at these!” She reached out and grabbed my boobs making us both break out into a fit of laughter. “I bet Duncan loves those.”
“It’s an illusion Claire. It’s fake.”
“Bullshit. It’s you. Stop selling yourself short, besides it’s not as if you stuffed toilet paper in your bra.”
I tucked my short bobbed jet black hair behind my ears and I took another look in the mirror. “You don’t think people with think I had something done do you?”
“Fuck them angel face. Next time they see you, they’ll know you just visited your friend Vicky. It’s no big deal. You have to stop worrying about what people think. Don’t worry about anything tonight. Everything for this party is amazing. The DJ is here and ready to go. The food is incredible. You throw a mean party Lydia. Now as soon as Kaner gets here we can get this party started.” I laughed knowing poor Patty had no idea what he was in for.
Almost on cue, the music started, something techno that I didn’t recognize. Claire picked my hat off the bed and set it on my head over on eye. “Damn you and Duncan make a sexy Bonnie and Clyde. I’m rubbing elbows with the beautiful people tonight.”
Just as we were about to walk out the door, I grabbed Claire’s arm. Panic set it. “I can’t do this Claire.”
“Pull up your big girl pants and get out there. You owe this to Duncan. You know he’s not the most social guy in the world. Clyde needs you out there Bonnie.”  And with that she gave me a big push out the bedroom.

The decorations were great with glow in the dark cob webs, black lights and a life size skeleton that hung in the corner. Duncan and I had spent the entire morning carving pumpkins and they sat all around the house with candles flickering behind their eyes. The DJ set up at the far corner of the living room and a space had been cleared as a make shift dance floor.

People had started to arrive. Brent and his girlfriend Brianna were dressed as Pirates and stood at the bar laughing with Duncan. The psychic I had hired had snagged David Boland and was reading his palm while his girlfriend looked on nervously. There was a group of people at the food table, who seemed to be enjoying what the caterer had prepared. On the couch, drinks in hand were a group of colleagues from my office who appeared to be enjoying themselves. Maybe tonight wouldn't be so bad.

I took just a second to notice that Patrick had not arrived, and felt a rush of relief, but there was still no sight of Adam either.

My gaze shifted back to Duncan who seemed to notice me at the same time. He was so handsome watching me from across the room, it felt like a scene from a movie. The way his hair curled slightly out from under the back of his hat, the way the corners of his lips turned upward at the sight of me, he was really something, and for the first time since we had been together I felt my heart flutter for him. He was mine.

I watched as he excused himself and moved away from Brent and his girlfriend. He politely cut through the crowd, walked around the living room and came to stand in front of me. He looked at me for a long moment without words, causing Claire to sense her exit cue, and then finally removed his hat and leaned down to kiss me underneath the brim of mine. One hand fell to the small of my back as he pressed me into him. I was thankful we were still tucked in the hallway a bit and out of site from most of the guests. When he pulled away both my lips and cheeks were pink. "I couldn't help it," he whispered. "You are breathtaking."

I smiled up at him feeling like a school girl and marveled at the butterflies he had given me for the first time since we were together. He guided me around the room stopping at each group of people. To his teammates and their WAGs he'd say, "You remember Lydia," and polite conversation typically followed. His hand stayed on the small of my back, and I felt his need for his friends to get that we were together, really together.

By 11:30, the music thumped pleasantly in my ears and my lips were starting to feel numb thanks mostly to Claire who followed me around with a bottle of wine all night filling my empty glass with what she was calling happy juice.

She was right, it was happy juice, and I found myself giggling in the corner with Johnny Toews and his date Cady, who was a sweet little thing that Jon couldn't seem to take his eyes off of. Jon told me the story of their costumes. This was their first date, and when he talked to her about a costume they agreed to come as baseball players. Apparently those instructions weren't specific enough as Jonny was dressed as a Chicago White Sox player, while Cady wore a Cubs uniform. Now that could have been a sore subject, but judging by the way those two were looking at each other, I it wasn't going to affect their relationship.

The doorbell rang, and I watched as Claire, who had been dirty dancing with Doctor Kaner as he'd been calling himself because he was wearing scrubs, broke away long enough to answer the door. The night had been going so well, that I found myself excitedly anticipating the arrival of more guests. My heart rose as I saw Adam standing there, a gold leaf band circling his head and draped in a white toga. My already high spirits were lifted even more and I began to make my way toward the door.

"Finally picked a career that suited you Burish, delivering pizza?" Claire asked with huge smirk plastered on her face. "Now I know why they call it Little Ceasars."

"Baby, you better feel again with both hands. Want me to lift this thing right now?"

"You're a pig!"

"And you're a fox," he replied and for a second I thought I saw a spark between them.

Any hopes I had for an Adam and Claire connection were shattered when he was followed in by a tall barbie blond with big boobs wearing a slutty police woman costume. Real original, I thought in my head, her breasts bursting from her top.

I froze in my tracks as the third person in the door was Patrick. His hair was messed and he wore glasses with tape on them and a pocket protector. I almost laughed out loud at how cute he looked in his nerd costume. My heart beat a little faster in Panic and other emotions that I couldn't admit. I almost caught myself smiling at him, almost, cuz just as my lips began to turn up the blond turned and wrapped her arms around Patrick.

She was Patrick's date. Not Adam's.
♠ ♠ ♠
Vacation is over.
Back at school.
Man I hope I can write more.
Thanks for reading.
Please comment. - How do you think Lydia is going to react to Patrick having a date? What about the butterflies she's getting from Duncan? How about Claire and Adam think they'll jump each other?