Status: Alive and Kicking!

Tied Up In Knots

Chapter 20


Duncan growled into my neck, and said, “Thank God everyone’s gone.” He bit down hard on the place where my neck met my shoulder blade. I let out a little squeal of equal parts pain and pleasure, and he started unfastening the buttons of my vest. “If I had known about this costume, if I new how fucking hot you'd be in it, I would have skipped this whole Blackhawks shindig, and we could have had a party of two.”
“Mmm yeah, but then you wouldn’t have spent all night getting worked up.” I rubbed my hand over his crotch, he was hard as a rock.
“Do you know how hard it was not to pull you into the bedroom or a closet and have my way with you?”
“How hard was it Duncan?” I gave his cock a squeeze through his pants. “Tell me.”
He let out a moan before he slowly said, “So fucking hard.” I had worn the vest without a shirt underneath and as the last popped open, it exposed my already hot flesh. He slid it off my shoulders, then pulled my skirt down, leaving me in nothing but my green satin thong and matching water bra.
“You look…” He didn’t complete his sentence, but I now knew how the lamb felt when circled by the wolf.
“You forgot something,” I informed him and pointed downward at my black boots. “I look like a stripper,” I giggled.
He didn’t say anything, just let out a guttural moan, his eyes glazed with lust as he took me in. He wasn’t touching me, just staring. Suddenly overcome with modesty, I wrapped my arms around myself.
“No…Don’t.” He paused and said, “Don’t cover yourself Lydia.  Do you know how beautiful you are?”
“It’s the bra,” I offered, never one to take a complement, but he didn’t laugh or even smile.
In typical Duncan fashion he took his time and chose his words carefully. “It’s not the bra. It’s you.” He finally reached out to touch me and my skin exploded in shock waves on contact. He lifted me by the waist and placed me on the bed. “It’s everything about you. I’ve never seen anything more beautiful.” He lifted my leg causing me to fall backward on my elbows. “I’ve never wanted anyone or anything more than you.” He placed soft kisses on my inner thigh as he unzipped my boot, then repeated the process on the other side, letting his teeth nip the sensitive skin. He leaned over me fully clothed kissing my lips first then down the valley of my neck till he came to my cleavage, my awesome water enhanced cleavage. “These are… spectacular.”
He cupped my breasts in his hands and squeezed them hard, eliciting a soft moan from me. They ached to be freed from their satin prison, to be touched by his bare hands. His rough hands touching my bare aching skin. As much as I wanted it, I wouldn’t dare ask. He was enjoying them way too much, and as Duncan squeezed and fondled with his hands, his tongue went to work on the swollen exposed flesh, sending me into a rage of heat and need. His fingers slipped to the clasp between my breasts. “As much as I like this…” he breathed and opened the clip and peeled the fabric away from my aching nipples, “I like this better.” The chill from the air on my sensitive skin sent shivers through me. He stopped and did the staring thing again, but I longed to be touched. “Duncan please,” I begged. He broke from his frozen state and devoured my chest like a starved animal.
When his lips finally found mine, he kissed me urgently, like he was ready to explode. His teeth and tongue working my mouth into a frenzy. I pulled away but his mouth kept going, nipping and sucking down my jaw. “Duncan,” I cried out, just needing him so badly, needing more than what he was giving me. “Duncan!” I said again. He looked down at me his darkened blue eyes meeting my own. “Take your clothes off. Please,” I begged. His lips turned into a smirk, then he stood up and my body ached for his weight and his heat.
He stood near the bed and started unbuttoning his vest, but then he stopped and gave me a mischievous look. "If you want them off, you take them off of me.” It wasn't typical Duncan fashion, for him to ask for something like that, to demand anything. I bit my lip and obeyed his command, his forcefulness making me tingle. I struggled with his buttons. "Faster!" he ordered, and I knew I was in for a real treat as I sped up the process making sure to let my hands brush over the parts of him that were now newly exposed, noticeably spreading heat across his flesh. Still not moving fast enough for him, I heard him unleash a primal grunt before he stripped himself from his pants and grabbed me up in his arms.  "I want you so bad Lydia. I'm not going to lie, I don't want to hold back. I will though, if you want me to. Tell me now."
"Don't hold back Duncan. I want it all. All of you."  I barely got the words out before he turned me around and bent me against foot of the bed. He was so hard; he throbbed against my back side.  He used his foot to move my legs apart exposing more of me to him. His hand wandered up my thigh, lingered on my rear and then came around my body to grab my breast. He was rough, rougher than he'd ever been with me. I cried out as he tugged and pinched my nipple, distracting me as he thrust all of himself inside me in one rough push, filling me beyond capacity.
I gasped for air reeling from the physical sensation caused by his size and his urgency. Duncan had never been like that with me, rough and uninhibited. Sex had always been amazing, and he always made sure I was well taken care of, but this was so primal.
Duncan held me by the hips tightly impaled on him.  I could feel him throb inside me. He gave me one more chance to change my mind. He shut his eyes tight while he asked, "You sure? You sure you want this? I don’t want to push you."
I was bubbling over with anticipation and need. The thought of slowing down now, not a possibility. “Yes Duncan! Yes.”
He used his hands to steady my hips, then he pulled out and thrust back in with such force, it took my breath. His thrusts continued while his hands tweaked and tugged on my nipples. His teeth scraped my back in some spots and sucked on others. He completely over took me, devoured me with the extreme force of pleasure and pain. It wasn't long before my first orgasm took hold of me and shook me to the core. I couldn’t even call out to him like I wanted to, but he felt it, and he pulled out quickly to keep from coming himself. He held on to me knowing if he let go, I’d fall to the ground. My legs shook and my body tingled, as the aftershocks cleared.
“Are you Ok?” he finally whispered into my hair. I nodded still hypnotized by the force of my orgasm. “It’s Ok, we can stop.”
“NO!” I yelled out. “No. Make me feel that good again Duncan. Please.”
He let out another guttural moan and pulled me on to the bed. He had me straddle him and he positioned his cock so I could slide down over it. Aided by the juices of my orgasm, I swallowed him up entirely, then rocked back and forth, side to side. It wasn’t rough like before, but it was equally intense. “Bounce on me Lydia. Come on baby ride me.”
Unlike Patrick who used his words to work us both into a frenzy, Duncan rarely talked during sex.  So him barking orders was completely unexpected. Unexpected, but fiercely hot. He helped me at first, move up and down, but then he just laid back and watched me go to town on him. “That’s it Lydia, keep going, make yourself feel good.” And I did. He felt amazing and I felt so powerful doing all the work. He watched my breasts bounce with each up and down motion, his mouth hanging open, like he could attack at any moment. For extra effect I gave him more of a show, touching myself, working myself into a frenzy. My head fell back, as I rubbed between my legs and over my breasts, bobbing up and down on him. “Lydia!” he called out overcome with lust and ready to explode. He sat up pushing me back on the bed and in two punishing thrusts he came gritting out profanities and pulling me over the edge with him.
The sex was so hard and fast, our orgasms so powerful, we collapsed in a sweaty exhausted heap at the foot of the bed. We laid there robbed of speech and energy alike for a long while, until Duncan finally pulled us both up to the pillows and covered us with the duvet. My back to his front, his arms holding me tightly to him, we willingly gave into sleep.
I threw on a robe and walked out into the hallway still sore from the night before, the smell of coffee and bacon awakening my senses and my stomach. I was surprised to see Duncan fully dressed as he moved around the kitchen. I watched him for a moment, clingy black t-shirt, jeans that fit his rear end just so. He was a site to behold. Duncan was such a simple man in some ways, yet so complex in others. I couldn’t help recalling the Duncan I’d uncovered the night before, and smirking at how much I enjoyed that new side of him.
Before I could say anything, even a good morning, Duncan dropped everything he was working on, which appeared to be bacon and omelets, and pulled me in tightly, pressing his lips to mine. “GOOD Morning!” I declared once he released me, licking my lips from the delicious kiss. “Be careful Duncan; a girl could get used to this.” I referred not only to the breakfast he was busy preparing but the scrumptious appetizer of a kiss he laid on me.
“I want you to get used to it,” he replied and kissed me again.
“You two are disgusting,” came a third voice, distinctly female. I turned to see Claire sitting at the table, still clad in her Tinker Bell costume and looking completely disheveled.
“Claire!” I said surprised to see her, and equally shocked by her appearance. Claire was always put together and composed, but not that morning. “Is everything OK?”
I looked between her and Duncan as they both laughed out loud. “What? What am I missing? Does this have to do with Adam?”
Duncan handed me a mug of fresh brewed coffee and a plate of food and told me to sit down and eat with Claire. He took his plate and headed to the living room, giving us some privacy. He clearly knew the details that I was about to find out.
“Tell me Claire. Tell me what happened.”
I half expected her to tell me something awful, but when her eyes started to sparkle and her lips turned up into a smirk, I could tell I was very wrong. “It was…It was amazing!” she confessed almost glowing, and she turned red for maybe the first time since I’d know her. I smiled and jumped in my seat in delight. I’d always known Claire and Adam would be great together. “Lydie, he was … I mean… he was… just… wow.”
I couldn’t help but giggle at her. Seeing her not only disheveled, but awestruck was a sight to behold. Somehow I knew the two of them together would be explosive and the look on her face told me how right I was. “Why aren’t you with him now? Why are you here instead of snuggled up with Adam?”
Her smile dropped. “I left. I left without waking him or saying good-bye.”
“What? Why? Why would you do that?”
“I still hate him Lydia. He’s still a Neanderthal. That hasn't changed because we had sex, uninhibited, wild, off the scale orgasmic sex." She closed her eyes tightly, clearly remembering the off the scale orgasmic part, then said, "Me leaving was for the best trust me.”
“No! No…No! That wasn’t supposed to happen,” I protested.
Claire laughed, “What were you expecting? That we’d fall madly in love?”
“Well yeah!” I replied honestly. “I guess I was. The sex was great so…”
“The sex was better than great,” she corrected, “But sex does not make a relationship.”
“But it could right? It could. You and Adam, if you just stopped being so stubborn.” I felt like one of the twins from the Parent Trap (you chose the version), trying to convince her parents they belonged together. “I mean it’s not easy to find someone who can rock your world Claire. You’ve said it yourself. Men rarely live up to your expectations in bed.”
“Stop. You’re fighting a losing battle. Neither of us wants anything more than what happened last night.”
“How do you know Claire, you left without talking to him. Without giving him a chance.”
“Trust me baby girl. It was a onetime thing. And even if he did teach me a few things, even if he did make me see stars, even if I can barely walk, it will never happen again. Now eat your breakfast. Something tells me you’re going to need your strength today. Are those bite marks on your neck?”
I grabbed for my neck and felt the swollen bruising forming at the nape. I closed my robe tightly over the marks. “Looks like someone else had quite the night there Lydia. I’ll tell you what if that man of yours is half as good in the bedroom as he is in the kitchen, you better hold on to him.”
With a slight blush I confessed, “He’s even better in the bedroom.”
“Hot damn Lydia. You deserve that. You deserve a man like Duncan Keith. Looks like we’re just two totally satisfied women having  breakfast together.”
“Yes, but you’re giving up on being that satisfied again.”  She used her fork to flick eggs in my direction causing us both to laugh and me to drop the subject.
I’d been napping for almost an hour, completely exhausted from the party and my wild night of rough uninhibited sex when Duncan came in to the room to tell me Adam was there. I could see him struggling with Adam’s presence. He clearly didn’t like to share me, but Adam was my best friend, and he was always going to be part of my life. “It’s Ok Duncan,” I cooed and kissed him softly on the lips. “It’s just Adam. I’m sure he just wants to talk about Claire and what went on between those two last night.”
“You’re probably right, It’s just…” He caught himself and stopped speaking. It wasn’t like him to speak before he mulled over what he wanted to say.
I took a shot at finishing what he didn't want to say. “It’s that he’d rather me be with Patrick than you. Right?” I ran my hand down his cheek.
“You can’t deny the validity of that Lyd.”
“I won’t try to deny it Duncan, but Adam loves me and he wants me to be happy. You make me happy.  He knows that. Please give him time. He’ll get used to us together. I need Adam in my life.”
He scooped me up and held me tight to him. “I’d do anything for you.” He kissed me softly before I jumped off his lap. I started toward the door, but Duncan grabbed my arm and pulled me back to him. He slid his hands inside and around to my gasp my naked rear firmly. He looked up at me, his eyes bright blue in the fall afternoon sunshine. “What-d-ya say you put some clothes on first?”  I giggled at him. “Maybe a turtle neck to hide those marks?” he offered.
“Mmmhmm.” I agreed enjoying his hands caressing my back side.
“I’m sorry about those. I think I got a little carried away last night.”
I pulled back and dropped my robe standing there completely naked in front of him, showing him all of the marks he’d left on me. “You were an animal.” I paused teasing him. “But Duncan," I said sexily pressing my body to his. "I have a confession to make… I loved every minute of it.”
He gave me a knowing smirk, “Honey if you don’t step back and cover up that scrumptious body of yours, like now, you’re going to see that animal again.”

Fully dressed, neck covered by a high collared shirt, I made my way to Adam. “Well, well. I heard somebody got laid last night,” I announced entering the living room.
Adam sat with his feet on the coffee table nursing a beer and watching the NHL Network. Duncan may have been annoyed that he was there, but in typical Duncan fashion, he did the right thing, making him feel comfortable anyway. “Yeah? A little birdie tell you that? Maybe a little fairy? A little green fairy?” He asked slyly.
“Something like that,” I replied and flopped down on the couch with my head in his lap.
“Where did my green goddess run off to this morning?” he asked. “I could have gone another round or two.”
“She felt it would be simpler if she wasn’t around when you woke up, since it was a onetime thing and all.”
I watched a pinch of hurt enter his baby blue eyes, and I wished I wouldn’t have said that. He rebounded the way most men would. With a hard front and a no big deal attitude.
“A one night stand is a one night stand no matter how hot it is.”
“I guess I’m the only one that’s disappointed then,” I replied, knowing I wasn’t. “I’m the only one heartbroken that you two couldn’t at least carry on a torrid affair and fall madly in love at some point.”
“Pft. Love. Certainly not in the cards for me and Tink, but that torrid affair sounds pretty hot though. I’m game if she is.”
By the sound of things, she wasn’t interested, but I wasn’t going to tell him that. “So what brings you here big guy? You want to fill me in on the details of your romp last night. Come to tell me how you knocked Claire’s sox off?”
“Honey, I think it was her panties that I knocked off, not her sox, but I’ll let her give you those details.”  
We both laughed and  settled in to quiet, watching the highlights of the hockey games being played on the NHL Network. Turns out Adam was thinking about something else entirely, how to break some bad news. “Hey Lyd.”
“Yeah?” I asked still focused on a commercial, the one with the Staal brothers' parents riding a tractor.
I felt him tense up before he said, “Can you sit up a minute, darlin? I need to talk to you about something.”
I sat right up. He sounded so serious and I felt my whole body move to panic mode. “What is it Adam? What happened?”  Engulfed in fear all I could imagine was that it was Patrick, and I said a silent prayer that whatever it was that he was Ok. "Adam?"

"I'm not good with this kind of stuff Lydia, but I thought you should know."

"Know what? Tell me!" I demanded.

"Patrick asked me not to tell you. He didn't want you to worry."

"Adam. Please tell me," I begged

"It's Sharpie's mom."

As much I wouldn't want anything to happen to Ruth, the fact that it wasn't Patrick lifted a lead weight from my chest. "What's wrong with her Adam? Tell me."

"She had a heart attack, Lyd." It's pretty touch and go right now."

A pang of guilt hit me, as I gasped with the horrible news. Patrick and Ruth were extremely close. Aside from the fact that he hadn't told her about the pending divorce, he shared everything with his mom. She had given up so much for him to play hockey and he always felt he owed her a debt he couldn't repay. He'd call her weekly, and sometimes more often and they'd talk and laugh together about the happenings in Chicago and Thunder Bay. I knew he must be devastated. "Where's Patrick?"

"He left for home this morning. They wanted him there immediately. His dad said they didn't know if he was going to make it." I stood up from the couch and passed the room. "Talk to me Lyd. Tell me what's on you mind. I hate seeing you like this."

I turned, tears brimming my eyes. "I need to be with him Adam."
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's taken me so long to update. Forgive me please. I'll try to do better.

So what do you think? Is Lydia doing the right thing going to Thunder Bay? Will Duncan let her go?

I'd love to hear from you. Comments please. Thanks for reading.