Status: In Progress....

Until Tomorrow

Faded Memories

Gabriel hadn't expected the town to seem so...small. He wasn't in New York anymore and he wasn't sure how the small town would be for him. His cousin Allison suggested he go exploring, but that got old fast. Hunger got the best of him and he found himself in front of a diner. He knew he had a good sense of direction.

He entered, the door bell signaling his arrival, and looked around. People talking, kids roaming around, he almost felt like he was back in the city. Almost. He could tell people were staring at him, probably wondering who the stranger was. After all, in a small town like this, everybody knows everybody. They might even know he moved in with Allison, since he'd heard small towns like this usually knew this kind of stuff.

He looked at the clock and realized Allison would be home soon. She'd probably wonder what his day was like, and he didn't have the heart to tell her how boring it seemed. In the city, there was always something new going on. Here, everything was just there. He didn't have to go looking for places, because they were all right by each other.

No dirty water hot dogs, pizzerias at every corner, or people selling icee's. Just a diner. He hadn't even seen many people on his way around town, and he felt like he had an idea where everything was. In the city, he still didn't know where everything was. He was overwhelmed, and he knew it, but he was too stubborn to admit it.

He looked past the clock and enjoyed the view. His eyes lingered on a boy, standing near the clock. Dark hair, dark eyes, just the way he liked it. But of course, there wouldn't be any boys for him around here. In a place like this, he'd probably remain single forever.

He sat down in a booth in the back. He felt like someone was watching him and turned to look out the window. He was homesick already, thinking about what his friends were up to. But he was determined not to go back. It was his second chance, being there, and he wasn't going to blow it. He just couldn't.

He was lucky to even be there, and it was disrespectful to Allison, thinking about New York the way he was. His blue eyes were reflected in the glass and he smiled. It wasn't so bad, even if he was the new kid. You have to start somewhere, after all.

So he promised himself that he'd enjoy it there, that he'd make a life for himself and wouldn't depend on Allison forever. He always keeps his promises.
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Obviously, this is the second chapter of Until Tomorrow, an original slash fiction. Please comment, let us know how you feel about the story so far.

Come back soon!
love, Winter.