Status: Complete

I'm Not a Monster I Promise

Chapter One

”Honey, what we tell you tonight, can never leave this room. Do you understand?” Daddy asked me.

Even at the age of five, I knew there was something strange about my parents. “Yes Daddy,” I grinned at him and mommy, my front tooth missing.

“Good honey,” my mommy smiled back, “Go ahead Shawn.”

“Baby,” he said, picking me up and sitting me on his knee. “We’re different from most of the kid’s parents that you know; we leave and go to work at night because we hunt bad people.”

“Like the police do?” I interrupted.

“Yeah, only the things we hunt, they’re very bad, worse than the people police put away,” he explained. “We’re vampire hunters.”

“The kind with the big scary teeth?” I questioned.

“Yes, we have to keep you safe; but you can’t tell anyone okay?” Mommy stated softly.

“Okay mommy, I won’t tell.”

“You had better not,” Daddy warned with a wink.

“Just make sure you get them bad guys,” I grinned.

Back then, I’d thought all vampires were evil fiends that deserved what they got; I also believed that the tooth fairy and Santa Clause were real people. Now, I wasn’t so sure that my parents were right. I mean if all the people in the world were mixed with good and bad people, why couldn’t the race of vampires be the same? What made them so different?

I sighed and washed out my bowl in the sink. My parents would flip their switch if they knew they’re “little girl” was actually considering the possibility of good vampires. The drive to school in my dark green ’72 VW bug was slow due to the rainy, foggy conditions. I tried not to get involved with too many people at the school, making me unpopular, but I didn’t care, I had to protect my family and their secrets. I hated school as much as the next person, but for me it wasn’t because of the challenges like for others, it was because my classes were too simple.

The morning drug on but soon I was seated under my favorite tree, eating an apple, thanks to the Nevada sun for drying out the grass from the mornings rain. It was now in hiding behind grey clouds; I couldn’t sit at the tables with everyone else, it just never felt right. I didn’t fit in, I was the old woman that resided in the child’s body; Instead of talking, I watched.

Today, the outside sitting area was buzzing with energy. I’d heard that a new boy had transferred in but I’d yet to see him. That changed when he emerged from the cafeteria and sat down at an empty table. His grey turtle neck clung to his fit body, his black curly hair was a striking contrast to his pale skin tone; he was obviously from a different state, one less sunny. His most stunning feature though, was his eyes. Their light blue color was captivating.

My hand itched to draw the boy of such beauty and perfection, to capture the way his eyes seemed to collect the light and hold it inside. I retrieved my sketch book from its hiding spot in my bag and began to draw. It wasn’t long until my view was blocked by some senior females who had gathered at his table. I couldn’t refrain from rolling my eyes at their eagerness as I stuffed the note book back into its place.

Standing I tossed the half eaten apple to the bin and headed to my art class. Our eyes met as I passed by his table and I found myself smiling involuntarily. The corner of his gorgeous lips moved into a half grin and then I was past him and could feel the glare of the females at his table. I never thought I could experience love at first sight but, no I chided myself mentally, love wasn’t in my cards.

“Good afternoon Mia,” Ms Rose, the art teacher greeted.

I smiled politely and asked, “How are you?”

“Good, I wanted to ask if you would mind someone sitting by you?” she questioned.

“That would be fine,” I lied. Art was my escape, I got lost in another world; someone next to me would only distract and irritate me.

“Good, oh here he is now.” I turned to the door and couldn’t believe I was starring at the boy from earlier. “Mia, this is Rane McKinley, Rane, this is Mia Carmichael.” And suddenly his demeanor changed. His eyes became searching and curious, his body became tense and his smile dropped. “You can go have a seat next to Mia,” Ms. Rose prompted with a smile.

We sat quietly as people began to trickle in one by one, but I could feel his eyes on me as I tried to ignore him and go into my little happy place. My pencil abruptly snapped from the death grip I had on it. “Are you alright?” his musical voice asked.

“I’d be a lot better if you weren’t starring,” I muttered.

“I’m sorry,” he didn’t sound very sorry though and he didn’t stop starring.

I met his eyes finally, “What is it?” I asked.

He didn’t play dumb but got right to the point, “I think I know your parents, or at least my family does. Shawn and Jenna Carmichael right?”

“Yeah, that’s them,” I supposed he could be the son of some hunters, but something about him didn’t seem to fit. “You have a unique name,” I commented after a moment of silence. When he didn’t answer, I looked up from my drawing, “Rane?” He starred at the wall, “Earth to Rane,” I called.

His head snapped to face me, “My apologies, what did you say?” he asked.

“That you have a very unique name,” I repeated.

“It was my grandfather’s name,” was all he said before he went back to starring at the wall.

No more was said between us during the rest of the class and I left as soon as the bell sounded. Tuesdays and Thursdays were my half day classes, so I stuffed my books into my locker and headed out into the quiet drizzle. I smiled up into the spitting rain and spun in the mist; I’d always loved the rain.

“Do you like the rain?” I spun at his voice.

“Don’t scare me like that,” I said in surprise. I had assumed all twelve of the other half day students had left, obviously I was mistaken.

“My apologies, would you care to take a walk with me?” he asked.

“Look Rane, I hardly know you and I really have to be getting home,” I responded as I unlocked my car door.

“Then I shall see you tomorrow,” he responded with a grin.

“Probably not, umm I’ll see you… later,” I said before climbing in and starting the car. I wouldn’t be at school tomorrow, not after spending most the night out hunting vampires with my parents. Yet another reason why my assumptions that not all vamps were bad could be a bit dangerous.

The hours passed swiftly once I got home and soon I was out following my parents through the darkened city streets; some families had game nights, mine, we had hunting nights. It was a quarter after two in the morning and my feet drug as I tried to will my tired body forward.

“You think you’re-” my father suddenly hushed my mother and adrenaline began to curse through my body. Up ahead, a man dressed in black was bent over a small woman, his hand on her throat. Dad approached slowly, his stake raised and ready, that was when I noticed the shoes. I lurched forward and blocked my dad as I yelled, “No!”

Rane pulled me back against him and my parents instantly froze; in that moment I had to pray that Rane was my good vamp exception. “Please don’t Rane,” I begged in a whisper. It was so hard to wrap my head around the fact that he was a vampire, but I’d seen his fangs and it all made sense; he knew my parents not from hunters but because he was a vampire. As his grip tightened I continued to silently pray he was good.

“Why did you stop him?” he hissed into my ear.

“I-I don’t know,” I whispered.

“Let her go!” my dad demanded.

“I wish you weren’t out here Mia,” he growled deeply, “I’m sorry for this but if anyone else finds you they’ll kill you if I don’t.”

“Don’t what?” I asked in a panicked whisper. I let out a small cry as his teeth pierced the flesh of my neck. “Holy shit,” I swore.

“My baby!” my mom cried out.

“See you later Cara Mia,” he chuckled and shoved me stumbling into my father before he disappeared.

“We have to get her back home,” my dad’s voice was ferrous with a hint of anguish.

“It’s just a flesh wound,” I retorted.

“He bit you Mia,” my mom was beyond upset.

“Don’t worry Jenna, I’ll get him for what he did to our baby,” my father swore. Over my dead body, I thought to myself.

“Just take me home,” I mumbled. Somehow, for reasons unknown, I knew I had to find a way to save Rane.
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Tell me what you think, maybe two more chapters after this, so it's only going to be a short story.