Status: Complete

I'm Not a Monster I Promise

Chapter Two

“What do you mean you came to town to kill my parents?” I hissed in a whisper; I was surprised that I’d yet to have a break down. Rane had been waiting and listening outside my house and the moment my parents had left my bed room, he’d slipped in nimbly through my window. My first question had been why he was in town, followed by how exactly he had known my parents. I don’t really know why I expected any different answers and how I didn’t piece the three pieces together; vampire, suddenly in town, my vampire hunter parents.

“Rane answer me,” I hissed after a moment’s silence.

He sighed and ran his hands through his curled locks. “I’m a seventy-five year old vampire prince; my duty is to my people Mia. Your parents are killing my people. Can you not understand why I’m here Mia?” he asked as he paced my carpeted floor.

I was silent for awhile until I whispered my thoughts, “Not all vampires are bad,” I suppose I was trying to remind myself of that.

“No Mia, we don’t get to choose our fate, just as you didn’t choose your parents.”

I tried to rub away the stress and tiredness from my eyes as I considered the fact that I was having a conversation with a vampire who wanted to murder my family, with nothing possible for me to do to stop him, and that I was taking it in very well.

“Mia, why did you save me tonight?” he asked, meeting my eyes. I picked at my quilt in silence as a blush crept into my cheeks. “Mia?” My name coming from his mouth caused shivers to do an Irish jig down my spine. He sat next to me suddenly causing me to jump. “You have nothing to fear from me.”

“Says the vampire that wants to freaking kill my parents,” I muttered, still refusing to meet his eyes.

He pulled my chin up with his finger and smiled, “Says the female that’s avoiding my question. Why did you save me?”

“I-” I took a deep breath as I was almost lost in his eyes. “I-I think that maybe… there’s a chance that I like you even though we just met and you want to kill my parents and the fact that you’re a vampire prince, so yeah there,” I said in a rush.

“Mia, Mia, Mia,” he whispered and he was so close our lips almost touched, his breath was warm on my face. “I think you should get some rest. We do have school tomorrow,” he said with a chuckle as he hopped up and strolled to the open window.

“I won’t be there,” I muttered as I glanced at the glaring red four AM on my clock. “Try to reconsider the whole killing my parents idea.” He perched on the sill with a thoughtful expression before dropping to the ground. “Or I might be the one coming after you with a stake next time.” His laughter echoed as he disappeared, I just hoped it wouldn’t come to that.

The thought of Rane being a vampire echoed through my brain constantly through the next day; I couldn’t seem to understand why that didn’t bother me more. My parents awoke at six and I found myself facing two very irate and frustrated adults.

“What in God’s name were you thinking?” my father asked.

“I…” come on think of a good lie, I told myself. “His shoes, I thought he was a guy from my school,” I answered.

“Shoes? And was he?”

“Well obviously not,” I muttered as I rubbed my healed neck.

“He could have killed you Mia, or worse,” my mother scorned. Or worse, he could have turned me; every hunter’s worse nightmare.

“But he didn’t, I’m perfectly fine guys, so are you two gong hunting?” I asked.

“Yes and you’re staying home. You are not to leave this house for any reason, do you understand me?” my father growled.

“Yes dad, I promise.” I was defiantly going to hell for all my half truths and lies.

“Good, we’ll see you later then,” they both kissed my forehead before grabbing their equipment and leaving the house.

“So much lying,” I jumped at Rane’s unsuspected voice.

“Holly crap, thanks for the heat attack,” I gasped, holding my heart.

“Let me restart it for you then,” his lips brushed mine softly, setting my heart into overdrive. “See, I knew that would do it,” he smirked.

“What made-”

“I wanted to last night but I had to see if I really could trust you. Tonight you earned my trust by lying on my behalf.”

“Yeah, still not sure why I did that,” I laughed nervously. “After all, you want to kill my freaking parents.”

“There is that,” he nodded as he jumped up onto the counter.

“So how did it happen?” I asked as I took a seat in one of the kitchen chairs.

“Me becoming a vampire?” he asked. I nodded, “I was born one,” he shrugged like he’d just told me the sky was blue or that snow falls from the sky.

“Say what? I thought you like had to be bitten,” I said, questioning his blunt answer.

“No, my father was the king before he was killed and my mother was at the time a vampire princess, she’s queen now. It’s how I became a vampire and became a prince.”

“Ok, I see.” No I didn’t. “My parents don’t know the half of it.”

“No Mia, they don’t.” Soon we began discussing random things like what it was like in the vampire world and my favorite colors. He’d just asked me about my favorite music when the front door’s lock clicked.

“Crap,” I muttered. “Rane?” I asked as I looked to the empty counter. All that remained was a swaying kitchen curtain. “Night Rane,” I whispered, knowing he’d hear me.

“Mia, are you still awake?” my mom asked as she came around the corner. “What are you up to?” she questioned.

“Just thinking,” I smiled. Thinking about how much trouble I was in by knowing and having feelings for Rane.

“Oh, Ok. Well we’re going to bed, night.”

“Night mom, I love you,” I said.

I made my way up stairs and sat at my window seat and looked at the drawing I had done on the first day when I’d seen Rane. I was a good artist but I’d never be able to match his beauty. The moon light shone into my room as I settled into bed and my last thought was that Rane stay safe.