

Test… Okay, it’s working…

This may be my last audio diary entry... I'm not using my cell phone right now because I lost it. I'm using one I foun---

[Loud growling, screaming noises]

Aaah.... Aaah... It... It took... Lucy... Her... I can still hear her crying inside my mind.... Forgive me... I love you so much...

[rumbling, more background screaming]

I need to get rid of it. Maybe the lights will work… I can only hope… That thing will keep eating everything it sees until we’re all dead! Once it kills us all, it will remain here, hibernating, waiting for its next victims… It’s a soul eating machine and it won’t stop… And we, humans, are on the bottom of the cosmic food chain…

[really loud howling]

It’s here…

[gradually increasing growls]

Anyone listening to this, please forgive me for unleashing such bitterness in this world… God, forgive me… Please protect Lucy… She was everything to me… I love her…

[howling and rumbling]


[random noises of growling, flesh being cut, screams, and things falling]

[dead silence]
♠ ♠ ♠
The first chapter, which is a prologue of sorts. It's kinda short, but well, try to enjoy.