‹ Prequel: For Tomorrow

The Future Looks Bright


Vinny, Vinny, Vinny. It’s all I can think about these days…then again he’s all I ever think about now. I feel kind of pathetic…but at the same time I love it. I love dreaming about him. He’s really amazing and…I miss him, a hell of a lot.

Sighing I continue making my way to his apartment. I decided to go check it out to make sure Jackson hasn’t destroyed it. Knowing that whack job he’ll probably mess something up. I chuckle just at the thought of Jackson.

It doesn’t take me long to get there. I make my way up to the door and when I get there I expect to get a nice welcoming, but instead I get two hollering voices. One I recognize as Jackson and the other a woman…

My heart stops and eyes grow wide. No…it couldn’t be…could it?

“Bitch, get the fuck out of this house!”

“Fuck you, where is he? Where is my son?”

My hand hovers over the door knob, debating on whether I should shut this door and leave or walk in. His mother is really here and there’s so many things I want to say. There’s so many things I want to do, but should I?

“Vin isn’t here, didn’t I tell you that?” Jackson screams, obviously angry about that woman’s presence.

“Than where is he?”

“He’s out of state,” I finally manage to speak and move into the kitchen where I find the two glaring daggers at each other, but soon they aren’t. Instead one glare is on me and the other seemed shocked. I bet you can find out which is which. “Now if you don’t mind, can you please stop making such a ruckus and leave?”

The woman standing before me now really does look like a monster. Her hair is a mess, skin sickly, and eyes dark. She doesn’t look like the motherly type and I can’t blame Vinny for leaving in hopes to never see her again. Just looking at her makes me uncomfortable, I could only imagine what it would have been like for Vinny.

“And who the fuck are you?” And apparently she has a bad tongue, something Vinny obviously didn’t inherit.

Rolling my eyes, I reply because I know if I don’t she’ll just bitch more. “I’m Gage his-”

“So you’re the little faggot Vin has been fucking with!” Her voice is like nails on a chalk board to my ears. “You…you sick, disgusting fag! You better get the hell out of his life! You worthless little-”

“Don’t you start cussing me out you little bitch! If anyone should get of his life it’s you!” I jab her with my finger as if I expect that to emphasis my point. “You’re nothing but a bad influence, a bitch, a monster that just ruins his life! You’re nothing and you should know that by now you can’t control him now you better get out of this fucking apartment or so help me I will rip your tongue out through your beat vag! Got it?”

I’m panting by the end of my rant. My shoulders are rising and falling with my rough breathing. I’ve never flipped out on someone like that before, but damn did it feel good to say all that to the one person who made my loved one unhappy.

I kind of liked the way she took a step back in disbelief. Her eyes darted from me to the door before she finally snarls and leaves, stomping the entire way out the door and slamming said object behind her.

“Damn Gage, I didn’t know you could do that!” Jackson laughs, rubbing my back in almost a proud manner. “She’ll probably be back though…”

I still felt enraged. I wanted to grab that woman and kill her. I’ve never actually wanted to kill someone before but if I could kill one person it’d be her so my Vinny would no longer have to worry. Sadly, that’ll never happen and she’s back…and it’s making the love of my life worry.

I don’t want him to be stressed. I don’t want him to be gone, waiting for that monster to leave. I want to see him, comfort him, and tell him that everything’s going to be ok.

Maybe I really should…go see him?

“Can you handle her by yourself?” I ask. I glance back at Jackson to see him shrug and reply with a ‘yeah.’ After hearing that I nod and do what I came to do before leaving to go talk some urgent business with my parents.


“I know it’s rushed but…I really need to go. I need to see Vinny right now!”

My parents look between one another and I can tell they want to say no. I don’t blame them. If I had a kid who suddenly asked for a plain ticket to California I’d want to say no too.

I get on my knee’s, something they obviously didn’t expect because they both stared at me strangely. I grab their hands in my own and plead. “I’ll pay you back! I just need to go…just for a little while. I’ll call when I get there and I promise I won’t be long!”

“Sweetie,” my mother goes to speak, but my dad cuts her off.

“All right…”

“Really?” I jump to my feet and stare at him with possibly the biggest grin ever.

“But you have to promise to be careful and…don’t do anything stupid.”

“You know I won’t.” I kiss them both and thank them with all my heart before going to pack. The next day is the thankfully the flight and just as I finish getting ready Trent walks into my room and grins.

“Going to see lover boy are you?” He asks, helping me take my luggage from upstairs to his car.

I nod. “I met his mom yesterday and…I just have to go see him.”

“Shit, you met the bitch? Where? How?”

“At his place…”

“Damn…well, I just want to let you know that when you’re ready to come home I will pay for the ticket.”

“Trent you don’t-” But he cuts me off.

“Don’t worry about it. What are friends for?”

Smiling, I throw my arms around him and squeeze him tight. “Thanks…for everything.”

“No problem! Oh by the way, Vin doesn’t know you’re coming, but his friend is. He’ll be there to pick you up so it’ll be a surprise to Vin.”

“Awesome!” I squeak in excitement. “I can’t wait.”
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Idk if I like this chapter or not...but I hope you did!
