Status: Hiatus

There’s Something Weird About That Lupin

She's got to be a Maraurder

Evelyn's hand gripped her father's left arm gracefully before she Apparated the two of them from Ireland all the way to London, England. She had smoothly Apparated them to a deserted alley and she let her grip go on her father's forearm. She patted her black, grey and blue plaided dress. She looked down at her bright pink socks and grey converses. She was ready. Today would ultimately be one of the greatest days of her life. Miss Williams was to start attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

"Come on, Evie, I don't want us to miss the train." A deep Irish accent pervaded from behind her. She simply nodded and they headed into the train station.

Inside the station was a mass amount of people. Evie and her father looked around slightly frightened. They hadn't been to England and they were used to American transportation for the past seven years. His large hand grasped her train ticket as he looked at it hard and sighed. They were to look for platform nine and three-quarters; where ever that was.

After a good twenty minutes of looking, they were in no luck. No such thing as Platform 9¾ existed. She sighed and put the blue shaded glasses upon her silver-blond hair. "Dad, Mam said it was 9¾ and so does the ticket. So then where is it?"

"I don't know! This is your world, not mine. I'm still grasping onto the fact."

"Then where the hell is it? Mam said it was between 9 and 10. There is none." Sighed Evie, frustrated. If this kept up, she was sure to miss her one and only train there.

A boy around the same age as her, seventeen, was pushing his luggage cart towards the same Platform that Evie and her father had been complaining about. He was going to wait for them to leave so he could sneak into the barrier, but he caught a negligible glance of her Golden Snitch necklace. He did a double take, hoping no body saw the sandy-blond make a stupid gesture.

"Excuse me," he called out to the girl, hoping she was indeed need of some help. "Do you need some assistance?"

"Oh, please," she said in a weak Irish accent. Her accent had never been as thick as her parents, but it was still noticeable. Her dad grabbed her arm and she realized what he had silently notified her — she couldn't ask someone 'normal' for help. She could only ask someone that was a witch or wizard.

"You're looking for Platform 9¾, right?" He pointed to her necklace and smiled. He couldn't help but to give a chuckle out when she sighed thankfully. He couldn't help but to smile, she was tiny and pretty. He towered over her, of course. "Come on, I'll take you in there. It's not as hard as it looks."

"Thank you, son. Evie, I must leave you here, I need to wait for your mother to arrive and take us back home. I would go in and see you off, but I would get terribly lost in there. I don't know a thing, really, about your world, after all. And keep things under control, please." said Mr. Williams as he pulled his young daughter in a tight hug. He was going to miss her dearly.

After her father left and they had walked through to the real Platform, the sandy blond took them into an empty cart. Once they sat down, he finally took the look of her in. Nothing on her matched, but it fit her. It was a bit odd, he thought it fit her albeit he didn't even know the girl. Finally, he extended a hand and smiled once she took his hand.

"I'm Remus Lupin. Sorry I didn't introduce myself before," he rubbed the back of his neck a little embarrassed, "it seems I forgot while trying to get you on here safely. First time?"

"Yeah, I just transfered from American. I'm originally from Ireland, though. I'm attending here for my last year. I'm Evelyn Williams. Evie, please."

She couldn't help but to giggle slightly. It took all of her just not to change. It was ridiculous. He was rather cute.

Right as she almost lost it, three people burst into it, shouting. "Remus! How're you been, my wol—" The new mystery person stepped in with two people behind him. One with brown hair and glasses and the other short and plump with a dirty blond hair colour. He brushed his black hair to the side and smirked. He waltzed over to Evie and sat down. "So, how're you? I haven't seen you around here before. I'm Sirius Black."

"I'm Evelyn Williams. I just transferred." Sirius seemed to smirk wider as he heard her Irish accent.

"Oh, and I'm James Potter," the boy with the glasses sat on the other side of her and smirked just as widely as Sirius had. "Though, just warning you, Sirius 'may' be a ladies man, but he's really mine." Remus tried not to laugh as the last boy sat down on his right. He was Peter.

Evelyn's eyes blinked a few times before she giggled. "Well, I'm sure you two make a lovely couple."

"We do, though, mate." Sirius looked over Evie's head and towards James. "I thought we agreed. That was only on Tuesdays."

"It's Wednesday." Remus added, laughing.

After getting settled in and through with the introductions, they wanted to get to know Evie. "So, why did you come back to Ireland from America?" Sirius was getting big on questions. Although, Evie didn't mind one bit.

"Well, me dad got drafted for the Muggle war in Vietnam. Mam didn't like that one bit and didn't want him to get killed. So, we moved back to Ireland."

"Your dad got drafted for a Muggle war?" James threw in.

Remus threw in his two cents, finding himself quite curious. "Didn't your dad mention before knowing nothing about 'your' world?"

"Well," Evie started, she wasn't mad that her dad was a Muggle. In fact, she was proud of him. "My dad's a Muggle. He didn't find out about Magic until my mam had me. Even then, he only knows a few things and that's because of the old family trait that I have been graciously graced with from some ancestors of my mam."

"What's the family trait?" Peter had never really talked much, but he had a quizzical look upon his plump face as his eyes blinked twice.

"Don't worry about it. At the end of the day, I promise you'll all know. I'd like to think of you four as my first friends here. So, as my friends, I promise you'll all find out! So, can you four tell me about the houses at Hogwarts."

She was one of the last people standing in line. And Evie had been waiting a while. There was quite a numerous amount of first years and her last name was one of the last. She found it amusing, though, James, Sirius, Remus and Peter kept throwing jokes at her while she was in the line seeing as their table was right next to the line.

Once the Professor called, "Williams, Evelyn!" She walked up to the stool and took her place on it. Once the hat was placed on her head, her eyes shot over to the four of her new friends. They were the only people she knew here and was hoping to be in their house with them. She knew they were in Gryffindor, which bared the colours of red and yellow. They had told her all of the colours that belonged to which house. Just as she was about to wonder what was taking so long, the hat bellowed, "RAVENCLAW!"

Ravenclaw, she thought in an instant, blue! In that same instant that she realized it was blue, her hair suddenly gained a large amount of bright blue highlights. She couldn't help but to smile as there was a lot of gasps and people with wide eyes going to her direction. And her secret was out.

The Ravenclaw table cheered as she made her way over to them, Sirius grabbed her arm and she looked down at him. "Hi, Sirius."

"You're a. . ."

"Metamorphmagus." Remus finished while smiling.

"Of course I am. That's how Daddy found out about magic. A few second after I was born, I'm pretty sure he said my hair changed from black to bright orange." Evie left and walked over to her new table.

"That has to be the bloodiest ace thing ever." James started before looking across the table at Sirius. "She's got to be a Maraurder."
♠ ♠ ♠
Tried writing in third person for the first time in 458934589 years.
Hope it's not badly written.
Evie's outfit
Yes, she doesn't match on purpose.
I based her character a little bit off Luna. ;)
PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE tell me what you think!
